Show #2  January 21, 2012  l

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Under the Influence: Kids of Alcoholics

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In 2011, Judy and I had the honor of sitting in on a portion of the Betty Ford Children's Program. Needless to say, we were very impressed. Our guest David Meggitt has a genuine passion for children of addicts and alcoholics and has made this his life's work.


Please join us this Saturday as we listen to David, along with our very special guests Denise and her son Matthew as they tell their story and give hope to others.

Below, is a link to a very powerful TV episode that our guest, Matthew was a part of. Please take a moment to watch it. You will not be sorry!

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One last request: please spread the word about this show and our future lineup by letting your friends know and forwarding this email.  
Your host, 
 PS: Next week our guest is Jeff Jay from Love First Intervention & Recovery Services who says: "I am passionate about intervention for a very simple reason, 'Intervention saved my life.'" ~ Read Jeff's story 

Linda Ellerbee Hosts: "Under the Influence: Kids of Alcoholics"

"My son Matthew and I are glad to help and hope his story reaches someone. This is the episode of Nick News he was on. It won an Emmy. Such a powerful message! Thank for letting him share it." ~Denise

"I want kids to know it's not easy when your parent drinks and uses drugs but you can make good choices and you can love your parent and hate the addiction.  I want kids to really understand it's not their fault and that they don't have to follow their parent's footsteps."  ~Matthew


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Why Don't They
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What families and friends need to know about addiction and recovery

~by Joe Herzanek
  LR WDTJQ Book on Black    
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