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Published by former Mayor George Gardner March 20 2013
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George Gardner 57 Fullerwood Drive St. Augustine FL 32084
Click to order St. Augustine Bedtime Stories
two sets of twelve, $15 each set
Ponce Celebration 500
Ponce de Leon at 500 will meet St. Augustine's historic Ponce de León Celebrations of the late 19th and early 20th century April 6-7 in La Fiesta de la Florida, a free production of the Historic Forida Militia, a 501(c)3 organization.
Father Gilbert Medina of St. Mary of the Lakes Catholic Church in Eustis, portraying the Spanish explorer, and Miami's Raisa La Rosa, Miss Mundo Latina in 2012, as Miss Ponce de Leon, will preside over an array of activities in courtyards along St. George and Cuna streets, the Plaza de la Constitución, the City Gate and Cubo line site adjacent to the Huguenot Cemetery.
Look for the Easter Festival Royal Family, St. George Players, Bilge Rats, Flamenco by Fuego Flamenco of Jacksonville, folkloric groups Raices de Puerto Rico and Raices de Colombia, and Aztec Dancers Xochitlalpan and Lucero throughout the day.
Festivities will open with ceremonies Saturday April 6 at 10 am at the statue of Ponce de Leon on the bayfront, including a reenactment landing. The flavor of Spanish Fiesta continues through the day and Sunday in the courtyards of the Arrivas and Riberia houses, Spanish Bakery, Isabella Garden, Cuna Street, City Gate and Cubo Line site on Orange Street. Visit the website.
Behind the beauty of a sculpted bronze monument is a complex process to transform the artist's concept into permanence.
Deltona Sculptor Brian R. Owens has produced an 8-minute documentary, Making a Monument, based on the evolution of the St. Augustine Foot Soldiers Monument.
The citizen St. Augustine Foot Solders Remembrance Project raised $70,000 for the monument in the city's Plaza de la Constitución. Click for the YouTube video.
Image: DVD cover for Owens video
April 2, 1513, Spain's Ponce de Leon spied land at 30 degrees, 8 minutes, according to the writings of Chief Historian of the Indies Antonio de Herrera, and, taken by its beauty and acknowledging the Spanish season of Pascua (Easter), named it La Florida.
El Espiritu at sunset awaits final preparations
That site 18 miles north of St. Augustine will be recognized Tuesday, April 2, 2013, with dedication of the explorer's statue. The site off A1A is difficult to park at, so celebrants are urged instead to line the highway from St. Augustine to hail the replica Spanish caravel El Espiritu as it sails north for the ceremony.
The city will contribute its recognition Wednesday, April 3 with a Commemorative Landing on the bayfront at 10 am, Commemorative Mass and blessing of a replica Ponce de Leon Baptismal Font at the Cathedral at 11, and unveiling of a 2013 Ponce de Leon commemorative stamp at Flagler Auditorium at 12:30.
Urging the flags
After receiving confirmation last week from Transportation Secretary Ananth Prasad that FDOT "will install the poles, but the city has to authorize the flag and agree to pay for cost of the materials and for proper maintenance per the flag protocols ..." former State Representative Fred Costello, R-Ormond Beach, emailed Mayor Joe Boles:
"Mayor Joe: What can I do to facilitate raising the American flags on the Bridge of Lions? If it will help you, I'll attend a Commission meeting and ask Commission to authorize flags. However, I do not want to insert myself into local politics ... as long as you will get it done without outsiders like me attending your meeting.
"I just want to see the flags!"
Costello, a former Ormond Beach mayor, jumped into the flag debate last year while in the legislature, after reading a Report article. Last week an online petition surfaced calling for the flags' return.
The mayor said at last week's City Commission meeting that the installation of flag poles would be "cost prohibitive."
Historic weekend
Chalk walk, muster, blessing
An art form originated in 16th century Italy, a muster harking back to the earliest days of the nation's oldest city, and a centuries-old blessing on those who go "down to the sea in ships" fill this weekend's calendar in St. Augustine.
