 Happy Thanksgiving!
We are blessed to have you in our lives--our loyal readers and supporters. This month we've gathered some of our latest posts, new additions to our resource lists (including our popular "Low Cost, No Cost Resources") and also brought back a few of our all-time favorites to help you during this holiday season. Please take a quick "scroll" down the page to see what's available. You can also click "having trouble viewing this email?" at the top, save the link and refer back to our newsletter when you have more time to read.
ALSO: We're very close to announcing our exciting new DVD for families dealing with a Meth problem!
Please join our Private Facebook Group for family members (ask to join and we will sign you in). We now have over 1,500 wonderful members!
We appreciate your posts, prayers, support and comments to our blog and Facebook pages. God Bless,
~ Joe & Judy Herzanek
Please with anyone you know who is dealing with addiction and can use some support and encouragement.
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I was blind to how my actions were affecting my brother and two sisters.~Joe Herzanek
For some families, holidays are just another excuse to get together to eat good food and to have a good time. They're not looking for articles like this one because they've somehow figured out the formula for successful family togetherness with minimum stress. If you have a challenging family, it's only human to be a bit jealous to see other folks living out the holiday fantasy when you're just trying to live through it. This article "10 tops for Surviving Holidays with the Dysfunctional Family" is full of great info. READ MORE
I've watched Nikki from afar. She has overcome a life-destroying meth addiction, established a new "fairy tale" life in the mountains of Colorado; was on top of the world as she celebrated her first Christmas in decades with her two grown sons. Then suddenly without warning, her world was shattered.
~Judy Herzanek
Sober Living, Halfway Homes, Family Help, Online Resources and More.
Are you tearing your hair out trying to find reasonably-priced help for an addicted loved one?
Are you also looking for help for yourself and your family as you deal with their addiction?
From Our
Changing Lives Foundation Blog
Many thanks to our friend Sandy Swenson for sharing her blog post with us.
"If the addict is pleased with your help, you're probably enabling. If the addict is pissed as hell, you're probably helping the person you love."
Most enablers are well-intentioned. We act out of kindness, not realizing we've been lured to the tip of the skewer by the addict.
- Is a Relapse--Failure?
- If someone can stop using . . . they "aren't" an addict--correct?
- If both parents are addicts, does that increase the child's chances of addiction?
Please visit our Changing Lives Foundation Facebook Page and "like us" to receive multiple daily updates of "hand-picked" addiction recovery news and information.
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BOOKS WORTH READING: ~by David Parnell
Unbelievable. David Parnell has lived a life that most people would never dream of in their worst nightmares. His story of methamphetamine addiction, "unthinkable acts" and ultimate recovery are truly "unbelievable."
You'll find a list of our favorites, and can click to read our review for each.
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NEW on Kindle:
Highly RecommendedThe perfect companion to Toby Drews' bestselling series of books, " Getting Them Sober'' Covers dozens of topics, that Toby has counseled families about for the last 30+ years, such as:"PROBLEMS'' DON'T CAUSE ALCOHOLISM
Changing Lives Private Group
. . . a place to find support from those who have "been there" and a place where you can help others
 This is a private group--which means anyone can join and safely post without "the world" being able to see.
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Why Don't They Just Quit? What families and friends need to know about addiction and recovery
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