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Read previous issues of The St. Augustine Report
The St. Augustine Report, a weekly newsletter, is published by former Mayor George Gardner (2002-2006). Featured are previews and follow-up reports of City Commission meetings. Contact The Report at, 904.669.1348.
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Previous Issues

  • St. Augustine Report September 10 2016
  • Is shipwreck Ribault's fleet? / Meide - Almost certainly the Trinite / $9 million loan for major water project / 911 ceremony on Sunday / Lincolnville, Limelight anniversaries / Taxi ordinance in public hearing / Mooring fields extension, Flagler garage agreement on commission agenda / Resolution says change in water quality standards creates 'higher risk threshold' / Relive the 'original' First Muster / Honoring Fred Francis
  • St. Augustine Report September 7 2016
  • Candidate Forum 2016 in October / Meet the candidates / First Coast Opera in Orlando benefit concert / City utilities team aids Tallahassee / A weekend for Veterans Day / Jamestown v. St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report August 31 2016
  • Horvath, Stafford win primary / Corridor updates begin in October / New Historical Society Director / Three vacancies on Planning Board / Artwork can win Castillo pass / Play it Forward for youth / Catlin - archivist or huckster?
  • St. Augustine Report August 24 2016
  • Revised financing policy to encourage cottage industries / Aviles named fire chief / B&B appeal fails for off-site parking / One-way streets OK - with review / Taxi ordinance advances / Preservation rebuffs demolition on 35 San Marco / An Unfulfilled Request
  • St. Augustine Report August 20 2016
  • Francis Field to be Francis Field' / 34 make the cut on TDC grant list / Lightner After Hours / Ageless, mile-less taxi code returns / Public hearings on One-way streets, Fire fee resolution / 2 appeals on agenda / Alan F. Kay 1926-2016 / Revamping connection financing / Happy 150th Lincolnville 1866-2016 / Photographer captured an era
  • St. Augustine Report August 17 2016
  • Fort Mose rising again / TDC tables funding for Lightner tenting / Galimore Pool stretches summer / National Park Service singing for its 100th / Flagler College renews police officers' contract / Guinta's Well of Bones is a well of excitement / New design for 35 San Marco Avenue / Honoring Seminole War fallen / Seminole War's end
  • St. Augustine Report August 10 2016
  • Quick 'flexible' fix for mobility, livability / Agenda adjustment for 'high public interest' / Sunday parades approved / Title search first on $700,000 property / SOLD! 1 Nelmar $135,000 / TDC funds for tenting? / Slice of Moon gets slew of awards / 37th Festival celebrates Lincolnville's 150th / 'A hero among men'
  • St. Augustine Report August 6 2016
  • Cutting off cut-throughs / $120 million, 5 year challenge for city / Modification could allow Easter Sunday Parade / City website getting social / Fire Chief Costeira announces retirement / Wreaths Across America 2016 campaign begins / Limelight ramps up for fall season / And Some Were Spies
  • St. Augustine Report August 3 2016
  • 1st mobility workshop a success / Management exec's contract comments / Mobility speakers added / No summer break for historic board / Pages from a Menorcan Diary
  • St. Augustine Report July 27 2016
  • Mobility contract's first change order, $11,476 / Moderate fee increase for city fire services / Job offer for commissioners / Chimes ring true for commissioners / Taxi ordinance to shed limits on age, mileage / One way streets get a narrow pass / City bed tax 'a heavy lift' / Scholarships for six / Flagler the railroad man
  • St. Augustine Report July 26 2016
  • Special Report honoring the fallen soldados at Forts Picolata, San Francisco de Pupo and San Diego, 1739 - 1740
  • St. Augustine Report July 23 2016
  • Mobility workshops to reach into city's neighborhoods / Lobbying for bed tax help for preservation / City unveils new website / Fire fee increase returns to commission Monday / One-ways proposed for Lincolnville streets / Chimes for Hayling Park proposed / Flagler professor looks at law enforcement / National sentiment for Seminoles
  • St. Augustine Report July 20 2016
  • Lowe's, Publix, Family Dollar openings / Help Wanted for two citizen boards / Redressing St. Francis statue /Heritage at risk summit at Flagler / Mobility survey 3 'hot button' topics / Honoring the Florida War dead / Red Patriots
  • St. Augustine Report July 13 2016
  • Zora Neale Hurston Memorial Park / Pressure and caution on city joining Reserve / City is assessing Park/shuttle plan / Fire fee increase moves to later public hearing / Commission advances 7.5 millage proposal / Motorcycle noise 'part of my life' / Parking garage 3 million and counting / His vision, our legacy
  • St. Augustine Report July 9 2016
  • 7.5 city millage rate is likely to continue / Hayling Park signage, landscaping in review / Public Hearing on fire fee / Motorcycle mufflers get a hearing Monday / Legalistics on joining Estuarine Reserve / The Timucua
  • St. Augustine Report July 6 2016
  • 5,000 shuttle to fireworks / Mobility task force sets meeting schedule, 2nd survey / Vilano sign program / Caution on bed tax realignment / Working Blacksmith at Fountain of Youth / America's first anthem was here
  • St. Augustine Report June 29 2016
  • Candidates meet in 1st round in 2016 campaign / Noise abatement meets mobility plan / County to review bed tax allotments / City advances increase in fire fees / Taxi ordinance advances / Grant for 6 additional firefighters / Commissioner Neville, Mayor Shaver clash / Church and royal houses
  • St. Augustine Report June 25 2016
  • Noise and communication at City Commission workshop / Pilot park/shuttle plan for the 4th / Eight in city races as qualifying ends / Umbrella ordinance for vehicles for hire / City financial strength reflected in bond bids / City moves closer to May Street fix / Operation Pastorius, June 1942
  • St. Augustine Report June 22 2016
  • Noise ordinance workshop / Survey says congestion, parking top challenges / Hotelier Kanti Patel Buys Marion Motel / LAMP seeks $500,000 grant / Coquina St. Augustine's building block
  • St. Augustine Report June 15 2016
  • Mobility, July 4 pilot parking plan debated / July 4 pilot plan a work in progress / Lincolnville
    committee in search of mission statement / Name that park /Spanish Bluecoats 1720s - 1760s
  • St. Augustine Report June 11 2016
  • Mobility drives Monday's City Commission agenda / Accommodating July 4 traffic / Artists' lawsuit in commission review / Historic saunter Saturday / Local artist models history / Spanish Bluecoats 1720s - 1760s
  • St. Augustine Report June 8 2016
  • Litlejohn, big task - Trio of meets open mobility planning / Mayor - Quick wins and comprehensive solutions / Restaurant to replace Colonial Quarter gift shop / The Spanish Treasure Fleets (2)
  • St. Augustine Report June 1 2016
  • Bumpy start for city's Mobility Task Force / Concerts begin in the Plaza / Trump gives $50,000 to K9s for Warriors / Literary Legend Awardee selected for Bookfest 2016 / Veterans Treatment Court budgeted / Drake to raid city once again / The Spanish Treasure Fleets (1)
  • St. Augustine Report May 25 2016
  • Events moratorium passes - Francis Field events and parade limits / $23,426.98 in city costs for events / Resident: 'Exercise mobility and civility' / $1.9 million documentary on city's 'unwritten history' / Hurricanes shaped our founding
  • St. Augustine Report May 21 2016
  • $23 million Flagler College dorm, garage project begins / Commission to consider ban on new field events / Mobility Task Force named, open house planned in June / Our counties' names
  • St. Augustine Report May 18 2016
  • A master plan for Historic preservation / Preservation awards to reporter, obelisk project / Ticket booth for Colonial Quarter / Demolition request for 1894 building / The Castillo de San Marcos
  • St. Augustine Report May 11 2016
  • Good month for history / Sewage spills draw state order / Forum to prepare preservation plan / Santa Elena challenges St. Augustine as 1st city / Satellite parking plan advances / Vested event venues approved / Naval Cannon
  • St. Augustine Report May 7 2016
  • Working together to 'reimagine the Visitor Information Center' / Homelessness, Culture added to strategic plan / Rules for naming city parks and facilities / Reserve plan for Enterprise Funds / Graduating seniors to get city Citizenship Awards / 'Unexciting' St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report May 4 2016
  • 1782 shipwreck exhibit opens Friday at Lighthouse Museum / Fence dedication for Tolomato / Halls, Rangs to receive de Aviles Awards May 9 / Graham is Florida's Public Works Director of the Year / No Trash Dumping / $541,548.49 legal fees in lengthy lawsuits / Galimore pool, concerts to start summer / The legend of the fountain
  • St. Augustine Report April 27 2016
  • Access realignment, added parking for public library / Bad month for gun incidents / Test ground for peak traffic periods / Woman's Exchange to be recognized for Pena-Peck / Whetstone case ends with city win / More detail asked on taxi services / Add Abingdon, England, as possible sister city / Menendez' enslavement plan
  • St. Augustine Report April 23 2016
  • Sebastian Inland Harbor project restart in 2022? / San Marco/May Street FDOT hearing Tuesday / Hidden Colonial Quarter / Proposed taxi limits would reduce fleets / Dozen apply as Special Event Venues / HARB alternate positions - 2; applications, 1 / Freeman has challenger in commission race / Imagining la Florida
  • St. Augustine Report April 20 2016
  • Full HARB agenda / Milltop replication / Bold Lion and St. Augustine / Looking to curb cut-through traffic / Region celebrates Earth Day / Imagining la Florida
  • St. Augustine Report April 13 2016
  • Distance to funding is greater than length of SR 313 bypass / Our forts celebrate National Park Week / Only Zita concern area in county - downtown / City among PBS series' 10 That Changed America / What Where When? historic photos / Earliest Cuban relations
  • St. Augustine Report April 9 2016
  • All joking aside, global warming is real / Cut thru cutoffs? / Update on SR 312 bypass / $6.85 million in projects on tap for drinking water / Three incumbents, three challengers for city seats / Historic decision makers
  • St. Augustine Report April 6 2016
  • Hearing for congested intersection / St. John's Printing has closed its doors / Truck delivery regs a work in progress / El Gale�n returns to home port here / Sea level rise by 2100 could compromise historic heritage / The Huguenot Cemetery
  • St. Augustine Report March 30 2016
  • Thoughts on congestion and increasing revenue / 60th annual Easter Parade / Police Commander Fricke latest of four to retire / City budget director named / St. Augustine's seawall
  • St. Augustine Report March 23 2016
  • History sauntering on St. George Street / Mayor seeks input to solve congestion / Lueders retiring, Fox will succeed / Express lanes for I-95 / 1888 Milltop Tavern demolished / Easter weekend / La Parada de los Caballos y Coches
  • St. Augustine Report March 16 2016
  • Multi-faceted solution for traffic congestion / Mayor 'committed' to reenactor support / Parade fee out of reach / Blessing of the Fleet / Taxi mileage limits on hold / Busy Spring period, continued / Women of St. Augustine (2 of 2)
  • St. Augustine Report March 12 2016
  • Halls, Rangs nominated for city's de Aviles Awards / Wendler case goes behind closed doors / Attention shifts to waterways / Special event venues, taxis on agenda / Mayor to propose Greek sister city / Women of St. Augustine (1 of 2)
  • St. Augustine Report March 9 2016
  • City commissioner's son arrested / Menorcan Heritage Celebration / Here comes New York thru Daily News piece / A weekend for the Irish / The Menorcan exodus
  • St. Augustine Report March 2 2016
  • Chief taking firebombing 'Very seriously' / Recycle plastic bags? No / Yacht Club seeks a dock of its own / No relief for artists yet / Honoring St. Augustine's women / Seminole War incident
  • St. Augustine Report February 24 2016
  • 'Unintended consequences' gain approval for Madeira / Special event tweaking to include PUD bypass / Cathedral Fest in 31st year / HARB, Lincolnville CRA appointments finalized / Next hot button:312 bypass / St Augustine in World War II
  • St. Augustine Report February 20 2016
  • Madeira 3rd hearing before commission Monday / Businesses not wedded to special event regs / Board appointments on commission agenda / Neighborhood Grant program 2016 / The Martyrs of Ajacan
  • St. Augustine Report February 17 2016
  • FOY, National Cemetery in National Register review / Happy 450th Santa Elena / Memorial Service for Dr. Hayling / Ben & Jerry's coming? / Neighborhood Workbooks online / Santa Elena, La Florida
  • St. Augustine Report February 10 2016
  • City's PUD revisions 'incredibly important' / Madeira extensions move to February 22 / Hastings retires / Dorms now in city code / St. Augustine's Golden Age of film making / A Legacy of Faith - Sisters of St. Joseph
  • St. Augustine Report February 6 2016
  • Request to rescind vote on Madeira extensions / Final action on 7-Eleven site sale / Dr. Hayling Freedom Park / HARB alternates on agenda / Tweak of Anastasia corridor standards / Hotel, PUDs, dorms in final action / Holmes Ammidown
  • St. Augustine Report February 3 2016
  • No Noche de Gala - No sponsor for annual Menendez birthday fete / First blooms of Campaign 2016 / Thoughts on congested city / Slice of Moon a good read / Never Fight a Shark in Water presentation / The Hurricane Lady
  • St. Augustine Report January 27 2016
  • Commission rejects time extension for Madeira / Interim tweaking for taxi ordinance / Commission approves 7-Eleven sale to FDOT / Canoes new Government House exhibit / Lightner Museum in social media / Osceola - January 1838
  • St. Augustine Report January 23 2016
  • $1 million FDOT offer for May Street property / Proposed cab ordinance could create burdens / Downton Abbey to visit Lightner / San Marco Hotel plans advancing / Dorms, PUDs, mobility on agenda / Obelisk project wins Diversity Award / Her harbor come back to its own
  • St. Augustine Report January 20 2016
  • Quest for Lady of La Leche / Media and elections - Who's really winning? / Our Native Past archaeologically / College has tourism courses / 155 years ago - Confederate St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report January 13 2016
  • Colonial Quarter - Living history or food court? / Parks good start to the New Year / Citizen dig permits: Commission - No! / Dr. Robert B. Hayling 1929-2015 / Recognizing good works / Sophisticated survey of community / Planners get a 'well done' for workbooks / Black Jacks - Early America's Mariners
  • St. Augustine Report January 9 2016
