Be Alert! :: Alert Archive
so then let us not sleep as others do, but let us be alert and sober. - 1 Thessalonians 5:6
Then the LORD said to me, "You have seen well, for I am watching over My word to perform it." - Jeremiah 1:12
Jesus *said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me. - John 14:6
Note: We are currently adding more back issues for your research needs. Come back frequently as this page will gradually add more resources.
- This Page updated May 5 2016
The latest issue of Be Alert is dated May 2 2016, and was sent on May 1, 2016.
Welcome to the Be Alert! Newsletter Archive page.
Back issues of Be Alert! are accessible online for reference or if you are a new subscriber or have not received an issue. BE ALERT! Is sent out regularly and includes news items of Biblical significance, encouragement, and warning to the body of Christ to help keep you looking up for our soon and coming King, Jesus Christ. MORIEL - Is a teaching ministry to believers that stresses the need to rediscover the scriptures as Hebraic literature (as opposed to Hellenistic literature)
- Is an evangelistic ministry to people of other faiths, beginning with the Jews and nominal (non- evangelical) Christians, such as Roman Catholics and liberal Protestants.
- Will stand against serious doctrinal error where it threatens the credibility of the gospel or undermines the authority of scripture.
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- Be Alert: Contrary Winds
- May 2, 2016: This alert contains a combination of original Moriel material and news sources highlighting the continuing state of affliction and buffeting that the church is undergoing. These articles are meant for the discerning, for increased understanding of times we live and are never in any way intended to endorse a movement or person. I pray that you are blessed and edified. ... Read more ...
- Be Alert: Jacob Prasch Live from London
- April 7,2016: New teachings from London and A Brief Notice of Our Concerns Regarding the Withdrawal by Dr Thomas Ice from His Challenge to Debate the Scriptural Basis of the Pretribulational Rapture Teaching. ... Read more ...
- Be Alert: Moriel Radio and Israel Evangelism
- March 17, 2016: This alert announces Moriel Radio and includes Jacob's comment's on the article concerning Altrincham Baptist Church removing Salim Munayer's talk about Hamas terror tunnels. ... Read more ....
- Be Alert: Escape Tribulation?
- February 28, 2016: A special letter from Corrie Ten Boom that Jacob Prasch wanted
to share with all of you. Please be blessed and encouraged to stand firm as the day draws near. - Be Alert: Faithful are the wounds of a Friend
- February 14, 2016: This is a follow up to the December 2015 Update edition of Be Alert article "Love growing cold ... ? A Difficult Response To Paul Wilkinson." Below brother Al Dagger responds by trying to repair fellowship between all parties. ... Read more ...
- Be Alert: State of Moriel 2016
- January 31, 2016: It is appropriate for me to commence by earnestly thanking you all for your much valued and appreciated prayers and support during the last year. ... Read more ...
- Be Alert: A Difficult Response To Paul Wilkinson
- December 9, 2015: I do pray that this alert is an encouragement and a reminder of these things we hear so very little Biblical, honest and truthful teaching and discussion of, those things so evident to those who have eyes to see. We must continue to hold fast to the Word of God, sift and weigh all things (including all teaching, Christian and secular media and the daily propaganda coming from the governments of America and all the nations) through and by it. We must be turning to the Lord and His Word daily for wisdom and discernment. ... Read More ...
- Be Alert: Pope Francis the Religious Charlatan
- August 23, 2015: Pope Francis is truly a religious charlatan whose hypocrisy knows no limits. When he changed his name from George (Jorge) , instead of Francis he should have called himself Caiaphas or maybe Pontius. But he should not be calling himself 'The Vicar of Christ'. What he does, Christ did not do. ... Read More ...
- Be Alert: Latest News from Moriel
- August 19, 2015: This alert contains a link to Moriel TV now on Vimeo. There is also a new article by Jacob titled "In Defence of Andrew Strom and in Response to Randy Clark" and lastly a wonderful evangelic video to the Jewish people "The Forbidden Chapter" in the Tanakh.
