Patient News 
Chronic Illness Recovery Newsletter



 Patient Workshop


Road to Recovery from Chronic Illness


Christ's Church of  

Marion County

6768 SW 80th St.
Ocala, Florida


Saturday, January 24, 2015

9 - 4

Lunch included

Donations appreciated

To register, call 352-861-6182




Peer-reviewed publication about Inflammation Therapy 
and Vitamin D:  
the Infection Connection 
Free full text is available online at this link.


Therapy Tip


We recommend NoIR (No InfraRed) sunglasses, made by NoIR Medical Technologies. NoIR sunglasses have a patented protective coating that protects eyes from infrared, ultraviolet, and blue light, as well as bright visible light. Patients should purchase NoIR a pair of sunglasses with 2% amber lenses and a pair with 10% amber lenses before starting Benicar. The various styles and other acceptable brands are described in our Sunglasses article. NoIR representatives are familiar with the needs of patients on Inflammation Therapy and can assist in selecting the correct style and lenses.  Call 1.800.521.97461.800.521.9746  

and mention the  

"low vision discount".





CIR Counseling  



 If you would like to enroll  

in the CIR counseling program, please send a request for  

an enrollment form to

  or call us at  


(toll-free in the US and Canada).  



Recovery Reports


To see our latest recovery 

reports click here.   

If you have recovered your health or had significant symptom improvement with Inflammation Therapy (or a similar treatment), please  

help us 'pay it forward' by  

telling your story.  

Any report, short or long,   

with or without objective data (e.g., lab results, imaging reports) would be helpful.   

Please email your story.

Thank you!  



CIR Library Access


Our free, extensive, easy-to-read  

Library of Information

 (see this sample page)

  is available to anyone.

Please email for a  

request to access. 





CIR is an IRS-recognized 501(c)3 non-profit charitable organization. 

Donate to CIR

 in support of our educational outreach efforts.



Contact Us
you may phone us toll free 888.846.2474
Like me on Facebook


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Health on the Net  


has certified that the Chronic Illness Recovery website and forum conform to the principles of HONcode for the dissemination of trustworthy health information for patients and professionals.

Issue: 59
October 2014



This is a busy time of the year when most of us get ready for winter weather and holidays. Recently I've been contacted by several people who have decided that Inflammation Therapy is the right treatment for them but they have been delaying initiation. Being busy is one reason given for the delay and that is understandable. But, realistically, life will probably always be busy and, in the meantime, those sneaky intracellular bacteria continue to proliferate and cause inflammatory symptoms.


If you have questions about how to get started, please send me an email at I'm happy to help you solve any issues that are preventing you from getting on the road to recovery. We would love to have you join our community of patients who are taking charge of their health and getting better.


Happy Fall,


Meg Mangin


About Inflammation Therapy


Summary of Vitamin D Deficiency Issues


Vitamin D is essential for many important biological processes and most people get an adequate supply from exposure to sunlight. Long-term studies are needed to determine if low 25(OH)D in healthy individuals leads to disease. Evidence that vitamin D supplementation cures or prevents chronic disease is inconsistent. Despite increased supplementation chronic inflammatory diseases are on the rise. Attention to the alternate hypothesis - low 25(OH)D is a consequence of the chronic disease process, provoked by persistent intracellular infection - may be crucial to reversing this trend and needs further research.


The prevailing dogma that the level of serum 25(OH)D provides an accurate assessment of vitamin D status needs closer examination. Circulating levels of 25(OH)D may not be an accurate reflection of vitamin D status. In those with an autoimmune disease or chronic inflammatory symptoms, 1,25(OH)2D may be elevated. This can lead to osteoporosis and cause inhibition of innate immunity, which is contraindicated in the presence of infection. The resulting immunosuppression may promote persistent infection which has been implicated in chronic inflammatory diseases.


Human cells live in harmony with many types of microbes but some microbes may become pathogenic under commonly experienced conditions. The innate immune system is designed to kill pathogens via 1,25(OH)2D mediated VDR transcription of anti-microbial peptides but microbes may use strategies which down-regulate the VDR in order to live and reproduce within nucleated host cells. Studies using more advanced cell culture and molecular techniques are confirming the presence of previously undetected intracellular bacteria.


Defense mechanisms that intracellular bacteria use to persist and proliferate need to be investigated. Pathogen-induced VDR dysfunction which causes the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines appears to be at the root of chronic disease and low 25(OH)D. Improving VDR activation may be the key to reducing inflammatory diseases. Treatments that up-regulate the VDR to restore normal immune function, reduce inflammation and eradicate persistent bacterial infections require further research. An immunotherapy (Inflammation Therapy) which has demonstrated efficacy in reversing vitamin D metabolism dysfunction and reducing inflammatory symptoms is currently being used by clinicians and warrants formal study.


Key Points


Vitamin D is a steroid hormone which regulates immune system function.


Photosynthesis of vitamin D3 provides adequate vitamin D stores for most individuals.


Low levels of 25(OH)D are seen in healthy individuals, as well as those with chronic inflammatory conditions.


Studies are inconsistent regarding the health benefits of increasing vitamin D stores, vitamin D supplementation may have negative effects.


25(OH)D may not always reflect the level of 1,25(OH)D; accurate assessment of vitamin D status depends on measuring both metabolites.


Intracellular, cell wall deficient bacteria may cause dysregulated vitamin D metabolism and impaired immune system function.    


A novel, non-vitamin D VDR ligand (an angiotensin receptor blocker) appears to reactivate the immune system, restore VDR competence, correct dysregulated vitamin D metabolism and reduce inflammatory symptoms.  


New Scientific Articles

Role of epigenetic reprogramming of host genes in bacterial pathogenesis

The genomes are regularly targeted by epigenetic regulatory mechanisms (DNA methylation, histone modifications, binding of regulatory proteins) in infected cells. ...elimination of microbes inducing patho-epigenetic changes may prevent disease development.


Angiotensin II AT1 receptor blockers as treatments for inflammatory brain disorders

ARBs should be tested for the prevention and therapy of neurodegenerative disorders.



Chronic Illness Recovery Outreach 


Meg Mangin, RN spoke on "Clinical Evidence of Immune System Dysregulation Caused by Intracellular Infection" at the 3rd International Conference and Exhibition on Clinical & Cellular Immunology in Baltimore on September 30.


Ms. Mangin displayed a poster at the ILADS conference in Washington, DC on October 10-11. Her presentation was titled "Olmesartan Up-regulates the Vitamin D Receptor and Resolves Neurological Symptoms Related to Lyme Disease".


Meg will display a poster titled "Olmesartan Resolves Chronic Inflammation" at the American Academy of Family Physicians Scientific Assembly October 21-25 in Washington, D.C.



Patient Workshops 


To facilitate attendance for interested people across the USA, our Patient Workshops will be offered in any locality for a gathering of 10 or more. If you are able to organize a group for a workshop, please contact us at this link.



Diet Support Group 


Recovery from chronic illness sometimes necessitates a reduction in body weight. If you are in this category, you may need guidance and support. CIR conducts an online dietary group for this purpose. Those who participate receive emails with information related to diets, exercise and weight management. The regular contact provides motivation to get started and incentive to persist if/when the going gets rough. If you would like to join, please send us an email.





"I had the most wonderful day at my daughter's wedding. Thank you for helping me be there. Can't thank Meg and the team enough, this treatment has helped me so much." Emmley


"I have been on IT over two months now, and I have noticed that a couple of things has almost resolved. I do not have the itchy skin anymore and I do not have shooting pain anymore. I have less anxiety than the first month." Justice