This is the time of year we really like to take advantage of experiencing God's beauty here in Colorado. We hope you take time to do the same, wherever you live--whether it's a ten mile hike, a walk in the park or a Sunday drive. For those of you not too familiar with the computer, this newsletter contains many links. Almost all images and everything that is underlined will take you to a new page (when you click on it) where you can read more. Our Facebook pages and Blog have received a lot of activity recently--especially for the article below "Addicts Don't Want to Die" written by one of our "addict's moms." We even received one comment: "This is the best article I have ever read"! Please take a moment to read and share with someone who needs to hear this. Check out some great new posts on our blog (Drug Abuse in Older People, Grandparents as Parents, Wife of an Alcoholic) and FREE shipping from "Why Don't They Just Quit?" Family Resources Storefront with products shipped directly from us for the lowest pricing available (including our NEW DVD for families struggling with ANY addiction-- pictured to the right).
>Scroll to the bottom of this newsletter for a FREE SHIPPING coupon (newsletter subscribers only).
Please join our Private Facebook Group for family members (ask to join and we will sign you in). We now have over 2,058 wonderful members!
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Also, if you don't see our images, please click the link at the top that says "display images" (this happens from time to time--where you have to tell your computer you want to see the pictures).
We appreciate your prayers and support and thanks for your comments and posts to our blog and Facebook pages. God Bless each and every one of you!
~ Joe & Judy Herzanek
Please with anyone you know who is dealing with addiction and can use some support and encouragement.
ATTENTION: Our blog does not work for Internet Explorer users. Please log in with Safari, Chrome or Firefox and links will work just fine.
"Addicts don't want their children
to grow up without parents."
~ Written by an "anonymous addict's mom," posted to the "I Hate Heroin" Facebook Community Page the day following the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman (reprinted with permission).
It's easier to think that drug addiction happens to other people, to them, over there. Reality tells us that it happens far more often than we want to believe. It's a false sense of security.
Drug Abuse in Older People
"Raising the topic of addiction with
an older relative or parent can be very
difficult but it is important to speak up
if you are concerned."
Recognizing the signs of alcoholism or other addictions in ourselves, or others, is always difficult, but there is one segment of the population in which the signs may be particularly easy to overlook.
Older people are increasingly likely to be affected by addiction, but their needs are often missed because of the assumption that addiction is something that only affects younger people.
Sober Living, Halfway Homes, Family Help, Online Resources and More.
Are you tearing your hair out trying to find reasonably-priced help for an addicted loved one?
Are you also looking for help for yourself and your family as you deal with their addiction?
From Our
Changing Lives Foundation Blog
"The truth was, I still loved this man"
This story below was sent to us at Changing Lives Foundation. We share this candid and powerful account of one woman's struggle and ultimate healing (with the author's permission) with hope that it will provide inspiration to others who may be experiencing some of the same struggles.
- Is a Relapse--Failure?
- If someone can stop using . . . they "aren't" an addict--correct?
- If both parents are addicts, does that increase the child's chances of addiction?
Please visit our Changing Lives Foundation: Family Addiction Help Facebook Page and "like us" to receive multiple daily updates of "hand-picked" addiction recovery news and information.
(click here)
Also available on Amazon.com
Proud Member of Northern Colorado and Wyoming BBB NAADAC and ACA(American Correctional Association)
Families Need Help Too
Answers for families facing addiction for the first time!
Yes, addicts DO recover and families can and do get better. See coupon below for 20% off your entire order (newsletter subscribers only)
Grandparents as Parents:
"Brady, I'm your grandmother; and because I take care of you, I'm also your mom; you have two in one!"
~Lynne Gassel

"I'm unable to attend face to face meetings. Groups, like Changing Lives have literally been a lifesaver to me."
~Recent comment from an anonymous member FACEBOOK
Changing Lives Private Group
. . . a place to find support from those who have "been there" and a place where you can help others
This is a private group--which means anyone can join and safely post without "the world" being able to see.
Someone will sign you in. Please join over 2,000 wonderful members. |
What families and friends need to know about addiction and recovery
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| Offer Expires: JULY 31st, 2014 * Free Shipping applies to Media Rate option only
The information provided in this email is for educational purposes
only. The views expressed herein are those of the author only. Knowing
that each person's situation is different it is very important that you
meet with/consult a professional in this field before acting on any
perceived advice given.
Chaplain Joe Herzanek, (Certified Addiction Professional, CAC ll) President: Changing Lives Foundation Providing families in crisis with over 30 years of real-life, hands-on experience and success.
Contact Us for additional info or to place bulk orders for your group or purchase products over the phone