- Be Alert: Apostasy Now
- June 15, 2015: This alert includes recent commentaries by Jacob Prasch as well as various articles that relate to the apostasy that has clearly commenced in the church. The goal of alerts such as this is to bring conviction to as many believers as possible of the late hour, to encourage the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, to get prepared for persecution and to make sure we are dressed in the garments of salvation awaiting the soon return of Christ.
Also included are a few recent teachings/prophecy updates from Jacob to encourage you during these last days as each one seems to grow darker and events sometimes more frightening and sometimes more bizarre than the previous. ... Read More ... - Be Alert: Philip Powell home with The Lord
- April 27, 2015: It is with a combination of sadness and joy that we learned Philip Powell, former General Secretary of the Australia Assemblies of God, went to be with The Lord early Sunday morning 26th of April following a battle with cancer. ... See more ...
- Be Alert: HARPAZO Now Available Update
- December 6, 2014: When it comes to books devoted to eschatology in general and the Rapture specifically, they often either read like a formal academic argument written solely for the benefit of scholars or employ the use of fiction to avoid directly handling the underlying biblical text. As with Jacob's previous books and exhaustive list of sermons covering nearly every area of theology, Harpazo presents the doctrine of the Rapture and Resurrection in the strictest biblical sense possible, leveraging the handling of Scripture in the same manner as passed along to us by Christ through the Apostles and Early Church of the 1st century. ... See more
- Be Alert: A Word to Calvary Chapels
- January 31, 2014: Click here to see a personal video presentation by Jacob Prasch.
- Be Alert: The Righteousness of God
- March 30, 2013: Imagine the creator of this vast universe who has all knowledge, all power coming to the ones he created to make himself known to them. Well that's exactly what took place almost 2,000 years ago. To communicate with us in the best way possible, "God "became flesh," He became one of the creatures he made, man. ...
- Be Alert: Biblical Speech now a 'Hate Crime'
- March 28, 2013: Believing Christians in the Western nations must come to grips with the fact it has been a very long time since they have been a significant force for good, that is being "salt and light" in the society. ...
- Be Alert: The fiery ordeal
- October 23, 2012: This alert concerns the epic rise in persecution, mainly from Muslims in the Middle East (but also occurring in the West) for a multitude of reasons, some of which the blame rests squarely on our own governments and military actions including ourselves. My prayer is that this can be used as tool for fellowship, encouragement, teaching and prayer concerning these current events.
- Be Alert: HARPAZO Now Available
- December 6, 2014: When it comes to books devoted to eschatology in general and the Rapture specifically, they often either read like a formal academic argument written solely for the benefit of scholars or employ the use of fiction to avoid directly handling the underlying biblical text. As with Jacob's previous books and exhaustive list of sermons covering nearly every area of theology, Harpazo presents the doctrine of the Rapture and Resurrection in the strictest biblical sense possible, leveraging the handling of Scripture in the same manner as passed along to us by Christ through the Apostles and Early Church of the 1st century. ... See more
- Be Alert: Moriel TV?
- May 13, 2013: By James Jacob Prasch - Moriel is now in a position to seek The Lord for His will and purpose as the promised criteria of not begging for money all the time and compromising with heretics and money preaching religious charlatans. By God's grace our goal will be to lift up the true Jesus, proclaim the true Gospel, and expound true doctrine. Our aim is to preach the return of Jesus while we are still able to do so and be an alternative to the mess that Satan has made of most of Christian TV.
- Be Alert is now on Facebook
- Be Alert now has a public Facebook page. Even if you do not have a Facebook account you can still view the page. See more here.
- Latest Book: Shadows of the Beast
- Jacob Prasch's latest book, Shadows of the Beast, is now available for purchase from each respective Moriel country. (Visit the "Online Stores" on the Moriel website.) Unlike so many other works on the Antichrist, this book does not attempt to name a specific person or over-emphasize a single aspect of the Antichrist, but examines the whole of Scripture to fulfill the goal of the book's subtitle, "How the identity of the coming Antichrist will be revealed to the faithful church". [Continue Reading...]
