Summer is already midway through. Can you believe it? Let's all take some time to relax a bit and reflect on our blessings. Our lives are busy at Changing Lives. As Chaplain, I continue to counsel with and meet the needs of the inmates at the Weld County Jail (Greeley, CO). Judy facilitates our online private group for families dealing with addiction, and provides our readers (you) with helpful info from our blog, three websites, educational books, CDs and DVDs. This month we are excited to partner with The Addict's Mom to bring you a wonderful 60-min. podcast, "Addicted Child? What do you do?" (see below).
Also in this newsletter: > The Still-Drinking Alcoholic's Award-Winning Show > New book review: Mountain Air, Relapsing and Finding the Way Back . . . One Breath at a Time > Celebrity Drug Addiction: The Curse of the Child Star > Drug Addiction Relapse: The Revolving Door . . . and much more.
We are working on a brand new resource to help families caught up in the horrible Meth problem this nation is facing. Details soon!
Judy and I thank you for all the posts, prayers, support and feedback on our blog and Facebook pages. God Bless,
~ Joe & Judy Herzanek
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Addicted Child? What do you do? * The Addict's Mom Podcast
"Very enlightening; this has shifted my perspective so much!" ~Barbara Theodosiou, Founder: The Addict's Mom
This could be the most important hour you ever spend.
~Written by Toby Drews, author, "Getting Them Sober"
"We almost totally believe the "show" that the still-drinking alcoholic puts on to get us to do what he wants." View Post
Please visit our Changing Lives Facebook Page and "like us" to receive multiple daily updates of "hand-picked" addiction recovery news and information. (click here)
We read of the notorious "curse of the child star": a staggering number of child celebrities grow up facing poor decision-making as a result of untreated drug and alcohol addiction. View Post
Drug addiction relapse happens often. It happens more than we would like to admit. Addiction has been called a chronic relapsing disease. Addiction relapse is when the person in recovery chooses to try some controlled using again after attempting to remain abstinent. View Post
BOOKS WORTH READING: Mountain Air: Relapsing and Finding the Way Back . . . One Breath at a Time
~by Holli Kenley, M.A., MFT
A unique, insightful and one-of-a-kind way to look at "Finding the way back."
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You'll find a list of our favorites, and can click to read our review for each.
Sober Living, Halfway Homes, Family Help, Online Resources and More.
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Why Don't They Just Quit?
What families and friends need to know about addiction and recovery
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Highly RecommendedThe perfect companion to Toby Drews' bestselling series of books, " Getting Them Sober'' Covers dozens of topics, that Toby has counseled families about for the last 30+ years, such as:"PROBLEMS'' DON'T CAUSE ALCOHOLISM
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THANKS! ~Judy |