Thanksgiving has come and gone and more holidays are just ahead. We've gathered some recent posts this month for your quick review. Our Facebook pages and Blog have received a lot of activity recently--especially for the article below "Yes!!! I am an Addict's Mom." written by one of our online readers.
Thanks for your comments and posts to our blog and Facebook pages. Your friendship, prayers, support mean everything to us as we continue to reach out to hurting families.
God Bless each and every one of you! ~ Joe & Judy Herzanek
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Please with anyone you know who is dealing with addiction and can use some support and encouragement.
~ Written by one of the Moms online who has such wisdom to share with us all. Also posted to The Addict's Mom website by TAM Blogger Judy Herzanek. Comments included: "Could have been written by me" "Beautifully written!" "I can totally relate."
I am an addict's mom.
I stand before you able to state without hesitation that Yes, I am an addicts mom. I have learned to look past those judgmental stares, sensing what you are thinking, that I must be "one of those Moms." That somewhere, somehow, I made some horrific choices that sent my child into the depths of hell.
For families who have to endure the holidays with a loved one stuck in a cycle of addiction, this time of the year, meant to be the most joyous for families--can be dreaded for some.
Utah ranks eighth in the country for deaths from prescription drug overdose, and 71 percent of those fatalities are linked to prescription opiate abuse. But why would residents of Utah, who are statistically some of the healthiest people in the country, allow themselves to succumb to drug addiction and death, even against the tenets of their most popular religion?
I need help because I'm not able to deal with my live-in fiance's need to get drunk every night. I'm not comfortable with it.
He says I need counseling to just deal with it because. . .
- Is a Relapse--Failure?
- If someone can stop using . . . they "aren't" an addict--correct?
- If both parents are addicts, does that increase the child's chances of addiction?
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Are you tearing your hair out trying to find reasonably-priced help for an addicted loved one?
Are you also looking for help for yourself and your family as you deal with their addiction?
From Our
Changing Lives Foundation Blog
Addiction is called a 'family disease' yet many will dispute this by responding "I do not have the problem."
~By Kathy Brock Frasier, Regional Director, The Addict's Mom
He/she has the problem because he /she is the one taking drugs." However, addiction wraps its tentacles tightly around those closest to the addict, most typically family and friends. Good times, family events, love, happiness and joy are replaced by an obsession to stop the destructive behavior of the addict. Family resentment is fueled by the "enabler" who repeatedly attempts to fix the problem, using consequences that are otherwise effective with non-addicted children.
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Over time, I have come to expect that the phone-ringing picks up the pace during the holidays. Make some plans now to begin doing the right things AND to stop doing some or all of the wrong things. Plan to learn what works and unlearn or quit doing what will never work.
"I'm unable to attend face to face meetings. Groups, like Changing Lives have literally been a lifesaver to me."
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only. The views expressed herein are those of the author only. Knowing
that each person's situation is different it is very important that you
meet with/consult a professional in this field before acting on any
perceived advice given.
Chaplain Joe Herzanek, (Certified Addiction Professional, CAC ll) President: Changing Lives Foundation Providing families in crisis with over 30 years of real-life, hands-on experience and success.
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