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Published by former Mayor George Gardner July 10 2013
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George Gardner 57 Fullerwood Drive St. Augustine FL 32084
Click to order St. Augustine Bedtime Stories -
two sets of twelve, $15 each set
Parking review
Permit program 'failing the purpose'
City commissioners Monday tabled two requests for residential parking permit areas after City Manager John Regan urged them to "step back and look at the whole program in totality."
Regan said "We're moving into new territory" since the program of marking designated spaces on city streets for residents went into effect in 2004. He noted among problems: downtown workers with permits occupying spaces close to their businesses and designated spaces pushing non-resident motorists "further into neighborhoods."
Commissioner Leanna Freeman, opposing the concept of residents-only neighborhood zones, said, "I don't like the idea of breaking up our city into zones. Residents should be able to move freely."
Commissioner Don Crichlow summarized the dilemma: "You ought to be able to park in front of your house (but) everyone pays taxes in this town and should be able to park anywhere."
Requests for three resident spaces on San Salvador and two on Water Street were tabled for city staff surveys, review by the citizen Parking and Traffic Committee, and public workshops.
George McClure
1951 - 2013
George McClure remarked in the midst of representing 7-Eleven in its bid to build a store and gas pumps at the busy intersection of San Marco Avenue and May Street, "It's quite a change from my representing those DRIs (Developments of Regional Impact)," a practice that all but disappeared with the economic downturn.
But he was the choice when potentially contentious zoning matters went before citizen boards.
He most recently appeared before the St. Augustine City Commission April 21, suggesting (arguing wasn't in his vocabulary) a city code modification to allow alcohol consumption within 100 feet of churches. And city commissioners accepted it as if to say, "Why didn't we think of that?"
George McClure was one who could tell you to go to Hell in such a way you'd look forward to the trip.
His passing last Sunday - too soon - is a loss reverberating through the community and the countless organizations and people he served.
A memorial service will be held tomorrow at 11 am at Memorial Presbyterian Church..
Photo: Historic City News

2003 proposal rekindled as
performer ban is increased
One commissioner hesitated, another stated, "There's not one member of this commission who would not favor entertainment on St. George Street if we could regulate it," and two residents cited a 2003 proposal for regulation.
But in the end, St. Augustine's City Commission Monday unanimously extended a street performer ban along Hypolita Street.
Commissioner Leanna Freeman said, "I've always felt there should be a better way to regulate it," and Commissioner Don Crichlow, who served on the commission from 2002 to 2010 and is now filling in for retired Bill Leary, noted, "We're just not allowed to pick the entertainment."
Residents Ed Slavin and Mark Fraser both cited a 2003 proposal by then Mayor George Gardner including controls on numbers and locations of street entertainers (buskers) and a citizen Busker Board to oversee the program.
That proposal is carried on Slavin's blogspot and on the city website. The complete text is here.
Commenting in Slavin's blogspot, former street entertainer and organizer Roger Jolley wrote, "The main difference is our non-profit Street Art's Guild would have operated independently, under a contract with the city so it would not use city ordinances with a criminal process of law for those who violate a non-criminal city ordinance.
"Our organization worked more with the carrot and less with the stick."
I've had concerns since we passed the alcohol ordinance. I'd like a legal analysis of what we did, the risks, where we are.
Commissioner Leanna Freeman getting consensus for a review of the recently passed ordinance allowing alcohol consumption within 100 feet of a church.
What you see is not the end result.
Commissioner Don Crichlow on test underlighting of four Bridge of Lions spans which he said isn't what he'd hoped for. The lighting will remain until July 15 for public comment.
We have a variety of tours; some from out of town. ... If the tour guide licensing program is not enforced, it doesn't do any good.
Tour Guide Marc Rittman, winning City Commission support for tightening up tour guide code enforcement.
Life after the 4th
The holiday is past, but music, movies, tours and performances continue into summer:
Movies By The Bay
Wednesday and Friday Ripley's St. Augustine Attractions and the St. Augustine Municipal Marina offer free showings of The Never Ending Story at 8:30 pm at the Marina behind Bayfront Mini Golf. 904-824-1606
Music By Sea and Plaza
Wednesday free concert series features Restless King's southern rock 7 - 9 pm at the St. Augustine Beach Pier Pavilion, Panama Hatties offering signature dinners for $10.
Thursday The Falling Bones playing classic rock and roll in free live concert 7-9 pm in the Plaza de la Constitución. 904-825-1004
What's on (1888) menu?
Thursday the chef has poured over old menus to recreate gracious dinners served in Henry Flagler's three Grand Hotels, to be enjoyed at a dinner theater featuring "The Three Mrs. Flaglers" in the Casa Monica's grand ballroom at 6:30, show following at 7:30. $49 per person. 904-810-6810.
Colonial Crew Revue
Friday an 8 pm audience-immersive musical and comedy show featuring the Picolata Players is offered at the Colonial Quarter, St. George Street. Tickets $29.99 adults, $14.99 children. Complimentary snacks and draft beer, wine and soft drinks. 1-888-991-0933
Civil Rights & Black Heritage Tour
Saturday St. Augustine Black Heritage Tours Inc. offers a free historic walking tour of sites and events leading up to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Tours depart from the Tour Saint Augustine Inc. office on Grenada Street at 5 pm. Advance reservations required.
History's highlight
Gullible's Travels in St. Augustine
2 years, 1 month, 30 days to St. Augustine's 450th anniversary
Ring Lardner (1885-1933), an American sports columnist and short story writer best known for his satirical takes on the sports world, marriage, and the theatre, related his visit to St. Augustine in his Gullible's Travels in 1917. This excerpt takes him and his wife across the street from his lodgings at the Alcazar to visit the Hotel Ponce de Leon.
In the evenin' we strolled acrost the street to the Ponce - that's supposed to be even sweller yet than where we were stoppin' at. We walked all over the place without recognizin' nobody from our set.
I finally warned the Missus that if we didn't duck back to our room I'd probably have a heart attack from excitement; but she'd read in her Florida guide that the decorations and pitchers was worth goin' miles to see, so we had to stand in front o' them for a couple hours and try to keep awake.
Four or five o' them was thrillers, at that. Their names was Adventure, Discovery, Contest, and so on, but what they all should of been called was Lady Who Had Mislaid Her Clo'es.
The hotel's named after the fella that built it. He come from Spain and they say he was huntin' for some water that if he'd drunk it he'd feel young. I don't see myself how you could expect to feel young on water.
But, anyway, he'd heard that this here kind o' water could be found in St. Augustine, and when he couldn't find it he went into the hotel business and got even with the United States by chargin' five dollars a day and up for a room."
The St. Augustine Report is published weekly, with additional Reports previewing City Commission meetings as well as Special Reports. The Report is written and distributed by George Gardner, St. Augustine Mayor (2002-2006) and Commissioner (2006-2008) and a former newspaper reporter and editor. Contact the Report at