- The Daniel Project
- In an age where evangelism has become so difficult in the developed world we must recall the instruction of Jesus to "Preach The Gospel of The Kingdom" - that is using eschatology and end time prophecy to engage in evangelistic dialogue, to proclaim the urgency of the need for salvation in the face of a returning Christ amidst a fast coming global cataclysm with the Middle East at its epicenter.
'The Daniel Project' is a secular film production with a scriptural message, focus, and theme, which can reach non-believers in the postmodern world. A companion book will be published soon but the producers have brought out a special edition DVD set which is an effective tool for house groups, church groups and in one to one dialogue. - “Jacob Prasch” Channel on YouTube
- Moriel Ministries has initiated the Jacob Prasch Channel on YouTube. We are specifically making an effort to reach the unsaved, particularly that demographic which is most attracted to YouTube. For this particular segment of the unsaved population what appeals to them are short videos that are self-contained. So, what we are specifically trying to do is excerpt short clips (less than 10 minutes max), which in and of themselves address a whole topic. ...
- Be Alert: Philip Powell home with The Lord
- April 27, 2015: It is with a combination of sadness and joy that we learned Philip Powell, former General Secretary of the Australia Assemblies of God, went to be with The Lord early Sunday morning 26th of April following a battle with cancer. ... See more ...
- Be Alert: Response to Mark Mullins' "Midrash Examined"
- April 30, 2014 CEFTF have also broken their written agreement to allow a right of response in the same publication and edition. We refer directly to the demonstrably false statements made on Mr. Mullins' article in our response below. His article will be placed in the public domain once CEFTF publishes it, or if they alter it after the fact. We regret having to address such incredible dishonesty, to say nothing if the incompetence and biblical ignorance by interests claiming to be " Christian".
- Be Alert: A Word to Calvary Chapels
- January 31, 2014: Click here to see a personal video presentation by Jacob Prasch.
- Be Alert: International State of Moriel 2013-2014
- November 19, 2013: An overview of the past year with Moriel and a look forward into 2014.
- Be Alert: Chuck Smith Home to Glory
- October 3, 2013: It is here in Israel, the land of the scriptures that he loved so much that we just learned that our friend & brother Pastor Chuck Smith went home to glory to be with Jesus. ...
- Be Alert: In Loving Memory of Dave Hunt
- April 7, 2013: A reprint of The Berean Call's Tribute to Dave Hunt.
- Be Alert! Great Mormon Bailout
- February 11, 2012: Several articles and TV reports in Utah are confirming that Mormons are leaving the LDS religion in large numbers. (These articles can be seen below.)
This is very good news and according to full time Mormon missionary Rob Sivulka he has personally received a confirmation from LDS General Authority Marlin Jensen, who is also the Church Historian and Recorder, confirming that Mormons are "leaving in droves." - The gospel of the kingdom will be preached ... - Be Alert: Jacob Prasch and Revelation TV
- December 2, 2011: It is with sad regrets that Jacob Prasch has had to terminate, by mutual agreement, his appearances on Revelation TV. ...
- Be Alert: The Ballad of Gorgeous George and Jittery Jacob
- November 17, 2011:
International State of Moriel: 2011-2012 - Be Alert! Brother David Wilkerson is with The Lord
- May 3, 2011: Moriel Ministries has no "official" earthly affiliation with David Wilkerson or Times Square Church other than David is a Brother who has gone to be with our Lord. That of course, is a much "higher" affiliation than anything we can devise here on earth.
- Be Alert! A Brother Called Home & Brethren in Need
- March 21, 2011: When a brother or sister in Christ is suffering from a terminal illness and it is not the purpose of God to heal them but to call them home to Himself, it is always with a combination of sadness of joy that we learn of the temporary loss. So, it is as we learned of the temporary loss of Christian academic journalist Dr. William Alnor, beloved husband of Christian apologetics researcher Jackie Alnor.
