Chronic Illness Recovery Newsletter Archives
Listed below is a collection of archived newsletters from Chronic Illness Recovery, a tax-exempt 501(c)3 charitable organization incorporated in the State of Texas.

Chronic Illness Recovery (CIR) provides support for physicians and their patients in managing long-term angiotensin receptor blocker and combination antibiotic therapy to treat chronic inflammatory diseases. Our Nurses fill in the "information gap" to guide patients between office visits.

We also provide a safe, vibrant online forum where patients enrolled with us converse anonymously with other patients. We consider all these services invaluable in helping patients through the recovery process.

CIR distributes monthly newsletters by email. We do not display advertising or receive sponsorship from any commercial interest. We never share our email newsletter list with anyone else. We invite you to take a look at our website and our archived newsletters below. If you like what you see, please add your contact information to our mailing list and you will receive our newsletters in the future.
Chronic Illness Recovery
P.O. Box 10756
Fort Worth, Texas 76114

Toll-Free Number in US and Canada

email us