March 2016

Tip of the Month.......
The 10 Truths About Blowing ....With Compressed Air
Have you ever considered the risks?

Advanced Air Technology

1. 9 of 10 air guns in use today are dangerous.
Fatal accidents have occurred when air has been forced into the bloodstream.

2. Not many know just how much compressed air actually costs.
Compressed air is among our most costly sources of energy.

3. 70-80% of all hearing loss within the manufacturing industry is caused by compressed air.
You don't get used to noise, it results in permanent injury. Tinnitus, ringing or buzzing in the ears, is increasingly common among industrial workers.

4. Many people believe that any old piece of pipe is a satisfactory solution
All too often a piece of pipe that happens to be lying nearby is installed when there is a need for compressed air. Of course this gets the job done, but 90% of all these "open pipe installations" are over-dimensioned and waste enormous amounts of energy.

5. The use of compressed air doesn't need to mean a bad working environment.
Why accept a noisy working environment that can lead to stress, headaches and nausea?

6. Air guns are often not adapted to the job they must perform.
Most people use the same air gun for every type of blowing operation. Blowing away heavy metal turnings requires much more force than general-purpose cleaning.

7. A high noise level does not mean good blowing force.
A high noise level is not the same as good blowing force and vice versa. In other words, you can have a reduction of the noise level without sacrificing blowing force.

8.Few realize the risk associated with the use of compressed air. 
Unfortunately the use of compressed air and eye injury are often related. Dust, particles and chips bounce back at the operator.

9. Cheap solutions turn out to be costly solutions.
Blowing with an open pipe or a simple form of air gun are cheap solutions that become expensive in the long run due to the high operating cost. The right equipment in combination with know-how decreases your operating costs.

10. Many blowing operations are not efficient. Designing blowing applications is like walking a tight-rope. It is easy to understand the principles involved but few have a command of the technique required.

Want to know more about blowing with compressed air?
Please Click Here

Featured Product Of the Month

apping Compound
lapping Compound


Timesaver Lapping Compound does not contain emery, aluminum oxide, silicon-carbide or similar charging abrasives.

They are unconditionally guaranteed not to imbed into any metal surface.

Prepared in powder form, to be mixed with oil as used.

Timesaver first acts as an abrasive, then the particles diminish to a polish, and finally to inert material.

Please click HERE for product description and to order.

Note: You may also purchase Test Kits.

For additional information  please contact us:

Phone: 1-800-465-1384 (US and Canada) or 1-613-836-6776 (internationally)


Large Size 37_ Rol-Air Flaring Tools
Large Size 37_ Rol-Air Flaring Tools
For 3/4", 7/8", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" and 2" O.D. tubing.

Learn More
Kedman_ Quick-Wedge_ Screw-Holding Screwdrivers
Kedman_ Quick-Wedge_ Screw-Holding Screwdrivers
  You can reach a slotted screw in the tightest imaginable space- even a space not much larger than the diameter of the screw or bolt head itself.

Screw Thread Kits and Inserts
Screw Thread Kits and Inserts

We stock  a huge variety  including: BSW, BSF, Metric and Metric Fine

Quick service and delivery!

Learn More

Joke of the Month:  Circumcised...Ouchh!

Here is another joke from J. Irani ......

A teacher noticed that a little boy at the back of the class was scratching his "private area".
She went back
to find out what was going on.
He was quite embarrassed and whispered that he had just recently been circumcised and
he was quite itchy.
The teacher told him to go down to the principal's office.
He was told to telephone his mother and ask her what he should do about it.

He did and returned to his class. Suddenly, there was a commotion at the back of the room.
She went back to investigate only to find him sitting at his desk with his 'private part' hanging out.
'I thought I told you to call your mum!' she said. 'I did,' he said,
'And she told me that if I could stick it out until lunchtime, she'd come and pick me up from school.  
Do you have a good, clean joke to share with us? If so please email it to us:
If we choose to print your joke in one of our newsletters,  you will receive a Newman Tools Swiss Army knife.