  • Neighborhood workbook - Residents can evaluate their zoning protection / Whatchathink survey - 450, streets win award / Creating parks and conserving our land / Resolution opposes Citizen Archaeology Permits / Self-storage facilities ordinance proposed / Veterans' stories on PBS / Oldest Wood School House
  • St. Augustine Report January 6 2016
  • PZB rejects dormitories in city neighborhoods / Three city races in 2016 elections / Smart Criminal Justice Reform / The Old Spanish Trail
  • St. Augustine Report December 30 2015
  • 2015 - the year in review / Top Ten - City buys 7-Eleven site ^ Dow property PUD approved ^ Spanish Royal Couple visits ^ Major redesign for May Street/San Marco ^ Flagler announces dorms, parking garage ^ VA clinic move ^ Obelisks for compassion ^ Lions replicas gifted to city ^ Hand-built chalupa completed ^ 450th anniversary
  • St. Augustine Report December 23 2015
  • Nights of Lights photo / Political cartoonist created iconic Santa / Clement Clarke Moore's poem / a visit from St. Nicholas
  • St. Augustine Report December 16 2015
  • Commission discusses toy vehicles, trucks & parking / Good gifts - parks and conservation areas / First food in America
  • St. Augustine Report December 12 2015
  • Residents mount campaign against city's noisemakers / Parking added for holidays / Truck traffic report goes to commission / Historic preservation wants input / Grants for cultural efforts / St. Augustine Hardships
  • St. Augustine Report December 9 2015
  • Flagler College plan passes 2nd city board / Place wreaths Saturday / Riberia Pointe moves toward passive park / Conserving city park lands / Dark December days
  • St. Augustine Report December 2 2015
  • Welcome the holidays / Parades / HARB tries expedited hearings / The American Thanksgiving
  • St. Augustine Report November 25 2015
  • Major projects on King Street - Flagler College dorm and parking facility, four-story hotel / Santa Maria demolition OKd / Arts and Crafts Festival / Former West King Street grocery to be demolished / Seraphin lawsuit settled / 700 pounds of food for needy / Tweaking begins for May Street redesign / Mission exhibits silver artifacts / The Indians at Fort Marion
  • St. Augustine Report November 18 2015
  • City Commission will discuss congestion resolution tomorrow / Comment - Consent for the governed / Nights of Lights a time of giving / Osceola's final days
  • St. Augustine Report November 11 2015
  • Huge roundabout for May Street congestion? / Commission bludgeons burgeoning bureaucracy / Amended thinking on further discussion / Decorum rules win over mayor's concern / Two alternates for review board / Maritime Fun Fest and Lincolnville Festival / In Flanders fields
  • St. Augustine Report November 7 2015
  • 300th for city Coat of Arms / Grants for neighborhoods, reenactors on city agenda / Looking at city board alternates / Wendler lawsuit in review in 6th year / Resolution for decorum on Monday's agenda / St. Augustine's Coat of Arms
  • St. Augustine Report November 4 2015
  • Veterans Day 2016 - Area events, parade to honor veterans / Vernacular, art deco - HARB: where, what? / Parking facility reaches 3 million / Il Silenzio - Netherlands remembers war dead
  • St. Augustine Report October 28 2015
  • May Street - Alternative 5? / Nights of Lights 2015 December to Remember / Planning to fix flooding / HARB to get alternate pool / The Timucuans
  • St. Augustine Report October 24 2015
  • High end hotel plan in review - Art deco style for Anastasia Boulevard / May Street plans, - go or no go? / Scholars to discuss Old St. Augustine / City wish list to State Legislature / HARB structure review continues / Pedro Menendez' character
  • St. Augustine Report October 21 2015
  • No decision Monday on May Street congestion? /
    A cut thru the park? / 36th Annual Lincolnville Festival / Mende Film Festival October 29 / The many faces of veterans / Vain flight from Fort Caroline
  • St. Augustine Report October 14 2015
  • Resignation, quorum issues shuffle board meeting date / Meeting decorum review continues / Conservation areas favored / Town & Gown files final report / Spooks and spooky tours / Ships in Menendez' fleet
  • St. Augustine Report October 7 2015
  • May Street redesign: Will it be the solution? / City trash, recycling changes in November / City research projects contribute to milestone / October opens busy fall season / The Republic of Florida -briefly
  • St. Augustine Report September 30 2015
  • May Street congestion is 1st city mobility task / Ordinance advances for outdoor dining / Defamation suit is off the table / Veterans salute November 8 / The faces of early Florida
  • St. Augustine Report September 26 2015
  • Obelisks being placed / How it all began / Plans advance for a colonial parade / Outdoor dining for Artillery Lane? / Report on defamation standards / In the mail - St. Augustine's city gate / Chairs from the Big Apple
  • St. Augustine Report September 23 2015
  • The royal visit - King pledges future generation visits / Night Watch reorganizing / Forgotten history to be demolished / Saving old buildings good investment / Obelisk Art 450 being installed / Spanish regiment, fencing, 1738 kids life / Florida Book Festival / Look for senior discounts / Iconic gate, pool copies / St. Augustine's city gate
  • St. Augustine Report September 16 2015
  • Protocol for royal visit / Riberia Street rezoning moves to public hearing / City Attorney to probe defamation charge / Monk's Vineyard goes to HARB / Fraser demolition request returns / St. Augustine museums join Museum Day Live! / Matanzas - right or wrong?
  • St. Augustine Report September 12 2015
  • Riberia street rebirth meets growth concerns / Local Heroes - Six runners to be honored / 2016 millage, budget pass 1st hearing / $500,000 for dredging projects / Sure bets for PZB appointment / Belonging: The Civil War's South / Matanzas
  • St. Augustine Report September 9 2015
  • 'History guru' digitizes St. Augustine's story / Royal visit / El Gale�n Andaluc�a / Obelisk Art 450 / Celebrate St. Augustine / Veterans Day parade military strong / A Classic Theatre meet & greet / After founding, first muster / Menendez' work not done
  • St. Augustine Report August 26 2015
  • VA clinic on track / Dow PUD approved / Corneal in IRS 1031 exchange? / Who is David Corneal? / Celebrate 450! coming up short / Ensemble Espanol is a 'Miracle' / 'With many banners spread'
  • St. Augustine Report August 22 2015
  • Dow PUD proposal faces final test Monday / City to call on UF for sea level study / Sometimes small is good / Mingle with history on 450th weekend / Compassion shines in obelisks / '... a comet appeared'
  • St. Augustine Report August 19 2015
  • More to commemorate than settlement success / Once a week trash pickup in discussions / History in print / PUD debate continues, final action on Monday / Unprepared for guerrilla warfare / Epic voyage continues
  • St. Augustine Report August 12 2015
  • Event fees go back to the drawing board / Commission supports hotelier's parking appeal / Order your bunting / New city clerk / Demolition delay wins approval 4-1 / HARB expansion needs more details / Commemorating a forgotten war / 7 wagons drawn by elegant mules
  • St. Augustine Report August 8 2015
  • Hotelier continues struggle with off-site parking appeal / More on Dow PUD / Commission to discuss expansion of HARB / Event fee scale
    on city agenda / Demolition delay faces public hearing / Celebrating Gullah Geechee culture / Asiento
  • St. Augustine Report July 29 2015
  • Unknown multi-family properties discovered / Dow PUD wins first round 3-2 / Demolition delay ordinance advances / City clerk retiring / Commission wants more detail on event venues / HARB gets new member / Galimore lease OKd for school / EMMA presents Fiesta 450! / The Age of Piracy
  • St. Augustine Report July 25 2015
  • City, artists return to US District Court / Corneal projects face commission / Special events venues face public hearing / Montessori School asks use of Galimore Center / Seminole War commemoration in August / The Africans
  • St. Augustine Report July 22 2015
  • Revolt Against Tourism / Dow PUD goes to commission Monday / Royals to visit / Inlet dredging under way / VA clinic site search renewed / Commentary - Why park and shuttle's on back burner / The Indians
  • St. Augustine Report July 15 2015
  • Revenue drop in 2016 - really? / Maps for Celebrate 450! / Claret Jug at Hall of Fame / Noise ordinance on hold; noise not / Seeking funds for smaller events / Parking facility paying city's way / Hurricanes shaped our founding
  • St. Augustine Report July 11 2015
  • Millage rate may stay at 7.5 for seventh year / Plans to offset jump in trash dumping fees / Design standards go to public hearing / Aviles artist visiting here / Event management goes into a matrix / Waterworks rehab underway / Spanish Street one-way / St. Augustine's General Hardin /
  • St. Augustine Report July 8 2015
  • Dow duel continues with public meetings / Sharing preservation love with Putnam history unit / Movies at marina and amphitheatre / Exploring roots of Tovar House / Tovar Cannonball House
  • St. Augustine Report July 2 2015
  • Town and Gown tackles college needs, city concerns / 2nd time around for San Marco uses / Fireworks over the Matanzas / Summer reads / Florida Cracker Horse / Lions for bridge - Part Two / Chalupa Rowing Challenge / Siege of 1702 filmed for PBS / Siege of 1702
  • St. Augustine Report June 24 2015
  • City bans on performers are headed back to court / Special Event Venues await second hearing / PUD zoning goes to town hall meeting / Town halls hype Celebrate 450! / FDOT study is 10 step process / The Spanish horse
  • St. Augustine Report June 20 2015
  • Francis Field parking July 4 'pilot study' for Celebrate 450 / Public hearing for Special Event Venues / Spanish bunting to be unfurled / Tweaking Entry Corridor Guidelines / Lincolnville CRA report to commission /July 1821, Florida's transfer
  • St. Augustine Report June 17 2015
  • FDOT displays ideas for 'the' intersection / Continuances on HARB's agenda / Music Festival for 450th / Bloody Mose reenactment weekend / The Battle of Bloody Mose
  • St. Augustine Report June 10 2015
  • Reggae Sunday to resume / Demolition appeal battle lost, the war maybe not / HARB to review
    preservation plan / Castillo increases entrance fees / Bon Voyage El Gale�n / Fountain of Youth hosts Buffalo Soldiers / The Buffalo Soldiers
  • St. Augustine Report June 6 2015
  • Spanish bunting coming, reenactors not so much / Demolition appeal not recommended / City locations for compassion obelisks / Military map a gift to 450th / Special Event Venues on agenda / Reggae Sunday melee update / Fort Picolata
  • St. Augustine Report June 3 2015
  • Battle of the ages - Millennials vs history / Choices for San Marco/May Street intersection / / Visioning goes to commission / Menendez - good guy, bad guy?
  • St. Augustine Report May 27 2015
  • Memorial Day 2015 / PUD action delayed by demolition appeal / Ponce Mall has a church suitor / 'Oldest city could be screwed by rising seas' / Sales tax hike to go to voters / British St. Augustine 1770
  • St. Augustine Report May 20 2015
  • Celebrate 450! a pop stars weekend / Hot button issues On HARB agenda / Youth obelisks painted / Tourism report coming / Mission massacres
  • St. Augustine Report May 13 2015
  • City buys 7-Eleven site / City purse tight on vets parade / PUD faces more tests / Weak bandwidth keeps community in dark age / City tackles event management / Help refresh historical markers / The rebellion of 1597
  • St. Augustine Report May 6 2015
  • Reimagining Visitor Center / Florida Historical Society to gather here / Summer camps at forts and Limelight / St. Augustine Chorus and Orchestra / St. Augustine a city of song(s)
  • St. Augustine Report April 29 2015
  • 'A tree meeting day' for City Commission / Parking garage city's 'cash cow' / Shade meeting on 7-11 / Mayor begins quarterly report / Sides gear up for Dow PUD / Menendez' manifest remake / Castillo's bounty - 760,707 visitors, $42,622,800 impact / A change of flags
  • St. Augustine Report April 25 2015
  • Trees grow on agenda / Carpenter's House demolished / Special events venues ordinance on agenda / Vet's Council chair calls special meeting on clinic / Hotel surge continues here / 7-Eleven, Whetstone and Wendler lawsuits continuing / Herbs for 18th century ailments
  • St. Augustine Report April 22 2015
  • Deagan moves to St. Augustine / City mobility - Planning is good, action is better / Fullerwood garden blooms / City calls pros for 450th music / Daniel McGirth and his Gray Goose
  • St. Augustine Report April 15 2015
  • Review of 450th contracts 'unjustified' attack on 450th / City attorney sorts out preliminary plats /
    Mapping out Abbott Tract parking plan / Ordinance for special events venues / Tighter PUD procedures expected in new ordinance / Florida Ordinances earliest martial law
  • St. Augustine Report April 11 2015
  • Subdivision proposed near Dow property / 450th contracts likely going to rest / Paving for King Street and Avenida Menendez / Posters tell 450 years of tales / Laundry list for emergency management / Overlay zoning to check Flagler growth? / St. Augustine in the beginning
  • St. Augustine Report April 8 2015
  • Local Heroes use as bar revoked by plan board / Monk's Vineyard plan supported / Dow PUD tabled / Hotel height needs 'context' / Rhythm & Ribs weekend / Easter Promenade, Parade for 450th / A floral tribute to city's 450th / City Team visits State Legislature / St. Augustine in the beginning
  • St. Augustine Report April 1 2015
  • Annual Easter Parade / 450th tale of the tape / Old Drugstore gets state marker / Diversity in six new police officers / Hotel PUDs return to plan board / Restoring history - the Alcazar spires
  • St. Augustine Report March 24 2015
  • 40-foot height revision for two planned hotels / Commission resists performer review / CSpan visits St. Augustine / Mayor, city manager to review 450 contracts / Veterans plan major Veterans Day parade / Commission authorizes purchase of 1928 fire engine / El Gale�n fees lowered / Walking St. Augustine guide published / North of the Plaza
  • St. Augustine Report March 21 2015
  • Street hosts program taking applications / City revisiting street performer ordinance / Seawall cost overflow / Mayor to revisit 450th contracts / St. Augustine's missions
  • St. Augustine Report March 18 2015
  • Plan board avoids PUD moratorium / Special events venues 'not in neighborhoods' / Dow PUD - a counter view / Fort Mose - 1st Free Black Settlement
  • St. Augustine Report March 11 2015
  • Commission supports Journey video distribution / DeSantis joins VA clinic battle / Lighthouse rezoning approved / Pilot parking plan / PZB plans town halls / Hand-built chalupa debuts March 22 / Sparks toward Seminole War
  • St. Augustine Report March 7 2015