Paseo Pastel
will draw some 70 chalk artists, including veterans of chalk walks nationally and internationally, to the sidewalks around the Visitor Center Saturday, creating masterpieces from 8 am to 5 pm, with awarding of $1,000 in prizes at 5:30 pm. Enjoy the artistry until washdown at 4 pm Sunday. The innovative Paseo Pastel is the brainchild of the
St. Augustine Regional Council. Visit the website.
Spanish Grand Muster
Steps from the chalk artists, along the Cubo Line on Orange Street, enter the encampment of St. Augustine's 1740 Garrison as it prepares for the siege of British forces under Georgia's Governor James Oglethorpe. Military drills, camp life and colonial market continue through the day, culminating with the Grand Muster torchlight parade at 8 pm along St. George Street to the Plaza de la Constitución for a blessing of the flags and musket salute. Visit the website.
Blessing of the Fleet
A tradition that began centuries ago in Mediterranean fishing communities and began here in 1946 - the heyday of St. Augustine's shrimping industry - is continued in Matanzas Bay Sunday following 11 am Palm Sunday Mass at the Cathedral Basilica. Bishop Felipe J. Estevez will give the blessing at the Municipal Marina. The event is hosted by the St. Augustine Yacht Club. Visit the website.
Government 1 Business 0
For Murphy McDaniel and Stuart Gamsey it was business. For city hall, it was an opportunity to wipe the slate clean.
Gamsey over the years had amassed most of the city's 46 horse carriage permits, paying the going rate for control of those permits. Gamsey offered to sell permits to McDaniel at a steep price. McDaniel sued Gamsey, charging he was unfairly monopolizing the business. McDaniel finally borrowed $1.2 million to buy out Gamsey - most of that value in those permits.
For city hall, it was "let's start over." Wiping out the history of the carriage trade and business values developed and paid for by McDaniel, city hall dismissed all 46 existing $80 permits and offered 30 permits at $1,000 each on the open market.
Murphy McDaniel closed his business Monday, $1.8 million in debt and facing bankruptcy.
Dozens dressed out for 1927 Ponce de Leon Celebration.
University of Florida archive photo
History's Highlight
The Ponce de Leon Celebration
2 years, 5 months, 20 days to St. Augustine's 450th anniversary
The State press has been jabbing St. Augustine over the apathy relative to the celebration of the anniversary of the discovery of Florida.
Commenting on an editorial that appeared some time ago in The Evening Record, the Miami Metropolis expresses its views as follows:
"Inasmuch as the affair concerns all of Florida, we are wondering if a general protest against the inactivity shown would be entirely proper. There is not another State in the Union which may celebrate the anniversary of its European settlement for many a year to come and Florida should appreciate the situation and rise to the dignity of a fitting celebration."
Similar sentiment has appeared in the editorials of other State papers. It seems as if the progressive cities of Florida are keenly interested in a fitting commemoration of the great event and will give it hearty support.
As St. Augustine is the spot favored by Ponce de Leon this city must take the initiative in launching the celebration. Every county in the state should be invited to participate as all Florida has a kindred interest in this historical celebration.
It has been suggested that the various counties could be induced to send two grandees to represent them in retinue. The time for preparation is short and if the Ancient City intends to take advantage of its opportunity to spread its name far and wide its citizens must shake off languor and get to work with a zest never before displayed here.
Editorial in the Evening Record, October 1912, relative to the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the discovery of Florida.
St. Augustine Bedtime Stories - Dramatic accounts of famous people and events in St. Augustine's history - in booklets designed for quick reads before bed. Information here.
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The St. Augustine Report is published weekly, with additional Reports previewing City Commission meetings as well as Special Reports. The Report is written and distributed by George Gardner, St. Augustine Mayor (2002-2006) and Commissioner (2006-2008) and a former newspaper reporter and editor. Contact the Report at