Show #3  January 28, 2012  l

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How do I Intervene?
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"I am passionate about intervention
for a very simple reason, Intervention saved my life." 


Jeff Jay/Love First
Show #3
January 28, 2012
How do I Intervene?
Jeff Jay

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Call: 303.713.8255 with your comment or question
Welcome to Eye on Addiction Radio



Have you ever wondered . . . if an intervention might be a good thing--to get your friend or loved one to begin treatment?

Joe Herzanek, Eye on Addiction Radio
Have you asked yourself any of these questions: Do interventions work? What if this person never speaks to me again? What if they get angry and "bolt"?


Please join us this Saturday as Jeff Jay (Love First Intervention and Recovery Services)shares his wisdom and real-life experience helping others get their loved ones into recovery. Call in during the show with your comments and questions at: 303.713.8255.

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Your host, 
 PS: Next week our very timely topic is PAIN MEDICATION ABUSE: how and why people become addicted to Pain Meds. Our guest will be Dr. Mel Pohl, author of the book "A Day Without Pain" and Medical Director of the Las Vegas Recovery Center.    

Please Visit Our

David Meggitt&Matthew
In case you missed our show from last week . . .
Children of Addicts: The Innocent Victims

"They gave me my child back
He's a happy-go-lucky kid again"

~Matthew's Mom, Denise


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Love First, Jeff Jay

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