  • VA promises interim clinic by September / Lighthouse, tree removal permits go to hearings / Parking ban along US 1 / A kayak launch for Lincolnville / Dredging grants on city agenda / Dade's Massacre eyewitness
  • St. Augustine Report February 25 2015
  • San Pelayo model dedication tomorrow / City Commission endorses Joining Estuarine Reserve / Events - major or home grown? / Spring break pilot plan for traffic / Celebrate 450 planning 'at many, many levels' / Exhibit transfer needs more detail / Gullible's Travels in St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report February 21 2015
  • Journey exhibit to Excelsior Museum? / HARB denies demolition of Dow Carpenter's House / Education or regulation to protect historic property? / Ordinance would raise after-fact permit fees for removal of trees / Oldest city? London weighed in
  • St. Augustine Report February 18 2015
  • 'C' rating on city's infrastructure / Technical talk on Fornells demolition / Dow Museum rehabilitation goes to HARB tomorrow / Easter 2015 - Promenade and Parade / Preservation Master Plan developing / Menendez' galleon among 1st
  • St. Augustine Report February 11 2015
  • Planned Unit Development under fire / Paver appeal denied / Lighthouse rezoning continued / Fatio House archaeology / 450 plans trump 'core principals' / Gullah Geechee board to meet here / Tree removal fee increase recommended / Our historic black sites part 2
  • St. Augustine Report February 7 2015
  • Pavers go to appeal Monday / Lighthouse seeks Maritime Use zoning / Event management to undergo review / Comment - Noche de Gala / Project SWING to get sprucing / Our historic black sites
  • St. Augustine Report February 4 2015
  • City produces 230 pages of documents for Record / Dow Museum plan concerns residents / Adjutant General appointed / Commentary: Noche de Gala - Grande Kick-Off / St. Augustine's opportunities
  • St. Augustine Report January 28 2015
  • City Commission holds line on building height / Nights of Lights ends / City finances A to -AA; Parking penalties up / Bigger fish in VA woes / Important Historical Events
  • St. Augustine Report January 24 2015
  • Three 50-foot hotels planned along US 1 / Parking penalty increase to go to public hearing / More resident parking on Avenida Menendez / Shipyard project returns to commission / City: No grounds for Seraphin suit / Hypolita redesign accident prone? / Realigning Parking & Traffic Committee / Important Historical Events
  • St. Augustine Report January 21 2015
  • County wants timeline on VA clinic relocation / Lawyer/commissioner summarized appeal / African American story goes to Florida State / Digging history on Aviles Street / Commentary - There's new spring in St. Augustine's step / Important Historical Events
  • St. Augustine Report January 14 2015
  • Attorney calls for discussion on St. George Street bans / 450th focus will be 3-day festival / Misjudged foundation collapsed Fornells House / Zoning revamp begins with community communication / Genie's out of the bottle and looking for a parking space / Florida's untapped historic data
  • St. Augustine Report January 10 2015
  • After Fornells demolition, threats to other structures? / Increase in parking penalties recommended / 7-Eleven appeal goes to commission Thursday / What direction our 450th? / VA selects Clinic relocation site / Exhibit on Fort Marion Prisoners / Fort Marion Prisoners 1875-1878
  • St. Augustine Report January 7 2015
  • Plan for Hyatt Place hotel / Mayor Shaver looks forward to New Year / Visioning is in the details / Archaeologists to present findings from mission site / Old Spanish Trail's 100th
  • St. Augustine Report December 31 2014
  • 2014 - the year in review / Top Ten: Mayor Shaver / 7-Eleven / Riberia Pointe / Flagler classrooms / Inland Harbor sale / Seawall dedicated / Live streaming / War Memorial / Croce's Santa Maria / Emergency demolition
  • St. Augustine Report December 24 2014
  • Convenience vs. safety in Abbott Tract parking / Exhibit rediscovers major American artist / El Gale�n tall ship returns / Waterworks building scores high for grant / The Night before Christmas
  • St. Augustine Report December 17 2014
  • FDOT suggests San Marco/May Street changes / St Augustine Aquarium finds location on SR 16 / Seraphin sues city over termination / Wreaths Across America blanket National Cemetery / St. Augustine on NBC's TODAY / Menendez' Asiento
  • St. Augustine Report December 10 2014
  • Philosophies tangle on strategic planning / Slavin: Reconsider the demolition vote / Neighborhood grant program approved / A look at government salaries / The siege of 1702
  • St. Augustine Report December 6 2014
  • Seawall promenade extension on HARB list / Slavin demolition appeal Monday / Commission to tackle board adjustments / Entry corridor variances, marijuana in public hearings / Fateful December day
  • St. Augustine Report December 3 2014
  • New St. Augustine City Commission / New procedures for Commission meetings / Holiday happenings / Castillo considering fee hike / 'They Seem a Noble Race'
  • St. Augustine Report November 29 2014
  • City Commission reorganizes Monday / Challenges ahead on city's agendas / Hope & Deliverance Thanksgiving / Cold poverty - Lunn
  • St. Augustine Report November 26 2014
  • Look for a parking garage at Sebastian Inland Harbor / Festival will reopen revamped Hypolita / The Gathering Healing that wasn't
  • St. Augustine Report November 12 2014
  • Sister cities exchange - Monument for San Pelayo / First city through the eyes of masters exhibit to open / Goals of a campaign / The preservation of Eddie Vickers Park / Before Eddie Vickers Park
  • St. Augustine Report November 8 2014
  • VA clinic relocation near Flagler Hospital? / Len Weeks to face code enforcement / Veterans Day 2014 / City preparing for marijuana / Villa Flora needs help / After election, incoming thoughts / Ponce hotel plan tabled / Despite appeal, church plans continue / Our Le Puy Connection
  • St. Augustine Report November 5 2014
  • Elected - Shaver, Sikes-Kline, Neville / 7-Eleven historic building threat? / First sites selected for Obelisk Art 450 / Managing commercial delivery traffic / The vision of Visioning 2014 & Beyond / Gentler pirates gathering / The age of piracy
  • St. Augustine Report November 1 2014
  • Candidate attack gets termination / Letters to the editor
  • St. Augustine Report October 29 2014
  • Commission wades through two appeals - Just on legal sufficiency to bring them / Shipyard project hits bumpy roads / Fullerwood garden continues to grow / Triad task force for Town & Gown / The Constitution Monument symbol
  • St. Augustine Report October 25 2014
  • 7-Eleven permit appeal goes to City Commission Monday / Shipyard plan in public hearings / Slavin Echo House appeal on agenda / Corridor guidelines modification sought / Lighthouse - St. Augustine's beacon
  • St. Augustine Report October 22 2014
  • City election campaign 2014 goes into last lap with forum / Endorsements / New look for Tolomato Cemetery / Fear begets negativity / Commentary - Of kings and public servants / Escape from the Castillo
  • St. Augustine Report October 15 2014
  • Incumbent Boles distorts opponent's forum comment / City candidates debate in Flagler College forum / Weeks resigns HARB in wake of demolition / Slavin demolition appeal delayed / $800,000 for intelligent
    transportation system / ParkNow cards for construction impacted businesses / Tackling truck traffic / The Delaney murder mystery
  • St. Augustine Report October 11 2014
  • Fornells demolition goes to commission / Ed Slavin challenges Echo House demolition / Grant help for North City waterworks building? / Zoning in review / Neighbors hire attorney to appeal 7-Eleven permit / Wendler lawsuit in fifth year / Whetstones appealing - again / Greek and Menorcan pathways to St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report October 8 2014
  • City candidates tested in several forums / St. Cyprian's Chapel on the Commons / Neighborhood appealing city permit for 7-Eleven / Hotel for former Bozard lot / Town & Gown session today / Slavin's indefatigability beats city's temporization / 200 years of the Fornells House
  • St. Augustine Report October 1 2014
  • Resident exploring cities' neighborhood rental codes / Annual Fiesta de Aviles / Woodman, spare that tree! City beefs up review code / 253 things to do in St. Augustine / Wastewater team honored / Styrofoam now on recyclable list / Commentary - Supporting their 'golden goose'? / Spain's Running of the Bulls
  • St. Augustine Report September 25 2014
  • Correction - 7-Eleven battle continues
  • St. Augustine Report September 24 2014
  • Fight against 7-Eleven / County approves $559,810 in 2014-2015 bed tax grants / Shipyard project tabled / City lawsuit a historic probe / Age of exploration
  • St. Augustine Report September 20 2014
  • Passive park proposed for city's Riberia Pointe / Nine vie for two plan board seats / Tolomato Cemetery plans new fence / Slave escapes date to 1687 / Downtown Improvement District progress / Vengeance for Fort Caroline
  • St. Augustine Report September 17 2014
  • Pleas, rally, anger at 7-Eleven project / Davis Shores a case to update zoning / City attorney retires / City manager to hold additional 450 funds / City candidate forum to be at River House / 449th muster is last for Guard's retiring Adjutant General Titshaw / Timucuans smarter than we thought / Spanish account of Matanzas
  • St. Augustine Report September 10 2014
  • 3-2 commission vote OKs $938,000 budget for 450th / Commentary - 2014 city commission reflects 2002 election / 7-Eleven permit has been issued / Community to FDOT - 'Just Say NO' / French account of Fort Caroline attack
  • St. Augustine Report September 6 2014
  • Trimmed 450 budget goes to commission / Rally today at 7-Eleven site / No official answers on VA clinic relocation / Cross and Sword - the memories / $1 million for a community 450th / Cross and Sword celebrated 400th
  • St. Augustine Report September 3 2014
  • Town hall on VA clinic / 7-Eleven project hinges on FDOT / 2nd city candidate forum in October / Five arts grants to city groups / Founding in Menendez' words
  • St. Augustine Special Report September 1 2014
  • 7-Eleven permit issued - Assistant city attorney: 'They gave us everything we asked for'
  • St. Augustine Report August 25 2014
  • Shaver, Boles to face off for St. Augustine Mayor / Valdes, Neville in race for commission seat / City, county score high for preservation grants / Proposed 450 budget To get further review / 2 openings on plan board / Cabarets, go-carts in shipyard plan? / About our Castillo de San Marcos
  • St. Augustine Report August 23 2014
  • Parking fee increase for 450th - and job security? / 400th/450th compared / Primary hopes for good turnout Tuesday / HARB OKs partial Echo House demolition / Inland Harbor sale finalized / '... a comet appeared'
  • St. Augustine Report August 20 2014
  • City promo timed before primary / 1,213 votes could win / Soccer player with a message / 'Special character of St. George Street' / Commission to review proposed budget / Visioning St. Augustine feelings /
    Gullah Geechee Commission to meet here / The Gullah Geechee
  • St. Augustine Report August 13 2014
  • 'We support historic reenactors' (but not on historic St. George Street) / Lighthouse ferry plan washed out by residents / Demolition requests for Echo House, Rice Building / Flagler to introduce new communications complex / Cheese wheel rolling to South Dixie Highway / Shaver contributions honored / Procession for the fallen August 23 / Orders of the Day, Summer 1842
  • St. Augustine Report August 9 2014
  • Historic routes would avoid St. George Street / 3-year-old monument needs $2,240 in repairs / Parking revenue is plus side of congestion / Candidates write own forum questions / Columbia tree removal okayed / VA clinic agreement 'etched in Jell-O' / Reading Military Grave Markers
  • St. Augustine Report August 6 2014
  • Shaver and Boles tangle at forum / Open Letter - What's ahead for 450th Mayor Boles? / National Park sites strong draw / The magic of St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report July 30 2014
  • Plea to open St. George Street to reenactments / The 'Sacred Ordinance' / Commission OKs first step in revitalizing Inland Harbor / Starbucks interest In 7-Eleven parcel / Forum - candidates and tourism / Menendez takes Fort Caroline
  • St. Augustine Report July 26 2014
  • Inland Harbor sale is pending / Croce drops plan for Santa Maria / Victoria, meet Espiritu / Celebrating 450th - bumper to bumper / Flag Ceremony once daily offering
  • St. Augustine Report July 24 2014
  • Croce drops Santa Maria plan
  • St. Augustine Report July 23 2014
  • 40 county bed tax grants recommended / Candidate forum on video / Tree committee takes ax to code enforcement / Waste pilot program showing good results / Raw Bar - Sign of which time? / Echo House - History meets parking / St. Augustine quiz answers
  • St. Augustine Report July 16 2014
  • City candidate forum / City attorney Brown retiring / Winners, losers (so far) in bed tax grant review / Looking at muffling noise / After Riberia Pointe, public notice is strengthened in new ordinance / City rejects HUD grant plan / St. Augustine history quiz
  • St. Augustine Report July 12 2014
  • Mayors' St. George Street investment paying off / Commission candidates meet in Tuesday forum / Wayfinding signage being installed / Visioning by committee and commission / City budget back in the day
  • St. Augustine Report July 9 2014
  • Review boards tackle Santa Maria / Bed Tax requests under review / Fixit station for bicycles / Echo House, Trinity Church could succumb to time / The Battle of Bloody Marsh
  • St. Augustine Report July 2 2014
  • Luhrs site to be major marina - Children's museum finds home opposite Riberia Pointe / Mini golf course is multi-historic / July 4: Fireworks Over the Matanzas / No 'On-the-Street-Hosts' yet/ Mini golf first desegregation test
  • St. Augustine Report June 25 2014
  • Flagler College offer for Marion Motel rejected / 3 years for Santa Maria conversion / Commission OKs Lincolnville CRA funding distribution/ $59,500 approved to continue visioning / Candidate forum July 15 / The Pirates
  • St. Augustine Report June 21 2014
  • Hopes dim for VA clinic relocation in St. Augustine / Lincolnville Farmers Market closing June 29 /Looking for options to Echo House demolition / Park and ride, shuttles for traffic suggested / Battle of Bloody Mose
  • St. Augustine Report June 18 2014
  • Echo House demolition on HARB agenda / Croce may buy Santa Maria / City candidates qualify quickly / Good old days - not 440 years ago
  • St. Augustine Report June 11 2014
  • Commission approves Lighthouse-city Ferry / New beach for boat storage / 80 Markland appeal for demolition denied / San Pelayo contract okayed / 13 carriage permits sought / Hankerson challenges Thrasher for Senate / Commemorations of June