- Be Alert! Warning to our Readers
- March 5, 2011: A warning regarding the sale/purchase of property on a remote island for some kind of eschatological escape. The doctrinal position of Moriel regarding End Time refuge is found on our recorded teaching tape and transcription Egypt, Babylon, or the Palm of God. We do not subscribe to extra-biblical scare mongering notions combining eschatology with ideas borrowed from the survivalist movement.
- Be Alert! Leonard Sweet and Calvary Chapel, Albuquerque Cancellation
- May 30, 2010: Mr. Sweet is by no scriptural standard a Christian, but by every reasonable standard a New Age mystic and a pure Gnostic. It was therefore with some delight we are informed from the USA that the event has been canceled.
- Be Alert! Moishe Rosen with Yeshua
- May 23, 2010: I (Jacob Prasch) writing from Holland mourn the passing of my friend and our brother Moishe Rosen, founder of Jews for Jesus. Few have had the impact on my own life and ministry as Moishe Rosen and I am hardly alone in saying this.
- Be Alert! Exciting Missions Opportunities Available with Moriel
- September 30, 2009: Not Currently Open ... but an example of what we Moriel Missions is all about.
- Be Alert! Islamic Antichrist: Unresolved Problems w/ Joel Richardson’s Theory
- September 17, 2009: We have received many questions concerning this topic and I am very happy that Jacob has written this response as it helps to clarify Moriel's view. It is also very balanced and I encourage you to read to the end even if you do not fully agree.
- Be Alert! Regarding Scott Johnson/Messianic and Hebrew Roots Movements
- July 17, 2009: Today not only is there the endless barrage of hideous wolves in sheep's clothing leading the church astray and maligning the truth, but we have watchman that are not creating confusion and congestion making the work of the true pastors, teachers, prophets and watchmen all the more difficult. Here is a case in point.
- Be Alert! International State Of Moriel 2008/2009
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- Be Alert! In Defense of Chuck Smith & Calvary Chapel, Dave Hunt, & Roger Oakland
- February 8, 2008: Moriel Ministries & Jacob Prasch take extreme exception to the long statement highly critical of Chuck Smith, various Calvary Chapels, Roger Oakland and Dave Hunt by Richard Abanes of Saddleback Church in reaction to their expressed position regarding The Purpose Driven Agenda of Rick Warren. Mr. Abanes wrote as an apologist for Rick Warren and the Saddleback Purpose Driven ethos.
- Be Alert: Apostasy Now
- June 15, 2015: This alert includes recent commentaries by Jacob Prasch as well as various articles that relate to the apostasy that has clearly commenced in the church. The goal of alerts such as this is to bring conviction to as many believers as possible of the late hour, to encourage the preaching of the gospel of the kingdom, to get prepared for persecution and to make sure we are dressed in the garments of salvation awaiting the soon return of Christ.
Also included are a few recent teachings/prophecy updates from Jacob to encourage you during these last days as each one seems to grow darker and events sometimes more frightening and sometimes more bizarre than the previous. - Be Alert! False Signs and Wonders
- As believers, we need to be prepared for false signs and wonders that may challenge us. In the past few decades there has been a mass falling away from the true faith of those who call themselves "Christians" by following every wind of doctrine and the closer we get to Christ's return the worse this trend becomes. (October 22, 2010)
- Be Alert: Their tongue is a deadly arrow
- September 27, 2013: Babylon cannot be healed! She is a malignancy that has invaded the church in the form of Roman Catholicism, Liberal Protestantism, Eastern Orthodoxy and anything else that is a mixture of gospel truth and pagan or humanistic lies. ...
