Please check out our previous email newsletters.
They contain product reviews, helpful tips, and a little humor .
- July 2016
- Tip: Plug Gages, Featured Product: Miniature Thread Rolling Dies, Taps and Dies, Adjustable Hand Reamers, Recoil Screw Thread Inserts
- May 2016
- Abrasives; Carbon Steel Taps and Dies; Recoil Screw Thread Inserts; Silvent Nozzles, Safety Guns and Silencers; Time Saver Compound, Joke of the Month
- April 2016
- Tip of the Month: thread Sizes; Featured Product: Neolube; Products: Miniature thread Rolling Dies, Air Technology Nozzles, Micro Miniature Taps
- March 2016
- Tip - 10 Truths About Blowing, Products: Time Saver lapping Compound, Rol-Air Flaring Tools, Kedman Quick Wedge Screw Holding Screwdrivers, Screw Thread Kits
- February 2016
- Tip of the Month: Tap Drill Calculator for Inch Sizes, diesel and Automotive Brushes, Dialsink Gages, Fixture Laser Kit, Flexhones
- December 2015
- Holiday Humor
- November 2015
- Tip of the Month: Flex-Hones for Chamfer Blending; Featured Product: Fixturelaser Kit; Speciality Items: Dial Sinks, Eclipse Micromadg: Miniature Thread Rolling Dies
- October 2015
- Tip: What To Know When Ordering Special Taps; Product of the Month: Dial Sink GagesSpeciality Items: Miniature Thread Rolling Dies, Recoil,
- September 2015
- Tip of the Month: Micromag magnetic Filter; Featured: Miniature Thread Rolling Dies; Joke; Specialty Items: Taps, Vortec Tubes, Screw Thread Inserts and Kits
- August 2015
- Tip of the Month: When Should You Use Carbide Tips; Product Highlight: Giracut, Joke of the Month
- May 2015
- Tip: Thread Form Symbols, Featured Product: Flange Spray Deflecter, Product Highlights: Taps, Screw Thread Inserts, Key-Locking Screw Thread Inserts Key-locking Screw Thread Inserts
- February 2015
- Tip of the Month: Valve Wheel Wrenches; Stealth Search Mirrors; Key-Lock Screw Thread Inserts
- January 2015
- Tip of the Month: The Vortex Tube; Rohm Key -Type Drive Chucks; Precision Vernier Periphery Tapes for Diameter Readings
- December 2014
- Holiday Humour
- November 2014
- Tip of the Month: Spring Plungers, Halder Plungers, Trefolex Cutting Compound, Oddball Screw Thread Inserts
- October 2014
- Tip: Taper Pins Reamers, Screw Thread Inserts and Kits, Supercraft Mallets, Giracut Tube and Pipe Cutter
- September 2014
- Special Edition: Taps - British, 8 &12 Pitch Hex Dies, Micro Miniature Taps, New Product: Walton Tap Extractors, Special of the Month: Baergrip
- August 2014
- Metric Taper Pin Reamers, Flex-Hones, Tube Benders
- May 2014
- Sizing & Selection of Electronic Cabinet Coolers, Chek'r Identification, PiTapes
- March 2014
- Tip of the Month: Taps; Socket Wrenches; Threaded Shank Endmills
- February 2014
- Tip of the Month: Locknut Taps, Lapping Compound, Port Contour Cutters
- January 2014
- Kafer Dial Gauges, Dual-Edged Screw Extractors, Newman Tools Tap Guide
- Holiday Edition 2013
- Holiday Jokes
- November 2013
- Tips For Thread Repair: Recoil Screw Thread Insert Kits, Key-Locking Screw Thread Inserts, Solid Key-Locking Inserts
- October 2013
- Tip of the Month: How To Order Taps; WFMC Mini Ratchet Accessories; Reco Bearing Heaters
- September 2013
- Baer Grip Mini Ratchet Kit, Prep Pen, Tap Guide
- June 2013
- Tap Drill Calculator, Eight and Twelve Pitch Series Taps, Miracle Point
- April 2013
- Tip of the Month: Ball End Tip, Solid Paint Markers, Grabber Rol Air Flaring Tool
- March 2013
- Tip of the Month: Osbourne Punch, Bristol Multiple Spine Drive System, Time Saver Lapping Compound
- February 2013
- Power Brush Information, High Torque Retention Knobs, PG Steel Conduit Taps
- January 2013
- What is the Difference between 2B&3B Threads, Acme Single Profile Thread Mills, Double Shot Socket Ratchet Wheels
- December 2012
- Holiday Humor 2012
- November 2012
- Threads...Everything You Wanted To Know, Titan Flange Aligning Tools, Large Miracle Point
- October 2012
- Taps...Everything You Wanted To Know, Titan Refinery Wrenches, four-In-One Flaring and Swaging Tools
- September 2012
- Keysert Key-Locking Screw Thread Inserts, Expanding Hand Reamers & Pilots, Aluminum Valve Wheel Wrenches
- July 2012
- Mini Ratchet Sets, Pocket Rocket, Recoil Kits
- June 2012
- Frisking Tool, Precision Digital Tapes, Aluminum Pipe Plugs
- May 2012
- Vortex Cooling System, Screw Thread Inserts, Anti-Seize Compound
- April 2012
- Digital Pit Gauges, Port Contour Cutters, British Taps and Dies,
- March 2012
- Mono-Bloc Clamps, Minature Thread Gages, Petal Flange Wrenches
- January 2012
- Bridge Com Gauges, Oster Style Dies, Internal Hex & Square Broaches
- Holiday Edition 2011
- Jokes, Jokes, and more Jokes
- October 2011
- Single Profile Thread Mill, Tube Brush, Box Bolt
- September 2011
- Macolaepp, PG Steel Conduit Taps, Silvent Nozzle
- August 2011
- Ozat impact Sockets, 8&12 pitch Taps and Dies, Peterson Alignment Tools
- June 2011
- Vortex A/C, Taps, Taps, and More Taps, Taper Pin Reamer
- May 2011
- Frost Free Spot Cooling, Micro and Miniature Reamers, Hylomar Universal Blue
- April 2011
- SureTork Bolt-Thru Torque Wrench, Magnetic Filter, Grip Fast
- March 2011
- Left-handed STI Inserts, Clover Lapping Compound, Reprorubber Casting Material
- January 2011
- Expandable Hand Reamers, Tube Benders, Locknut Taps & Dies
- November 2010
- Micro Miniature Taps, Shaft Alignment Tools, Diameter Tape
- October 2010
- Welding Gauges, Reco Bearing Heater, Lowell Ratchet Arms
- September 2010
- Kafer Dial Gauges, Keysert Key-Locking Screw Thread Inserts, Titan Valve Wheel Wrenches
- August 2010
- Miracle Point, Safety Boy Flange Spreader, Taps, Taps, and more Taps
- July 2010
- Blovac BV -22, Latheguards, Timesaver Lapping Compound
- June 2010
- Vortex A/C, Flex-hone Tools, Pipestoppers
- May 2010
- WFMC Mini Ratchet Sets, Recoil Screw Thread Inserts, Macoelapp Micro Stone
- April 2010
- Nes, Trefolex, Drill-Out