  • St. Augustine Report June 7 2014
  • Cloudy vision on Monday agenda / Mass rabbi arrest here to be commemorated / Historic Rice building to appeal for demolition / San Pelayo dockage goes to commission / Budget, carriages on agenda / Rabbis' letter
  • St. Augustine Report June 4 2014
  • Bryan enters mayoral race / Campaign shaping up to a battle on city spending / 41 applications for county bed tax grants / Preservation by moonlight at Tolomato Cemetery / Drake the unheroic
  • St. Augustine Report May 28 2014
  • Boles faces activist challenge / Eight candidates for City Commission seats / First stone church in the US? / Many lives of William Loring
  • St. Augustine Report May 21 2014
  • Memorial Day dedication For city's War Memorial / Honors for preservation / National sing June 14 for anthem's 200th / Booming tour trade good for business, bad for traffic / 'A day of Honor and Glory'
  • St. Augustine Report May 14 2014
  • Chalupas, Espiritu, San Pelayo on city agenda / 2 hours of public comment on museum, Little Beach / Commission wants vision before funding vision 2014 / In search of 1565 shipwrecks / The Lost Fleet of Jean Ribault
  • St. Augustine Report May 7 2014
  • Ripley's plans north city project / Orange Street redesign before Thanksgiving? / Roundabout plan offers no 7-Eleven relief / Children's Museum continuing its effort for Riberia Pointe site / 'Slave Market'? No
  • St. Augustine Report April 30 2014
  • Drug recovery center coming to San Marco / Children's' Museum faces
    Lincolnville 'buzz saw' / Concert for city's 450th / Locals fear it's 'Bye Bye Barcelona' / Spain celebrates Easter
  • St. Augustine Report April 26 2014
  • Historic Tours buying Potter's Wax Museum / $2.5 million King Street plan outlined / Main Library reopens Monday / St. Augustine's Chalupa
  • St. Augustine Report April 23 2014
  • Getting King Street back on project schedule / War Memorial move project begins / Parada de los Caballos y Coches
  • St. Augustine Report April 16 2014
  • 'Drunken students' prompt renewed control efforts / Riberia Pointe plans put on hold / First Child in Spanish Florida
  • St. Augustine Report April 12 2014
  • 7-Eleven files revised plans / Residents reject Riberia Pointe plan / War Memorial, M&M moves go to HARB / The garrote & Andrew Ransom
  • St. Augustine Report April 9 2014
  • Riberia Pointe aquarium plan under fire / Visioning process Begins the process / Streaming and more / El Gale�n's heredity
  • St. Augustine Report April 2 2014
  • City Archaeologist studies Plaza memorial location / City visioneers get homework / Streetscape session next Wednesday / Bell tower, sports bar face code board / The Intracoastal Waterway ... from canals to 1,391 mile channel
  • St. Augustine Report March 26 2014
  • San Marco hotel resurfacing / Split vote denies 7-Eleven appeal / $15,000 for funding lobbyist / Commission OKs letter of intent for aquarium / Sign removal ordinance passed / Leyenda Negra 16th Century propaganda
  • St. Augustine Report March 22 2014
  • Historic district transit system under study / Live streaming for city meetings / Advisory panel for CRA / 7-Eleven appeal goes to commission / Commissioner opposes flavored tobacco / Pirate raid of 1686
  • St. Augustine Report March 19 2014
  • Public hearings to dominate commission meet / Fort Mose anniversary / Scholarships for veterans / French and English plot
  • St. Augustine Report March 12 2014
  • Memorial move adjusted to protect tree in Plaza / Praying for Pope visit in 2015 / Streetscape numbers work; Commission approves plan /Two nominated for preservation award / Fate of USS St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report March 8 2014
  • Streetscape bids over $2.7 million estimate / Screening utility boxes / 7-Eleven appeal 'sufficient' / Craft distillery opening / Ponce Day at Vilano / Menendez prepared for Ribault return
  • St. Augustine Report March 5 2014
  • Penalties for B&N trees, ten 2 inch trees, $7,200 / Archaeology month traces Paleoindians / Stormwater rates - and projects - up / Walls do good defenses make
  • St. Augustine Report February 26 2014
  • City proposes ban on San Marco gas stations / 7-Eleven a test of property rights / Commission OKs sale of former M&M Market / Sign removal moves to public hearing /Train Depot, Waterworks, or both? / Menendez disputes researchers
  • St. Augustine Report February 22 2014
  • Neighbors upset with Castillo cannon fire / Further 7-Eleven appeal 'most likely' after denial / $50,000 available for 450 federal director / Riberia Pointe city's 'Battery Park' / $225,000 offer for M&M property /
    Pedro Menendez 495 years young
  • St. Augustine Report February 19 2014
  • Appeal of 7-Eleven permit denial goes to HARB / Lincolnville Farmers Market plans reopening / Flagler students developing community life, military walking tour programs / Before Eddie Vickers Park
  • St. Augustine Report February 12 2014
  • City seeks more highway signs - and a plan for city congestion / 7.9 million visitors, VCB director says / Vets stand down on memorial move - Memorial fund to be established / Changing of the Guard has eight lives / The other Menendez
  • St. Augustine Report February 8 2014
  • Once a week trash pickup test / Seawall dedicated / HARB to review memorial move, 7-Eleven project / Our historic black sites
  • St. Augustine Report February 5 2014
  • Vets want memorial in west garden / Plan board recommends sign removal / Easter Festival - tradition struggling / Vision project meets Sunshine Law / Greatest Exploit in Navigation History
  • St. Augustine Report January 29 2014
  • $5,000 donation to memorial move / Sign removal ordinance / Gas pump limit / Live streaming approved / Sisters of St. Joseph
  • St. Augustine Report January 25 2014
  • Trees cleared at Barnes and Noble / City has bid for live streaming / Trolleys seek rate hike / M&M property needs fix-up / West Plaza considered for War Memorial / A story oft untold - Rabbis join civil rights movement
  • St. Augustine Report January 22 2014
  • 7-Eleven permit denied, appeal expected / Plan Board adds call for arborist / Valdes to run for commission / Rice Building demolition denied /Journey: 450 years of the African American Experience opens / The Nation Robbing an Indian Chief of His Wife
  • St. Augustine Report January 15 2014
  • City checking costs to move war memorial / Fire chief to retire / City to look at live streaming meetings / Fort Mose - 1st Free Black Settlement
  • St. Augustine Report January 11 2014
  • Pressure to move war memorial / Plan board denies tree removal for restrooms / Changing of the Guard ceremony / PBS 450 documentary seeks $75,000 from city / Resolution: repeal flood insurance act / Period-dressed 'hosts' in VIC contract / 'OCEOLA Patriot and Warrior'
  • St. Augustine Report January 8 2014
  • Plan board 'hot button' workshop / Vision panel begins work / Sikes-Kline focus on transportation / Tall ships in port / The Africans: Deep roots in America
  • St. Augustine Report December 31 2013
  • Year end review - the twelve months of 2013 / Top ten stories
  • St. Augustine Report December 24 2013
  • Merry Christmas / Was Night Before Christmas Clement Clarke Moore's creation? / A Visit from St. Nicholas
  • St. Augustine Report December 18 2013
  • Fountain of Youth artifacts go to UF Museum of History / Period dressed hosts in VIC contract / Seawall project nears completion / Spain's Christmas Eve meal
  • St. Augustine Report December 11 2013
  • muskets blaze / Spaniards prepare for 2014 anniversaries here / Fire Department rating climbs / The historic Spanish Christmas Tree / In Spain, bonfires for Christmas
  • St. Augustine Report December 7 2013
  • Spanish ships to arrive / Shop local, suggests city Purchasing Department / Streetscape cost increase / Ordinance to extend Nights of Lights / Darkness of Decembers past
  • St. Augustine Report December 4 2013
  • Easter committee Votes for Sunday Parade for 2014 / Saturday opens Christmas with parades / Stanley Paris voyage begins / Changing city scene / Bedtime Stories gift idea / Frances Kirby Smith
  • St. Augustine Report November 22 2013
  • Hesitant nod for port heritage area / Cleanup, management plan for Little Beach / 450-foot cake for 450th? / Steering committee for vision / Getting along - commissions meet / Giving thanks, 1777
  • St. Augustine Report November 17 2013
  • Little Beach neighborhood issue / Nation's Oldest PORT City heritage area / Certified arborist for city / Hearings on streetscape assessment / Lighthouse - St. Augustine's beacon
  • St. Augustine Report November 13 2013
  • Plan board tackling the tough city issues / 100 Years of shrimping in new book / Historic home demolition sought /Indians 'seem a Noble Race'
  • St. Augustine Report November 6 2013
  • City Vision project begins / First America series returns / New World exhibit at Visitor Center / Pirate Gathering / The Pirates
  • St. Augustine Report October 30 2013
  • Four event fees waived / Commission okays Carriage drinking / Tolomato Cemetery
  • St. Augustine Report October 26 2013
  • $2 million campaign to renovate Legion Hall / 3 sites apply for National Register / Time capsule for 2065 / Fee waivers sought for events / The siege of 1702
  • St. Augustine Report October 23 2013
  • Renee Morris resigns from St. Francis House / Maritime Heritage Festival / First Colony exhibit opens / Letters: City projects and vision; The 'History Bundle' / The other Menendez
  • St. Augustine Report October 16 2013
  • $240,650 seawall, multiuse area in planning for marina / Commission to help UF historic sites / $125,000 approved for streetscape planning / Postage stamp for 450th? / Event hall, mural win commission approval / Little visible support for history here / The Delaney Murder Case
  • St. Augustine Report October 12 2013
  • 'Ballroom,' mural, carriage drinking in public hearings / Property owners ante up for streetscape plan / Benefactor Tiberio dies / UF seeks city promotion / Adelaide Sanchez Endowment Award / Dias de la Raza
  • St. Augustine Report October 9 2013
  • $2.7 million streetscape plan seeks 'hybrid' funding / $44,300 to volunteers for Mumford concert / Building mural here reflects national trend / History, diversity highlight Columbus Day weekend 2013 / The autumn of Osceola's life
  • St. Augustine Report September 18 2013
  • Mumfords' historic visit / Jakes honoree at Book Festival / Problem with events atop garage / Pedro Menendez death
  • St. Augustine Report September 11 2013
  • wine in horse carriages / Nonprofit, business and public park for Riberia / Antenna, events venue on HARB agenda / '... now was the time to attack it'
  • St. Augustine Report September 7 2013
  • Children's Museum at city's Riberia Pointe? / Fresh Starts in Culinary Arts / Garage rooftop as event venue / Founding in Menendez' words
  • St. Augustine Report September 4 2013
  • City seeks 7-Eleven plan action, FSDB trustees voice opposition / Antenna 'would adversely impact' historic landmark / Civil rights movement digitized / Spanish Bakery reopening / 1st order of business - the French
  • St. Augustine Report August 28 2013
  • West Augustine leaders hail $16 million sewer plan / Paint it brick, call it sidewalk / Parking under Francis Field? / Priest's account of founding
  • St. Augustine Report August 24 2013
  • Oldest city going high tech / Picasso 'not about money' / Next exhibit $240,000 'Journey' / City doing more with grants / Limelight Opens 22nd season / Voyage to a founding
  • St. Augustine Report August 21 2013
  • City budget climbing back / Why Francis Field for Mumford? / City home port for El Gale�n / Asiento for Menendez' epic voyage
  • St. Augustine Report August 14 2013
  • Segways, restaurants are latest traffic woes / Looking for escape from 7-Eleven plan / Visioning St. Augustine / Before St. Augustine - de Luna at Pensacola
  • St. Augustine Report August 10 2013
  • 7-Eleven park idea draws financial pledges / Letter: The backbone of our town is our history / Sewer line help for West Augustine / Ponce fountain search not likely
  • St. Augustine Report August 7 2013
  • County distances itself from Mumford concert / Riberia Street reopening / A 7-eleven site park? / African American Futurist plans Mose weekend / Menendez' enslavement plan
  • St. Augustine Report July 31 2013
  • $417,838 breakout on Mumford expenses / How other stopovers are handling Mumford / Picasso bulls running in red as exhibit ends / Comment - Helpless in St. Augustine / Varela 'taught us how to think'
  • St. Augustine Report July 24 2013
  • City Commission OKS $417,000 reserve funds for Mumford expenses / Mumford contract detail / 'T' for terrifying 7-Eleven intersection / Comment - Small city, big britches / The Three Mrs. Flaglers
  • St. Augustine Report July 20 2013
  • City needs $50,000 for county 'expertise' for Mumford concert / Spanish Bakery closing / Neighbors grill 7-Eleven developers / Ballad for St. Augustine / The fire of 1895
  • St. Augustine Report July 17 2013
  • Historic streetscape under study / VIC parking facility paying its way / Bed tax grant results / First anthem written here
  • St. Augustine Special Report 7-Eleven July 13 2013
  • 7-Eleven plan resurfaces
  • St. Augustine Report July 10 2013
  • George McClure dies / Parking permit program failing / 2003 performer proposal rekindled / Gullible’s Travels in St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report July 6 2013
  • Traffic wars for city, residents / El Gale�n
    extends stay / Precision in Spanish colonial town plans
  • St. Augustine Report July 3 2013
  • More parking garages in study / Bed tax requests / Oglethorpe cannons and Buffalo Soldiers / Radio stations go FM / The Battle of Bloody Marsh
  • St. Augustine Report June 26 2013
  • Commission room security begins / Bridge underlighting / Bank lobby as reception hall? / Oglethorpe's siege of 1740
  • St. Augustine Report June 22 2013
  • Home port for El Gale�n? / Plan to underlight the Bridge of Lions / Lincolnville timeline display proposed / Alcohol, vendors in public hearings / Paddler Justin Riney arriving / Grant sought for lost ships search / The Lost Fleet of Jean Ribault
  • St. Augustine Report June 19 2013
  • Mumford a test for sustainable tourism / Bloody Mose returns Saturday / Artillery moving in to British siege site / Battle of Bloody Mose
  • St. Augustine Report June 12 2013
  • $250,000-$392,000 for mini golf 'multi-purpose park' / Compromise on disputed alley? / Commission gives cautious nod to non-profit for 450th / Alcohol, vendor ordinances advance / Aggressive grant-seeking for city / Mission sets 1st Mass marker / Searle's raid aftermath
  • St. Augustine Report June 8 2013
  • Help for North City waterworks building / Hypolita businesses seek vendor ban / Commission agenda - 450 nonprofit, alleys and alcohol ordinances / One way streets to connectivity / Spy a motive for Searle's raid?