- Be Alert: UK'S Greenbelt
- September 21, 2013: ... As Christians are being killed, being burned out of house and home in Syria, Egypt, and Iraq, and driven off as refugees - be they Coptic, saved Evangelicals, or otherwise - the UK Greenbelt 2013 Christian festival has decided to ignore the maelstrom of Christian persecution in the Middle East and turn its attention to attacking Israel which protects its Christian population safeguarding their security and religious freedom. ...
- Be Alert: Book Review: The Popular Handbook on the Rapture
- August 11, 2013: This alert includes a very important book review by Jacob Prasch. For further understanding of the specific problem in question, see the related commentary by Danny Isom below as well as The Plastic Bible commentary by Jacob Prasch. In particular note the portion concerning Rick Warren's cut & paste nutshell game approach to a Bible Q & A the apostles had with Jesus in his The Purpose Driven Life. ...
- Be Alert: Pope Francis I
- March 15, 2013: Argentine Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, Bishop of Buenos Aires since 1998, and former head of the Argentine Jesuit Order, has just been elected as the new Pope of the Catholic Church. He will be known as Pope Francis I. ...
- Be Alert: Rick Warren
- March 1, 2013: Moriel & Jacob Prasch fully endorse the recent conference remarks by Paul Smith warning about the seriously dangerous nature of the actions and false doctrines of Rick Warren. (See More ...)
- Be Alert: Doctrines of demons
- February 13, 2013: The Roman Catholic Church has certainly found herself in the headlines these past few days and weeks around the world. Just a few weeks back we have had another series of reports in the press surrounding the overwhelming problem of Roman Catholic Priests sexually abusing children, this time in the Los Angels diocese. Then this past Monday February 11th the announcement came forth that Pope Benedict XVI was stepping down due to health reasons. (See more ...)
- Be Alert: We Should Not Be At All Surprised
- October 2, 2012: Moriel and Jacob Prasch have warned for years that those who stray from and ignore the pure doctrine of the word of God are bound to repeat the errors and sins of the past. Examples are laid out for us in Scripture and as warnings to, Israel, Judah, and that which is replete throughout church history. Here is yet another example where ignoring the warnings of Scripture and those of others in the body has led to another church leader falling into immorality. The point is not to "gloat" or say "I told you so", but in all sadness say, "we should not at all be surprised," as the Scriptures forewarn us. Let us all take this to heart.
- Be Alert: Take the End Times Apostasy Test
- June 28, 2012: There seem to be some Christians who are afraid that they will accidentally, or by some kind of clever ruse, be tricked into receiving the mark of the beast. However, Scripture teaches us that spiritual deception does not work that way, but is the inevitable destination of someone who willfully and consciously chooses to live in opposition to God's Word and ways.
- Be Alert: Salt Becomes Tasteless, Silver Common as Stones
- May 21, 2012: This alert has a number of recent reports concerning ecumenical unity, the acceptance of homosexuality, the mixture of politics and religion, and the overwhelming decline of true biblical Christianity amidst the explosion of false religion and false spirituality. When stepping back and observing the whole picture we start to see a group collectively called "the church" that is becoming too wicked for secular society to handle. This by far is the "sign" among "signs" that we have crossed a threshold of sorts, where the church has lost it's saltiness and where silver, the price of redemption has become as common as stones ...
- Be Alert: The Church at Christ's Checkpoint
- May 2, 2012: Those who support Israel on biblical grounds, be they Jewish Zionists or Christian Zionists, are subjected to intimidating rhetoric from the anti-Israel camp. In a letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams (June 2011), Naim Ateek, whose Palestinian Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre ('Sabeel') was represented at the Christ at the Checkpoint Conference, described Jewish and Christian Zionists as "a greater threat to us [Arab Christians] than the extremist Islamists." Stephen Sizer joins the attack, denouncing Israel as an "apartheid State" which he claims is guilty of ethnic cleansing, and demonizing Christians who support Israel as heretical "Armageddonites" whose interpretation of the Bible "provides a theological endorsement for racial segregation, apartheid and war." These are outlandish sentiments.