  • St. Augustine Report June 5 2013
  • $2.7 million Mumford concert promises $25,000 for city / Gale�n cost covered / Jags contribute to pool / Comment: Small town going big / Survival a tribute to Spanish endurance
  • St. Augustine Report May 29 2013
  • Oak trees removed for Mumford concert / Ceremony for arrested rabbis / Memorial Day 2013 / Menendez' galleon among 1st
  • St. Augustine Report May 22 2013
  • El Gale�n in port / Memorial Day events open summer season / Ship launching at Fort Menendez / Gullah Geechee Corridor thank you / War - 'for the right reasons' / St. Augustine carnival 1847
  • St. Augustine Report May 15 2013
  • Commission to revise agenda for public input / Whetstone fence, Island alley, bank lobby plans and vendors discussed / 'Flexible' PUD adopted / city-county team gearing up for Mumford / Wayfinding 1,650 historic places here / Nolan discusses A 450th worth celebrating / Maritime Foundation lists events / Montiano and Matanzas challenges
  • St. Augustine Report May 11 2013
  • Proposal OKs vendors' current location - with regulations / Ordinance change would
    allow 'Faneuil Hall' plan / Commuter rail plan still alive / 450 Mosaic spread across county / Magical world of the Timucua
  • St. Augustine Report May 8 2013
  • Romanza Festivale opens / Whetstones battle city, state along bayfront / Antique Roadshow for A1A /
    mailbag - Parking challenges, Mini golf site / World of the Timucua
  • St. Augustine Report May 1 2013
  • Parking challenges - Survey and strict enforcement / Cemeteries cleanup / Cedars on chopping block / Galimore pool nears opening / St. Cyprian's - storefront to landmark
  • St. Augustine Special Report April 26 2013
  • St. Augustine 400 - Memorabilia captures spirit of 1965 anniversary
  • St. Augustine Report April 24 2013
  • Faneuil Hall? Plans aired for vacated bank lobby / Commission OKs security plan / Planned Unit Development ordinance moves to hearing / King Street improvement plans expand / Commission rejects M&M bid / Building codes circa 1573
  • St. Augustine Report April 20 2013
  • M&M Market offer / Debate continues on mini golf site, PUD ordinance, vendors, horse corral / Herbie Wiles to get La Florida Award / Bond savings to go to parking facility, historic area streets / Mailbag: comments on Historic treasure or tourist town, reluctant activist, Romanza / Harriet Beecher Stowe in St, Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report April 17 2013
  • Spanish galleon to visit / 'Reluctant activist' got Picasso figures / Romanza Festivale is
    St. Augustine's Spoleto / Edit: National historic treasure or best little tourist town? / El Gale�n vs reluctant inlet
  • St. Augustine Report April 10 2013
  • two tour companies vie for mini golf site / Lincolnville CRA approved / PUD ordinance gets more tweaking / Ponce Fiesta, Spanish Muster Parade celebrate history / Wax Museum moving to Old Drug Store / Ponce as tragic figure
  • St. Augustine Report April 6 2013
  • City to appeal Wendler case to Supreme Court / Rhythm & Ribs / Stormwater study targets coquina, debris and runoff / Fiestas few and far between in 1700s
  • St. Augustine Report April 3 2013
  • Archaeologists oppose Citizen Archaeology Permit program / Fiesta commemorates Ponce / Wendler/City duel continues / Committee plans beautification / Ponce de Leon myth, landing and discoveries
  • St. Augustine Report March 27 2013
  • Alcazar tops state grant list / City tackles CRA, PUD / The Tiny Old City video / New pool 5 lanes big / Black Raven pirates seek reality show / Giving back in St. Augustine Beach / March 27, 1513 Florida sighted
  • St. Augustine Report March 23 2013
  • Ordinance would relocate vendors north of garage / Lincolnville CRA goes to commission / PUD revisions on city agenda / YMCA to present Galimore pool plan / Fodor's Travel Blog ranks St. Augustine among the "10 Best Small Towns in America" / Menendez' strategic genius
  • St. Augustine Report March 20 2013
  • A week of Ponce celebrations / Foot Soldiers monument video / Flags on Bridge of Lions urged / Chalk walk, muster, blessing of fleet on weekend / McDaniel closings carriage business / 1912 Ponce Celebration editorial
  • St. Augustine Report March 13 2013
  • Cannons and plaques / Commissioner Crichlow has unfinished business / Making a monument / Colonial Quarter opens Saturday / Bridge of Lions flags petitioned / Mayor on 450th / St. Augustine's building block
  • St. Augustine Report March 9 2013
  • Braille for monuments / Broadband radio upgrade / County goes roundabout / Extreme Makeover's Ty praises Enactus project / St. Augustine's Menorcans
  • St. Augustine Report March 6 2013
  • Two cultures, one weekend / AAA finds Ponce Going (many) Places / Wanted!! 450 artists / Inactive committees / Irish St. Augustine?
  • St. Augustine Report February 27 2013
  • Flagler students plan reusable bags / Llambias House weddings still upset / Ponce de Leon baptism font here April 3 / A cannon for Oglethorpe Park / Five ROWITA honorees / Oglethorpe’s Siege of 1740
  • St. Augustine Report February 23 2013
  • Flagler students have green idea / Resolutions to be considered for 4-month reserves / Our historic black sites 2
  • St. Augustine Report February 20 2013
  • Bridge a preservation ‘Success Story’ / Close shave for police, fighting cancer / Workshoip to ‘Synchronize’ 450 / Galimore Center pool is framed in / Fire paintings in refurbished Lightner Museum rooms / Our historic black sites
  • St. Augustine Report February 13 2013
  • Crash rate 'below average' at Anastasia intersection / Commission mulls higher use fee for Visitor Center / Crichlow replaces Leary on commission / Home Again success measured in meals / 'Modern' construction 1883
  • St. Augustine Report February 9 2013
  • City schedules British superstar rock band / City lists rent schedule / FDOT to report on
    fatal intersection / Ten vie for commission seat / Capturing city's maritime history / PUD, CRA under review / St Augustine in World War II
  • St. Augustine Report February 6 2013
  • City mobility report - $14 million investment, $76 million return / City's worst crash sites / High rating backs $22 million refinance / Leary resigns commission seat / Fort Mose featured in Black history Month / The other Menendez
  • St. Augustine Report January 30 2013
  • 2 named for La Florida Award / 'Can't they get it right?' on transient vending / Bulletproof shield for commissioners? / Visitor Center overhaul for exhibits / Women of St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report January 26 2013
  • $22 million bond refinance / Galimore pool work begins / Sorting out entry corridor review / CRA - from blight to bright / Women of St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report January 23 2013
  • Red water attack - City schedules water line replacement / Archaeology first, then dig / Picasso exhibit opens February 1 / St. Augustine in the Civil War - At Final Rest
  • St. Augustine Report January 19 2013
  • Two award nominations, one slot / Total vending ban? / Redefining Corridor Review Committee / PUD wants public input / 'Truing up' 450, visioning mini golf / St. Augustine in the Civil War - The houses
  • St. Augustine Report January 12 2013
  • Commission to get PUD analysis / City seeks study of fatal intersection / Adding, amending awards / City introduces coral growing idea / St. Augustine in the Civil War - The public spaces
  • St. Augustine Report January 9 2013
  • 450th focus now on infrastructure for 500th / Garage revenue falls short of goal / Ponce's 125th trumps 500th / Legacy of Henry Flagler
  • St. Augustine Report January 2 2013
  • Landmark sites get new life / Guidelines work for entry corridors / City plans garage rate increase / Early colony 'degenerated into chaos'
  • St. Augustine Report December 26 2012
  • The year in review
  • St. Augustine Report December 19 2012
  • PUD zoning war of words / Markland details / Volunteers honored / Siege of 1702
  • St. Augustine Special Report December 15 2012
  • Wreaths Across America - All 1,218 graves at St. Augustine National Cemetery marked with wreaths
  • St. Augustine Report December 12 2012
  • A brand for city - Next: licensing merchandise to raise 450 funds / No consensus on bayfront golf site / From coral to corral - New business prompts carriage horses consolidation / 1,218 wreaths for city's national cemetery / Markland the 'grand home'
  • St. Augustine Report December 8 2012
  • Bayfront golf site 'unseen opportunity' / Archaeology program celebrates 25th year / Oldest city? London weighed in
  • St. Augustine Report December 5 2012
  • 7-Eleven continues plans / Shopping for history / What to wear for Ponce arrival / Osceola's final season
  • St. Augustine Report November 28 2012
  • British return commemorates 20-year occupation / Morning Christmas Parade, evening Surf Illumination / Tower rises on bayfront / 7-Eleven: FDOT focuses on drainage and driveway access / British occupy St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report November 21 2012
  • Thanksgiving 2012 opens holiday activities / Sea Your History at Lighthouse / Challenging creation of Marineland
  • St. Augustine Report November 16 2012
  • Roundabout favored for May/San Marco intersection / Historic preservation revisit - 'It's a start' / City, Society battle on Llambias House / Commission endorses 'La Florida' Island / Sacred Ground: Military Cemetery at St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Special Report for November 14 2012
  • Special Report: Focus on preservation / Preservation envisioned in 1937
  • St. Augustine Report for November 13 2012
  • $350,000 for Lightner repairs / Stronger preservation action proposed / Archaeologist Bond for de Aviles Award / How Carnegie Plan began
  • St. Augustine Report for November 7 2012
  • Horvath replaces Errol Jones on City Commission / Neighborhoods seek better communication on zoning / First America series returns / Historically accurate crosswalks / Reale American history
  • St. Augustine Report for October 31 2012
  • Ponce celebrates 125 years / Solarium to reopen / Our history digitized / The mysterious fourth floor
  • St. Augustine Special Report October 24 2012
  • Contact list for 7-Eleven officials
  • St. Augustine Report October 24 2012
  • Commission to tackle PUDs, zoning / Consent agenda gets respect / Picasso is Picasso - at $150,000 savings / Carnegie's 'Great laboratory of history'
  • St. Augustine Report October 17 2012
  • Following Flagler classroom vote, moratorium suggested / 7-Eleven protest rally / Lincolnville sketchbook / City 'Tourist Trap' with charisma / Carnegie pursuing the St. Augustine vision
  • St. Augustine Report October 10 2012
  • Flagler classrooms approved after 5 1/2 hour hearing / Planning board appointments / Jones: Retract 450 quote / Greek and Menorcan heritages
  • St. Augustine Report October 6 2012
  • Classrooms face hearing / Boles: Educate neighborhoods on codes / Mini golf will go to workshop / Mobility ideas rev community / 450 nonprofit community’s job / Riberia Pointe for reef building? / Father Camps statue restored / Father Camps Menorcan shepherd
  • St. Augustine Report September 26 2012
  • 450th in workshop / St. George Players / Flagler's new and revamped facilities / 'good fortune Ribault is dead'
  • St. Augustine Report September 19 2012
  • Veterans, Guard highlight Military history / Doubling recycling / Name it Veterans Island? / Holly Mulkey / English measures for Spanish monument
  • St. Augustine Report September 12 2012
  • 7-Eleven plan passes hurdle / Major meets here can promote city / Banners and botas for 450th / Mobility Institute planned / Florida Heritage Book Festival / Monument builder New Smyrna survivor
  • St. Augustine Report September 8 2012
  • 7-Eleven hearing on agenda / Dredging inlet / Flagler forums / Menendez letter on Fort Caroline attack
  • St. Augustine Report September 5 2012
  • Commission faces tests: 7-Eleven, Flagler classrooms, 450th on the calendar / PZB OKs Colonial Quarter liquor, Washington Street theater beer and wine / Jews add to diversity in Founder's Day / Menendez letter on founding
  • St. Augustine Report August 29 2012
  • Church, college focus on early history / Menendez headboard returns / Exploring Native Americans / Mass for Martyred Friar / Funds spark fumes at commission meet / Bed tax grants go to council / The martyrdom of Fr. Augustin
  • St. Augustine Report August 25 2012
  • Assessing city's reserve funds / Foot Soldiers Monument bid for postage stamp / Colonial Quarter plans January opening / City's gaiety subdued in final days
  • St. Augustine Report August 22 2012
  • Galimore pool to reopen in May / Lightner tops budget initiatives / Brown water targeted / Ceremonies mark military history / Militia supported Spain's final years
  • St. Augustine Report August 15 2012
  • Horvath, Maguire win primary / Mini golf on the carpet; New round of bidding / Key West: No Ponce statue / County historian: No 'San Pablo Island' / North county has its own history
  • St. Augustine Report August 11 2012
  • Colonial Quarter - 35 - foot watch tower, pub, ship among designs / Appeal on 7-Eleven filed / Pole banners for the 450th / Orange Street redesign on agenda / Meteor, lightning, or both in 1565? / '... a comet appeared'
  • St. Augustine Special Report August 9 2012
  • Candidates for City Commission
  • St. Augustine Report August 8 2012
  • Colonial Quarter design / Garage revenue still short of goal / Commentary - Lest we forget - community tools / It's an old house when...
  • St. Augustine Report August 1 2012
  • Plan board tackles movie theater, Local Heros bar, Ice House PUD, law office expansion / Galleon removed from Visitor Center / In search of city brand / Dade monument ceremonies
  • St. Augustine Report July 25 2012
  • Neighborhoods force 7-Eleven, Flagler classrooms review / Commission wants more bayfron golf negotiation / El Espiritu takes shape / Why a Caravel for 450th?
  • St. Augustine Report July 21 2012
  • Budget woes continue / Meet the Kinseys and their collection / K9s For Warriors assist combat vets / City budget woes redux
  • St. Augustine Report July 18 2012
  • 7-Eleven in traffic jam / 7-Eleven plans 80 stores in NE Florida / StAR plans Chalk Walk festival / Chalupa's elements seek sponsors / Menendez overruns Fort Caroline
  • St. Augustine Report July 11 2012
  • $1,525,520 voted for VIC, $385,000 for Picasso exhibit / Bad turns in 7-Eleven plan / Heat was least of Menendez' worries
  • St. Augustine Report July 7 2012
  • UF plans First Colony exhibit / Ripley wins mini golf site bid / Inns restore city's history
  • St. Augustine Report July 4 2012
  • PZB rejects Flagler project / 'Period-correct' 7-Eleven promised on San Marco / 'What really represents St. Augustine' on display / 1st national anthem sung here
  • St. Augustine Report June 27 2012
  • Healing rites off 450 calendar / 7-Eleven plan upsets neighborhood / The Battle of Bloody Mose
  • St. Augustine Report June 23 2012
  • Galimore CRA on city agenda / Sheriff Perry 1947-2012 / Battle of Bloody Mose highlights black history conference / July 1821, Florida's transfer
  • St. Augustine Report June 20 2012
  • Boat shed work resumes / College returns to HARB with classroom design / Mojo Kitchen, BBQ to open / Drive 'back' to Magic Beach Motel / Ponce is coming - what to wear? / America's costliest Indian war
  • St. Augustine Report June 13 2012
  • Commission upholds Lovett street subdivision /$1 million investment for Spanish Quarter / CRA proposed to maintain Galimore / 7 tour companies in city / Menendez' Asiento
  • St. Augustine Report June 9 2012
  • Boles, Freeman unopposed for offices / Pat Croce wins Spanish Quarter / Galimore under study / Hurricanes shaped our founding
  • St. Augustine Report June 6 2012
  • Boat shed needs permit / 38 compete for bed tax grants / Commentary: History is, well, history / Menendez faces Havana governor
  • St. Augustine Report May 30 2012
  • Expo Center for 450th / Events planned for Expo Center / College wrestles with history 101 / Culver named government tourism employee of year / Drake's Raid - the aftermath
  • St. Augustine Report May 23 2012
  • HARB to college: raise the roof / Romanza a success in 1st year / Vilano installs dock / Caravel float and real ship plans progressing / FSDB fence remains neighborhood thorn / Drake's raiders return June 2
  • St. Augustine Report May 16 2012
  • Mini golf gets maxi debate / Wedding events are no honeymoon for neighbors / Boles defends 450 effort / Underground Rail Conference here in June / Historic stroll on Aviles Street
  • St. Augustine Report May 12 2012
  • Mini golf site discussion coming up / SR 312 bypass still in plans / Grant sought for preservation workshop / $4 million state money for historic properties here / University will decide Spanish Quarter future / Fort Mose events recognized / Commentary: Time for a community 450th / Franklin Smith gilded age developer
  • St. Augustine Report May 9 2012
  • Redesign for San Marco/West Castillo intersection / Redoubt gets dressed up / Commentaqry: City has tools to protect history / History at Cuna and Spanish streets
  • St. Augustine Report May 2 2012
  • Community organizations focus on 450th legacy projects / Flagler paved with asphalt
  • St. Augustine Report April 25 2012
  • Missing roof tiles, college plan under fire / Commentary: dismissing tiles' historic value / Future of mini golf site / County historic markers 2
  • St. Augustine Report April 21 2012
  • College consuming Cuna Street / Delay for mandatory hookups / Producer determined for 450 films / County's historic markers
  • St. Augustine Report April 18 2012
  • 2 studies tackle traffic / More still less in garage revenue / History recorded in names
  • St. Augustine Report April 11 2012
  • High city ratings, high traffic / Sunday fees at Castillo parking lot / Governor signs eminent domain bill / City's gaiety survives war
  • St. Augustine Report April 4 2012
  • VIC becoming Expo Center / Archaeology Assn dedicates markers / City's 'prestigious boarding house'
  • St. Augustine Report March 28 2012
  • No fed funds for 450 this year / Street ban ordinances in, yard sale regs out / City: hookup enforcement not our job / Menendez diplomacy with Havana
  • St. Augustine Report March 25 2012
  • A civil rights gateway, center / Deputy Joe retires / Mandatory sewer hookups sought / Yard sales, vendors in public hearings / Keel-laying opens 16th century shipbuilding program / Big challenge for children's museum / St. Augustine's earliest cemetery
  • St. Augustine Report March 14 2012
  • Agenda revising for efficiency / 'Onerous' yard sale ordinance advances / Efficiency first in agenda revision / Oglethorpe's Siege of 1740
  • St. Augustine Report March 10 2012
  • Eminent domain goes to governor / VIC market area, Plaza 'trail' for vendors? / King Street project delay sought / Yard sale permits proposed / Pirates - Scourge of the seas
  • St. Augustine Report March 7 2012
  • Archaeology markers / 3rd vendor workshop / Jewish history here / College collecting hotel memories / Ponce hotel history
  • St. Augustine Report February 29 2012
  • FDOT Secretary OKs flags / FSDB Board considers deal / Neighbors 'jammed process' / King Street merchants upset at project timing / Searle's raid 1668
  • St. Augustine Report February 25 2012
  • Neighborhoods protected in proposed FSDB agreement / Bridge flag-flying on agenda / St. George Street vendor ban / Jewish history here / Menendez birthday
  • St. Augustine Report February 22 2012
  • Sharrow the bridge / Proctor bills in Senate / Vendor workshop / Create-a-Toy Contest / Apple Jack conversion / Menendez perilous voyage
  • St. Augustine Report February 15 2012
  • Proctor bill stripped in Senate / City: exclude us from any eminent domain / 1st America series concludes on military theme / Failed pirate raid of 1683
  • St. Augustine Special Report February 12 2012
  • Special Report: Proctor fast-tracks bill / Legislative contacts (Correction - use rather than .com)
  • St. Augustine Report February 11 2012
  • Vendor, artist, street performer regulations in review / St. Augustine a UF classroom / FSDB 'rolling dice' on legislation / The Africans
  • St. Augustine Report February 8 2012
  • Fences at FSDB and Waterworks building / Eminent domain: Tool or loaded gun? / Workshop on vendors, entertainers / Garage rate hike paying off / Seawall project groundbreaking / The Indians
  • St. Augustine Report February 4 2012
  • Proctor: I ran on this issue / Focus on Senate committees / 30 seconds in Tallahassee
  • St. Augustine Report February 1 2012
  • Anti-bill campaign mounts / Powersports eyes large tract on US 1 / Boatyard shaping for 16th century ship / Rentals filling Lightner Building / Ponce's landing north of St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report January 26 2012
  • Special Report FSDB legislation
  • St. Augustine Report January 25 2012
  • 450 organization 'top-heavy' / Commission votes strong opposition to FSDB legislation / Spanish Quarter may open in October / British Period
  • St. Augustine Report January 21 2012
  • City/FSDB settlement proposal / Visitor Center redesign begins / Proctor disconnect with home / State's first library here
  • St. Augustine Report January 18 2012
  • Eminent domain bill moves to committee / HMS Bounty to visit / College plans communication complex / $903,000 for bayfront improvements / Escape from the Castillo
  • St. Augustine Report January 11 2012
  • Request on FSDB legislation / Constitution bicentennial plans / Workshops planned for vending / Archaeologist dumps on diggers / Proctor ignores history / St. George Street Players revival?
  • St. Augustine Report January 7 2012
  • Commission agenda includes 450 fundraising, vendors, and FSDB / 1st colony in First America series / Hamblen Hardware ends era
  • St. Augustine Report January 4 2012
  • $28.2 million in New Year projects - Riberia Street Phase Two, Seawall, Marina breakwater, San Sebastian Bridge, and King Street drainage / Osceola, Patriot Warrior
  • St Augustine Report December 28 2011
  • The 12 months of 2011, year in review
  • St. Augustine Special Report December 24 2011
  • Christmas card - Lizzie
  • St. Augustine Report December 21 2011
  • Vilano Publix opens January 14 / Sidewalks at work / Riberia section to open / 1702 Siege
  • St. Augustine Report December 14 2011
  • Proctor seeks eminent domain for FSDB / Interim director, modified stamp for 450th / West Augustine sewer project depends on hookups / M&M property listed at $345,000 / Dade Massacre
  • St. Augustine Report December 10 2011
  • Distillery okayed for Ice House / 450 meetings may fold into regular agenda / Commission to consider Realtor for M&M Market property / Hearings for mooring fields and panhandling / Huguenot Cemetery
  • St. Augustine Report December 7 2011
  • Natural gas being installed in city / Riberia Street nears opening / Children’s Museum finds home at Dow / Inland Harbor developer still trying / The Menorcans
  • St. Augustine Report November 30 2011
  • Holiday calendar / Winter Wonderland opens / British Night Watch, Christmas Parade open season / First America series returns / 16th century tercio unit forming / Castillo
  • St. Augustine Report November 23 2011
  • City discovers its royal title / Habitat helps lift Lincolnville / Salvaged cannons unveiled / British Period
  • St. Augustine Special Report November 19 2011
  • St. Augustine’s Neighborhood Council / Traffic, rental woes for Flagler neighborhood / City’s rental regulations / Archaeologists named to posts
  • St. Augustine Report November 16 2011
  • Miami support sought for monument replicas / $3,661 in graffiti penalties / 450 meet telecasts planned / Changing of the Guard returns / Matanzas
  • St. Augustine Report November 12 2011
  • Flagler plans more classrooms / Galimore support resolution goes to commission / Panhandling control tightening / 450 workshop become formal meeting / 16th century boatyard dedicated / Pedro Menendez
  • St. Augustine Report November 9 2011
  • Boatyard for 16th century ship / Helping hands for Lincolnville / Hundreds honor ‘bravest heroes’ / Another account of a secret dungeon
  • St. Augustine Report November 2 2011
  • Camps statue needs repair / Ambassador to discuss Spanish myths / Historic Rail Society explored / Ponce's mission
  • St. Augustine Report October 26 2011
  • Sutler sets up shop / Sewer funding plan advances for West Augustine / Laser for monument model / Galimore support resolution planned / Spanish Quarter negotiation in January / Lincolnville farmers market opens / Beautification along San Marco / Ex-POWs to be honored / Battle of Bloody Marsh
  • St. Augustine Report October 22 2011
  • Three bid on Spanish Quarter / Pedestrian crossing markers / Southern Red Cedar as city tree? / Business start-ups at farmers market / The 'debatable land'
  • St. Augustine Special Report October 21 2011
  • Casey
  • St. Augustine Report October 19 2011
  • Seawall project on display / Partners for streetscapes / Gregorian chant / Final days of Spanish Florida
  • St. Augustine Special Report October 15 2011
  • Brick street needs / Challenges and Spirit of 450th / Planters grace corridor / Morrison building retains history
  • St. Augustine Report October 12 2011
  • Community support for 450th / Foundation returns $22,000 to city / Miami Tri Events plans marathon weekend / Slavery issue in colonial times
  • St. Augustine Report October 9 2011
  • Public input sought on 450th / Funding for sponsor seach, collectibles / Archaeology, military 450 plans / Readers ask about public notice / Bicycle study reported / Spanish/English tensions grow
  • St. Augustine Report October 4 2011
  • Uptown tops signs / Galimore management bids sought / Garage parking fees adjusted / Bridge of Lions flags / Spanish Florida beginnings
  • St. Augustine Report September 27 2011
  • Garage fees for revenue / Smithsonian a 450 partner / M&M to be rebid / Galimore seeks solid plan / Gardens, Markets bloom / 102 bridge Street
  • St. Augustine Report September 23 2011
  • Plan for Galimore / M&M bids back for review / 2011-12 city budget adopted / Bridge not that high / Creation of colonies
  • St. Augustine Report September 20 2011
  • Report goes independent / Galimore stays open / Habitat goes rehab / Foodway becomes cleaners / Poster documents our history / Faces of Florida
  • St. Augustine Report September 13 2011
  • 911 ceremonies / City presses FSDB case / $1.5 million in 450 support / Graffiti ordinance advances / First militia at St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report September 9 2011
  • Container living unit / Spanish Quarter reopening March 1? / Report funding restored / Graffiti ordinance / Fire bell set at fire station / St. Augustine founding
  • St. Augustine Report September 6 2011
  • City Budget Public Hearing / 1902 fire bell restored / Pilot Club's 75th / Flagler forums scheduled / Castillo's dungeons
  • St. Augustine Report August 30 2011
  • City budget detail / New revenue in garage / Spanish Quarter funding out / Projects for bond monies / 1906 budget woes
  • St. Augustine Report August 23 2011
  • Projects get funding help / Exhibition area in Visitor Center / Commission challenges FSDB / Graffiti ordinance proposed / City's 450 logo panned / Budget workshop Wednesday / Jamestown/St. Augustine challenge continues / Black Legend 16th century propaganda
  • St. Augustine Report August 19 2011
  • Florida National Guard bids for remaining vacant city hall space / Update due on Florida School for the Deaf and The Blind relations / Rookie police tapped for movie / Name game for Visitor Center open area / Gardens win awards / Top authors at Bookfest / Persistent Spanish Borderlands
  • St. Augustine Report August 16 2011
  • Seawall project continuing priority / 450th events considered / seawall's history
  • St. Augustine Report August 8 2011
  • Plaza artist limits under review / Historic height limits studied / Seawall preservation a priority / Archives would be digitized with grant / Visitor Center key to exhoibit space / St. Augustine bar has history of danger
  • St. Augustine Report August 5 2011
  • $7 million Seawall project nears / Plans to digitize city archives / Height vs. property rights in historic district / St. Augustine's nine forts
  • St. Augustine Report August 2 2011
  • Heritage events remain strong / POWs to be honored / beautification committee for 450 / Habitat will try mini rehabs / Quotable / Interment of Florida Indian Wars dead
  • St. Augustine Report July 26 2011
  • Millage stays at 7.5 / Reserves to cover needs / Commission table replacement tabled / Professionals sought for 450th / Opening Florida's Territorial Period
  • St. Augustine Report July 22 2011
  • Tentative millage proposed, anticipates projects / Commission room redesign / Test ordinances for mooring pilot program / Wendler lawsuit / 450 projects / First-born in St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report July 19 2011
  • Federal 450 commission organizes / Large buildings crowd City Gate / A1A documentary of 'American oasis' / Chain gang exhibit / Chain gangs in postwar South
  • St. Augustine Special Report July 13 2011
  • Federal St. Augustine 450th Commemoration Commission here for inaugural meeting / The founding of St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report July 12 2011
  • Hurricane season forecast / Spanish Quarter in financial straits / Church considers Excelsior building use / Monument replicas in trade with Cadiz, Aviles / San Sebastian bridge project begins / Mission, Fountain of Youth preserve history
  • St. Augustine Report July 8 2011
  • 450 plans go to workshop / Federal 450 Commission here Monday / In-street crossing signage / Plan to add homeless beds / One bid for Water Works building repair / Hard life in 1574 St. Augustine
  • St. Augustine Report July 5 2011
  • Fireworks draw 100,000 / Oldest Store Museum reopens / 450 federal commission to meet, Improvement Club, tour guide review, voting for ideas / Hamblen was Flagler supplier
  • St. Augustine Report clarification June 28 2011
  • Clarification on accounting of monies returned by First America Foundation
  • St. Augustine Report June 28 2011
  • City adopts 450 logo / Accounting for monies returned by First America Foundation / City accepts county's $400,000 for Galimore pool, center management / Tovar House gets $50,000 grant / Archaeplogy moves to Spanish Quarter / 24-hour parking now at Castillo / Real houses, people of 1740s in Colonial Spanish Quarter
  • St. Augustine Report June 24 2011
  • FSDB and 450th top city agenda / City to school: obey codes / Galimore study continurds / 450 workshop / Fort Menendez preesents first settlement / 18rh century herbs
  • St. Augustine Report June 21 2011
  • 450 committees form, 450 Gazette published / Marine Street sidewalks planned / Spanish Quarter's craftsmen
  • St. Augustine Report June 14 2011
  • City starts 450 planning / Ideas for 450 presented / County support asked for city CRA / Spanish Quarter questions
  • St. Augustine Report Correction June 7 2011
  • Location of proposed restaurant corrected
  • St. Augustine Report June 7 2011
  • Young tribute dedication / Constitution Monument proposed as landmark / Biassou statue at Visitor Center / bicycle study reviewed / Carnegie's major plan
  • St. Augustine Report May 31 2011
  • New directions, current efforts outlined for 450th
  • St. Augustine Report May 24 2011
  • City raps First America Foundation / Ideas sought for M&M building / Crosswalk signage, Marine Street sidewalks planned / City's Coat of Arms
  • St. Augustine Report May 20 2011
  • Planning for exhibits / Carriage ordinance revisions / Workshop planned on 450th / Galimore Center history
  • St. Augustine Report May 17 2011
  • Planning for 450th Commission / City in harbor pilot program / Children’s museum has powerful vision / St. Augustine Foot Soldiers
  • St. Augustine Report May 10 2011
  • Carriage ordinance changes to go to hearing / UF focused on St. Augustine Story / Larger buoy for Inlet / Freedom Rider speaker at monument dedication / Captive Osceola on canvas
  • St. Augustine Report May 6 2011
  • Carriage ordinance tweaking begins / Alternate carriage routes to be tested / Romanza, Maritime groups lead 450 plans / Holmes Ammidown saves Plaza
  • St. Augustine Report May 3 2011
  • City seeks FSDB input on plans / Five centuries of maps on exhibit / French seize secret dispatches
  • St. Augustine Report April 26 2011
  • Parking, traffic continuing priorities / FSDB, neighbors to meet on plans / StAR promotes moves to St. Augustine / Menendez' rough voyage
  • St. Augustine Report April 19 2011
  • Peck property transfer official / Riberia Street project begins / West Augustine concerns aired / Altar older than hearth in New World
  • St. Augustine Report April 12 2011
  • Carriage ordinance passes / Young Memorial can kick off fund campaign / $2.5 million bayfront plan / Daniel McGirth and Grey Goose
  • St. Augustine Report April 8 2011
  • City Commission table to be replaced / Carriage ordinance hearing tabled / Bayfront design scaled back / Unpleasant start to British Period
  • St. Augustine Report April 5 2011
  • Mooring fields response positive / Middleton Archaeology Center opens / Portrait is Osceola's wife
  • St. Augustine Report March 29 2011
  • County rejects $6 million utility purchase / Joint workshop in April / Carriage ordinance hearing April 11 / Andrew Young marker designed / Historic Marineland bar seeks home / Illustrious Pedro Menendez
  • St. Augustine Report March 25 2011
  • Hearing set on carriage ordinance / Middleton Archaeology Center to be dedicated / Neighborhood beautification contest / Pedro Menendez' strategic genius
  • St. Augustine Report March 22 2011
  • $400,000 offer on Galimore pool / Bayfront designs to be scaled back / City plans tree inventory / Jesuit Martyrs of Ajacan
  • St. Augustine Report March 11 2011
  • Visitor Center settlement $200,000 / Lions return to bridge / Comprehensive Plan update / Carriage ordinance returns / Menendez' 'extraordinary genius'

  • St. Augustine Report March 8 2011
  • Bond issue projects described / Romanza opens Celtic Festival week / French retake Fort Caroline
  • St. Augustine Report March 1 2011
  • $18 million bond issue approved / Carriage permit increase favored / Workshop set for Bayfront design / Sack of San Augustin 1668
  • St. Augustine Report February 25 2011
  • $18 million bond issue proposed / Carriage workshop planned / Spanish Quarter improvements / Menendez diplomatic in Havana
  • St. Augustine Report February 22 2011
  • Improvements for Orange Street / Weekend includes Noche de Gala, Cathedral Festival / Homeless count 1,586 / Menendez letters cite challanges
  • St. Augustine Report Correction February 15 2011
  • Commission's bayfront design vote was 4-1, not 3-2 previously reported
  • St. Augustine Report February 15 2011
  • Bayfront plan approved; questions remain / Galimore pool to go to city / UF support team begins work / Menendez learns of invesion threat
  • St. Augustine Report February 10 2011
  • City seeks stiffer penalties on graffiti / Bayfront designs return to commission / deAviles Award proposed for Dr. Hayling / Menendez letters - Matanzas
  • St Augustine Report February 8 2011
  • New Bayfront designs ready / Amtrak plan still alive / $1,000 reward for graffiti conviction / Guide for 16th century reenactors / Menendez letters - Fort Caroline
  • St Augustine Report February 1 2011
  • University support unit to convene / Nights of Lights extended / Menendez letters - the founding
  • St Augustine Report January 25 2011
  • Jail time sought for Grafitti / M&M building, carriage ordinance, bayfron designs aired before commission / Menendez letters - the French
  • St Augustine Report January 21 2011
  • Commission seeks input on M&M building / Lift Up Lincolnville projects / Carriage ordinance, bayfront designs go to commission / Bicycle trails survey / Pedro Menendez' letters
  • St Augustine Report January 18 2011
  • City plans gala / Nelmar National Register District / Arbor Day Friday / Employees donate Locks of Love / Accounts of city's founding
  • St Augustine Report January 11 2011
  • 450 foundation plans partnerships, details January 26 / Public sesions on M&M Market, Riberia Street / ML KIng Day plans / Ponce's quest - true or false?
  • St Augustine Report January 7 2011
  • Middleton Archaeology Center / City employee saves fire victim / King Street project begins / Bridge project praised / Confederate St. Augustine 1861
  • St Augustine Report January 4 2011
  • Commission reassigns boards / programming fire monitors / Spain's Celtic heritage / Battle of Okeechobee
  • St Augustine Report December 28 2010
  • A review of the major stories of 2010
  • St Augustine Report December 21 2010
  • Holiday spirit in deMesa House tours, Lincolnville caroling, serving homeless / User-friendly calendar on city website / Did Clement Moore write famous poem? / Christmas 1702 St. Augustine siege
  • St Augustine Report December 14 2010
  • Commission OKs M&M Market purchase / Park Service delays Castillo center land transfer / Effort to stretch funds to operate Calhoun and Galimore pools / Ponce nearly lost discovery opportunity
  • St Augustine Report December 10 2010
  • City considers M&M Market purchase / $22.5 million bond issue delayed to January / PZB approves city/university alcohol service plan / Old Spanish Trail
  • St Augustine Report December 7 2010
  • Resolution to expunge 1960s arrest records / City/university seek alcohol sales / Thousands at annual Grande Illumination / Real estate was colonial status symbol
  • St Augustine Report December 3 2010
  • City Commission reorganization meeting / New Commissioner Bill Leary / Commission rules and procedures
  • St Augustine Report November 30 2010
  • Weekend opens holidays / Lincolnville sidewalk repairs / Tree committee grows / Designs for Castillo/Bayfront connection / Puente map and Jesse Fish
  • St Augustine Report November 23 2010
  • Wish lists go to delegation / City/UF bid for alcohol sales / UF plan - organize resources / Betsy incident sparks Tonyn navy
  • St Augustine Report Special November 16 2010
  • Public workshops on reconnecting the Castillo and the bayfront
  • St Augustine Report November 16 2010
  • $22.5 million bond plan / Light-Up! Night / Sally Walton honored / UF plan for heritage programs / Ayllon 1526 expedition
  • St Augustine Report November 9 2010
  • West Augustine improvement efforts / Carriage ordinance tabled / Noise ordinance approved / City Clerk named / $22.5 million in bonds planned / University of Florida seeks heritage audience / Governors aided New Smyrna colonists
  • St Augustine Report November 5 2010
  • Carriage, noise ordinances on agenda / Plan for $22.5 million in bonds / Police close M&M Market / University plans for heritage theme / Matanzas massacre analyzed
  • St Augustine Report November 2 2010
  • Spanish Quarter recruiting drive / Lincolnville Festival / Preservation Institute for St. Augustine? / French report on St. Augustine in 1770s
  • St Augustine Report October 26 2010
  • Relaxed parking in Wendler response / Land transferred for Castillo Viusitor Center / Noise violations $499 in proposal / Historic property repairs need $27 million / Spengler Island
  • St Augustine Report October 22 2010
  • University/city partnership / Castillo center land transfer / Design for part of Inland Harbor project / City to consider Roberia funding, nolise ordinance, Wendler claim response / Joint ticketing in UF plan / Osceola's capture
  • St Augustine Report October 19 2010
  • City geared to recycling / Inland Harbor project awakens / Castillo/city connection in design stage / Humanities Council thinking 2013 / UF wayfinding plan / Neighborhoods active / Delaney murder case
  • St Augustine Report October 12 2010
  • Galimore pool 'county responsibility' / Wendler claim under review / stffier noise penalties sought / Castillo/city connection goes to design stage / Commission seeks city clerk / 13-point UF historic area plan / Few fiestas in early days
  • St Augustine Report October 8 2010
  • city tackles noise, galimore pool, Wendler claim / Galimore pool in workshop / Historic Tolomato Cemetery
  • St Augustine Report October 5 2010
  • Visitor Orientation Center / Galimore workshop planned / Police 'take back' drugs / Greek, Menorcan pathways
  • St Augustine Report September 28 2010
  • VIC exhibit hall studied / West Augustine utility sale supported / Galimore Center priority / Castillo OKs ticket sales in Spanish Quarter / Mission song stirs memories
  • St Augustine Report September 24 2010
  • Utility sale, Galimore Center, VIC expansion on agenda / Plan to unsnarl King/Cordova streets traffic / City of songs
  • St Augustine Report September 21 2010
  • Repairs begin on historic properties / City, UF want alcohol sales at Spanish Quarter, Government House events / Aviles Street reopening with fiesta / Fort Mose getting new exhibits / Massive hotels in 1892 St. Augustine
  • St Augustine Report September 14 2010
  • City approves UF agreement / Historic property repairs planned / Castillo visitor center site faces hurdles / St. Francis House move 3-5 years away / Picasso exhibit planned here / Carriage ordinance on November agenda / 450 foundation seeks director, $100,000-plus / Black Jacks early mariners
  • St Augustine Report September 10 2010
  • City, UF reach agreement / City continues Spanish Quarter management / Land package for Castillo center / Carriage ordinance draft review / Republic of Florida - briefly
  • St Augustine Report September 7 2010
  • City opens Lincolnville dialog / Aviles charter replicas presented / King Street flood project delayed / Chapel of Our Lady of La Leche
  • St Augustine Report August 31 2010
  • City pares $2 million from budget / Aviles councilman visits / Journey of Menendez casket / Founding of St. Augustine
  • St Augustine Report August 24 2010
  • State aides want city contract / Short term rental code passed / San Marco Rehab sold, to close / Panhandling regulations advance / Containers conversion project / Menendez challenges French
  • St Augustine Report August 20 2010
  • City trims Spain delegation / Panhandling on agenda / Budget review Tuesday / Pirate museum plans November opening / Visitation surges / Father Lopez records voyage
  • St Augustine Report August 17 2010
  • City wins softer bid for state land / Castillo/city traffic connection / City seeks Sunshine Law input / San Sebastian bridge replacement plan / St. Augustine's 445th / Menendez' asiento with King
  • St Augustine Report August 10 2010
  • 450 foundation official / Short term rentals studied / Do we need city clerk? / Recycle bins approved / Aggressive panhandling described / Additional beds fo homeless plan works / New camera on city management team / Scout aids Spanish Quarter / Florida Ordinances first martial law
  • St Augustine Report August 6 2010
  • 450 Foundation goes to commission / Tall ship may winter here / Riberia landfill project / Davis Shores water woes / San Mateo joins mutinies
  • St Augustine Report August 3 2010
  • Short term rental regulation / Cool times here / Elections 2010 / 450th ideas / Early mutinies
  • St Augustine Report July 27 2010
  • Challenge to state land release for Castillo center / Government House for ceremonies / New efforts to clean up historic district / Draft carriage ordinance reviewed / Aviles Street makeover begins / General Biassou in St. Augustine
  • St Augustine Report July 23 2010
  • LED lighting for garage / Non-profit to run 450th / / St. Augustine a half century ago
  • St Augustine Report July 20 2010
  • Carriage ordinance being redrafted / Commission to discuss 450th / Fullerwood a National Register District / British view of city in 1770.
  • St Augustine Report July 13 2010
  • Multiple exhibit venues for commemorations / UF official confident of city partnership in heritage / City trimming $2 million from budget / Wendler sues on boutique hotel denial / Recycling bins in city future / Carriage ordinance session planned / Menendez began ventures as teenager
  • St Augustine Report July 9 2010
  • Proposal: city millage stays at 7.5 / City Clerk retires / Commuter rail to Jacksonville studied / Archaeology markers planned / 300 years on a street corner
  • St Augustine Report July 6 2010
  • Aviles Street redesign / Flagler ceiling murals restored / Flagler's Rail Car 90
  • St Augustine Report June 29 2010
  • UF takes over historic properties / 450th needs a foundation / Homeless costs $3.5 million / Historic district style change goes to boards / Fort Mose battle draws hundreds / First national anthem written here
  • St Augustine Report June 22 2010
  • Mission Museum dedication in September / 'Florida's Historic Coast' new advertising theme / Fullerwood National Register bid / San Marco site favored for Amtrak station / 'Battle of Bloody Mose'
  • St Augustine Report June 15 2010
  • Commercial recycling considered / Carrera Street not ready for Amtrak station / First Food comes to St. Augustine / Juneteenth began in Galveston
  • St Augustine Report June 11 2010
  • Contract for city attorney / $679,000 in bayfront improvements / Riberia Street project start / Donor for bridge under-lighting / Commercial recycling considered / Fountain of Youth Patriarch dies / First food in America
  • St Augustine Report June 8 2010
  • Temporary bridge recycled to riprap / Aviles Street America's oldest? / Mooring field reservations / Huguenot Cemetery
  • St Augustine Report June 1 2010
  • Observation platform on Matanzas / Historic District improvements / Freedom Trail Luncheon / Gullah Festival / Drake's Raid
  • St Augustine Report May 25 2010
  • Proctor would support UF plan modification / Heritage plan working / Style ordinance to be adjusted / City manager contract approved / Carriage owners to review proposed rules / Los Floridanos set marker / Workshop on Lighthouse area traffic / Spanish horse helped build nation
  • St Augustine Report May 21 2010
  • Regan becomes city manager July 1 / Commission revisits architectural style / Carriage ordinance goes to workshop / Commission to discuss major projects / Second 450 workshop scheduled / Flagler's vision - our legacy
  • St Augustine Report May 18 2010
  • City bond ratings increase / VIC restrooms to reopen / Collecting 400th memorabilia / Kinsey collection sought for commemorations / Cross and Sword born for 400th Anniversary
  • St Augustine Report May 11 2010
  • 'Style Wars' debate tabled / First America's final program / Oil ban resolution passes / City, university mending fences / Wendler sues on hotel denial / Amtrak workshop / Events for Preservation month / CitySprout grows / New Smyrna survivors in our heritage
  • St Augustine Report May 7 2010
  • Architectural style on city agenda / New aerial fire engine, street sweeper sought / Bayfront gateway for Spanish Quarter / Amtrak plan's driving force / Spring was season for buccaneers
  • St Augustine Report May 4 2010
  • It's about history! / 1812 monument / 1848 Portrait of Osceola's wife / 1940s POW camps / 1965 Just the beginning / 2015 Memorabilia / 20?? New transit era
  • St Augustine Report April 27 2010
  • City manager named / Bus museum of POW years / City heritage business plan online / Residents recoil at cannon / Ceremony here ended Seminole wars
  • St Augustine Report April 23 2010
  • Call to save historic properties / Commissioners begin city manager search Monday / SR 312 bypass funding for right-of-way / Who should run 450th foundation? / A 450th license plate / Plan board to discuss architectural style / Flag ceremony was once daily experience
  • St Augustine Report April 20 2010
  • City manager to retire / Mayor to UF: support sunsetting / 450th workshops start / No more flags on bridge? / Coupons for VIC parking / Pirates predate our city
  • St Augustine Report April 13 2010
  • Heritage plans on front burner / Solid business plan developed / City seeks long term lease on historic properties / 450th workshops planned / Riberia project meeting planned / Henry Flagler's legacy lives on
  • St Augustine Report April 9 2010
  • Bayfront entrance to Spanish Quarter planned / City seeks 30-year lease of state historic properties / City endorses Amtrak plan / Plaza dig draws interest / Pump out boat joins city fleet / Mooring field schedule / 16th century village proposed / Castillo's only recorded escape
  • St Augustine Report April 6 2010
  • Historic Clark-Worley House lost / Ponce Company prepares for 2013 / Digging our Plaza / Neighborhood Associations at work / Ponce's quest was believable
  • St Augustine Report March 30 2010
  • Amtrak plan still on track / Lifetime achievement award to Gannon / Bridge lanes adjusted / Imagineer creates nostalgic signs / Voting on ideas for 450th / Lightner collector of collections
  • St Augustine Report March 23 2010
  • Bridge work completion in December / City developments on 450 plan / Brace for crowds in commemoration / Some facts about our Castillo
  • St Augustine Report March 19 2010
  • Proposed ordinance limts uses by exception / Board appointments on city agenda / Resolution to curb further oil drilling / Container housing idea grows / Easter Festival ceremonies, parade
  • St Augustine Report March 16 2010
  • Bridge of Lions reopens / Mooring removal continues / Maritime symposium / Container housing / Foot Soldiers from clay to bronze / Curious case of a Masonic symbol
  • St Augustine Report March 9 2010
  • Former Police Chief Robinson dies / Committee to design 450 product licensine / Bridge lighting needs funding / Riberia start expected in October / Keeping commitments to West Augustine / Echo House deed transferred / Bridge of Lions to reopen / Siege of 1740
  • St Augustine Report March 5 2010
  • City seeks $9.8 million in fed funds / Major projects listed / Agreement for parking advances Aviles Street project / Aviles mayor recommended for 450 panel / City research collection online / Click It or Ticket campaign / Searle's raid
  • St Augustine Report March 2 2010
  • Pros head Noche de Gala, Excelsior events / Wastewater aeration praised / Bikers try out parking facility / Calhoun Center mural community project / Caravel plan outlined / Dade's fate on cold morning
  • St Augustine Report February 23 2010
  • Symposium, gala for Menendez birthday / Commission debates outside meeting rules / Skateboard area reopens / Moorings removal discussed / Archaeology Month events / Colonial St. Augustine & civic identity
  • St Augustine Report February 19 2010
  • Mooring ball removal scheduled / PZB amendment time in ordinance / Harlem Ambassadors surprise Ketterlinus / Magic in our architecture
  • St Augustine Report February 16 2010
  • Preparing for census / Florida Memorial revisits / HARB mulls signs, center / It's the Law(s) / Flagler College good neighbor / Hero's farewell / Early building code
  • St Augustine Report February 9 2010
  • Mica confident of Amtrak funding / City explains mooring ball removal / Style change in one HP District / Friday night venue for youth / Churches aid Trinity Methodist / 1st environmentally planned city
  • St Augustine Report February 5 2010
  • Area officials to meet with Mica / Historic style returns to commission / West King repaving begins in April / Gullah/Geechee Commission to meet here / Amtrak effort continues
  • St Augustine Report February 2 2010
  • City to bid on car wash site / Amtrak rail plan rejected / Shaving sidewalks saving dollars / Community unites for Haiti relief / Applications, balloons on PZB agenda / HARB OKs restaurant, mulls demolition
  • St Augustine Report January 25 2010
  • Pirate museum coming to bayfront / Bridge debris may rip rap Riberia landfill / Vending bans approved / 450 federal commission recommendations / Echo House school plans advance
  • St Augustine Report January 22 2010
  • LED lighting for parking facility? / Vending bans go to public hearings / Parking bans proposed for residential areas / Weed & Seed for better community
  • St Augustine Report January 19 2010
  • Panache property to be piano bar / Cordova Street properties will be restaurant / Father Grajales statue moving / 16th century ship for city / Actor prepares for Pedro Menendez role
  • St Augustine Report Correction January 12 2010
  • Candidate for 450 Commission deceased
  • St Augustine Report January 12 2010
  • Educator tapped for 450 Commission / Aviles Street sidewalk dining approved / Plan for motorcycle parking in garage / Alcohol service hours extended / Support for Lightner Museum
  • St Augustine Report January 8 2010
  • Vending bans on city agenda / VIC bus stop and motorcycles parking / Aviles Street cafe tables / Echo House plan
  • St Augustine Report January 5 2010
  • Echo House takeover / 1st America program features British / Los Floridanos plan marker / Signage, monument fencing on HARB agenda
  • St Augustine Report December 29 2009
  • The year in review / Top stories include approval of mooring fields, Fish Island dock settlement, Judge lifts Plaza artist ban, Ste. Claire named Heritage and 450th director, Redesign for Aviles Street
  • St Augustine Report December 22 2009
  • St. Augustine Christmas 2009 / NORAD tracks Santa / Lake Maria Sanchez overflows / HARB tables city items / 500 free ParkNow cards go quickly / Reentry Team helps ex-offenders
  • St Augustine Report December 15 2009
  • Mooring fields approved / Ordinance for sidewalk cafes / Vendor debate / Highway signs installed / University studies Davis Shores
  • .St Augustine Report December 11 2009
  • Mooring fields go to public hearing / City agenda includes Caf� tables for Aviles Street, New hope for West Augustine utilities, Control of Visitor Center grounds, Budgets for Heritage Department and 450th
  • St Augustine Report December 8 2009
  • Board to study Lighthouse traffic / Add 2 million for commemoration / Archaeology website created / Fencing for Constitucion Monument / Hurricanes secured our place in history
  • St Augustine Report December 1 2009
  • British Night Watch opens holiday season / Parking changes to 'Rediscover Downtown' / Ponce's significant discoveries
  • St Augustine Report November 24 2009
  • The REAL First Thanksgiving / Regional Plan Board seeks local control / Harbor plan online / 1st America series continues
  • St Augustine Report November 17 2009
  • 'Light-up!' for Nights of ights / New signage being installed / Flagler plans welcome center / Boys/Girls Club groundbreaking / Florida Memorial comes home / First America series continues /
  • St Augustine Report November 10 2009
  • Moorings hearing Dec. 14 / Echo House faces code board / Parking time increases / New police boat
  • St Augustine Report November 6 2009
  • 1st America fills auditorium / 450 website / Mooring fields on agenda / ParkNow cards holiday gift / Water plan for future
  • St Augustine Special Report Heritage
  • A summary of plans to improve our city's Colonial Spanish Quarter and Heritage Program
  • St Augustine Report November 3 2009
  • 450 program begins / Heritage sign installation / Mooring fields, dredging plans / Nelmar Park success / Early fort recreated
  • St Augustine Report October 27 2009
  • History past? Not here / New city heritage model interactive / Commission OKs 12-foot wall / Our region oportunity epicenter
  • St Augustine Report October 23 2009
  • Historic Echo House 'Unsafe' / Report due on skateboard wall / Heritage Tourism/450 workshop Tuesday / Visitor Center temporary restrooms upgraded
  • St Augustine Report October 20 2009
  • 450 - the journey begins / Foot Soldiers Monument reaches fund goal / Outdoor dining ordinance awaits project funding / Civil Rights leaders reunite / Visit our cemeteries / North City a National Register District
  • St Augustine Report October 13 2009
  • Aviles Street test for outdoor dining / 16-foot skate park wall? / Workshop for Heritage Tourism and 450th / Utility lease plan eases burden / VIC restroom design - whose fault?
  • St Augustine Report October 9 2009
  • Francis Field plan on city agenda / Proposal for bridge reopening / Aviles Street redesign / Leaks close Visitor Center restrooms
  • St Augustine Report October 6 2009
  • Plan board considers docks / Basics in tourism planning / Youth agency plans new home
  • St Augustine Report September 29 2009
  • Amtrak plan here advances / Skate park praised / Planning Bridge reopening / Only two apply for Plaza vending
  • St Augustine Report September 25 2009
  • Progress on Riberia Street / Bridge of Lions reopening plans / Segways in police grant / Speed humps for Masters Drive
  • St Augustine Report September 22 2009
  • Zaxby's opening here / Free parking times / CodeRed warning system / People United / Kiteboarding
  • St Augustine Report September 15 2009
  • vending, parade ordinances adopted / Skateboard park future shaky / City, airport vie for Amtrak / Teen spoke for city preservation in 1962
  • St Augustine Report September 11 2009
  • Hearings on city vending, parades / Sites for Amtrak station / 12-foot noise wall at skate park / Ship, festival are 450 Projects / Usinas get La Florida Awards
  • St Augustine Report September 8 2009
  • City budget adjusts to economy / A School of Excellence forming / Excelsior Center adds artifacts / Groundbreaking for Hospice Center
  • St Augustine Report September 1 2009
  • City budget hearing Thursday / Bed tax grant panel to meet / City celebrates 444 years / Contract for Foot Soldiers sculpture / FSDB staff, grad in Deaflympics
  • St Augustine Report August 25 2009
  • City Commission passes tax increases, moves vending ordinances to hearings / Tree Committee gains greater role / City budget now online / New plan for Aviles Street
  • St Augustine Report August 21 2009
  • Ordinances address vending in historic district / County Commission looks at bed tax / St. Francis House gets a new coat
  • St Augustine Report August 18 2009
  • A better route for horse carriages? / 450th plans for ship, romanza festival / One very big horse!
  • St Augustine Report August 11 2009
  • Noise barrier, more enforcement planned at skate park / Plaza vending to be limited to market building
  • St Augustine Report August 4 2009
  • Bed tax advocates prepare for workshop / Forgotten bird bath among restoration needs / King Street flooding relief in sight / 'Expo pavilion' may showcase multicultural history
  • St Augustine Report July 28 2009
  • Commission OKs one style change / Tax/fee Increases cover budget deficit / Ste. Claire named Heritage director
  • St Augustine Report July 24 2009
  • Time for public input on our historic style / Florida Living History group forms
  • St Augustine Report July 21 2009
  • Mayor "saddened" at loss of historic sign / Appointments being shaped for 450th
  • St Augustine Report July 14 2009
  • Fish Island dock settlement approved / Mission plans Museum / Amtrak plan advances
  • St Augustine Report July 10 2009
  • Style, plaza, dock, taxes on Monday agenda / Senator promotes Caribbean connection
  • St Augustine Report July 7 2009
  • Battle of style faces City Commission, HARB / Plaza ordinance on agenda / Flagler fountain restorations completed
  • St Augustine Report June 30 2009
  • Spain's Royal Armory at National Gallery / Charleston's Spoleto, our 'Romanza'
  • St Augustine Report June 23 2009
  • Commission delays Fish Island dock settlement / Wendler suit dismissed, Plaza settlement proposed / Gullah Geechee - revising history
  • St Augustine Report June 19 2009
  • Fish Island dock settlement on City agenda / Amtrak service, depot here? / 450 Steering Committe meets
  • St Augustine Report June 16 2009
  • Our 450th - formal process begins Thursday / Sunken ship search being filmed here
  • St Augustine Report June 9 2009
  • City Commission chooses Colonial style / North City Waterworks Building restoration plan / State OKs mooring field permitting
  • St Augustine Report June 5 2009
  • 'What's our style' on commission agenda / Bishop's Building a question of style / City/County workshop a milestone
  • St Augustine Report June 2 2009
  • 1977 plan to recreate 1st settlement / West Augustine history cataloged
  • St Augustine Report May 26 2009
  • Plaza, style, Fish Island on city agenda / Website to track Riberia Street progress
  • St Augustine Report May 19 2009
  • Past is present with Concerts in the Plaza / Crawfish Boil draws reactions / City tour guide handbook, test revised
  • St Augustine Report May 12 2009
  • Judge lifts Plaza artist ban
  • St Augustine Report May 8 2009
  • Waterworks building 'a true treasure'
  • St Augustine Report May 5 2009
  • Ponce Mall's Regal Cinema closes
  • St Augustine Report April 28 2009
  • Commission asks, "What's our historic style?"
  • St Augustine Report April 24 2009
  • Public hearings to dominate city agenda
  • St Augustine Report April 21 2009
  • Room at the 450 table?
  • St Augustine Report April 14 2009
  • Fort Mose gains national status
  • St Augustine Report April 7 2009
  • West Augustine - finding the same page
  • St Augustine Report March 31 2009
  • City parking facility numbers climbing
  • St Augustine Report March 24 2009
  • Residency tested in HARB appointment
  • St Augustine Report March 20 2009
  • 450 legislation clears US Senate
  • St Augustine Report March 17 2009
  • Commemoration legacy - 3 exhibit centers
  • St Augustine Report March 10 2009
  • Ste. Claire named 450th interim director
  • St Augustine Report March 6 2009
  • Highway signage drives forward
  • St Augustine Report March 3 2009
  • Fountain restoration - two to go
  • St Augustine Report February 27 2009
  • High Court: cities can regulate monuments
  • St Augustine Report February 24 2009
  • Public comment - say positive
  • St Augustine Report February 20 2009
  • City retirement incentive program proposed
  • St Augustine Report February 10 2009
  • 'Bankrollers to End Homelessness'
  • St Augustine Report February 5 2009
  • UF Plan - $37 million to preserve history