- Be Alert: Rick Warren, Chrislam and the Yale University Covenant
- April 20, 2012: The Most Disturbing Thing about "A Christian Response to 'A Common Word ...'" There is nothing "Christian" About It
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Rick Warren has joined anti Israel activist Colin Chapman, heretical Emergent church guru Brian McLaren, apostate positive thinking church marketing demagogue of the now bankrupt Crystal Cathedral Robert Schuller, and Korean advocate of a hybrid of Christianity and mystical Buddhism Yonggi Cho as a signatory of the Yale Chrislam document identifying YHWH the God of Israel and the Judeo Christian scriptures with the ancient Nabatean moon god allah of Islam. - Be Alert: Joint statement on 'Christ at the Checkpoint'
- March 4, 2012: Leaders of the UMJC and MJAA joined forces again this month (see "UMJC, MJAA respond to Messer video) to issue a statement on a matter of deep concern for the Messianic Jewish community. The statement, on the "Christ at the Checkpoint" conference scheduled for March 5-9 in Bethlehem, included leaders of the International Messianic Jewish Alliance and the International Association of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues.
- Be Alert! The Ministry of Lies
- July 12, 2011: Last November the results of an investigation into child abuse by Catholic priests in Dublin was published. It is called the Murphy Report, which investigated 46 allegations of sexual abuse on children in the diocese of Dublin. Although there were 102 priests alleged to have committed abuses, only 46 were investigated and reviewed in this report. ...
- Be Alert! Greater Abominations
- June 28, 2011: There has been an alarming trend for the church over the past thirty years, and because pastors, elders and other leaders have refused to handle this scripturally, it shows no hint of letting up, but is now growing even more prevalent. ... This ominous trend is the need for "the world" (unusually the media but sometimes government or law enforcement) to intervene by alerting of - and sometimes correcting the obvious deceptive practices, false teaching and even outright lawbreaking among other things, taking place in the church.
- Be Alert! Lunacy Strikes Again
- May 21, 2011: Not for the first time, false teacher and proven false prophet Harold Camping and his frolicking band of religious lunatics and "Family Radio" devotees are discrediting the Body of Christ with absurd doctrines and false predictions.
- Be Alert! The Biggest Reason Many Will Be Left Behind
- April 13, 2011: The vast amount of finger pointing focuses on the myriad false teachers and the powerful false movements they propel, but while this is significant, I am going to offer these may not be the most guilty party. Those who just might have to shoulder the greatest burden of responsibility for the "great falling away" of these final hours is you and I.
- Be Alert! Who Will Be Left Behind?
- March 26, 2011: The reason a lot of people inside the institutional walls of the church today will be left behind is the same reason why so many were "left behind" at His First Coming: they only want Christ on their own terms, not His.
- Be Alert! “Prophets Who Prophesy Lies In My Name”
- March 18, 2011: [...] I coined the term 'Christian Palestinianism' whilst doing my PhD research at Manchester University (2003-2006). My thesis was entitled, 'John Nelson Darby and the Origins of Christian Zionism.' The term is used to represent those within the Church whose theology of Israel is diametrically opposed to that of biblical Christian Zionism, and whose opposition to Israel and her Christian allies is expressed in their outspoken support of the Palestinian agenda.
- Be Alert! Is the Rapture Really Taking As Many As You Think?
- March 13, 2011: There is a YouTube video, which depicts what is probably the most mainstream concept of how the Rapture is envisioned to work. ...
- Be Alert! Looking for a Miracle
- January 31, 2011: The New Testament declares that when a person gives their life to Christ and He becomes their Lord and Savior, that person is now a saint by calling. The piece below by Jacob Prasch explains the words in the original languages and what amounts to moneymaking scheme by Rome. ... Read More ...
- Be Alert! Truth will be Maligned
- November 29, 2010: It was not that long ago when we could purchase the "Benny Hinn Olive Oil" in exchange for a $200 donation which not only netted a bottle of extra virgin olive oil with Benny's portrait prominently displayed on the label, but a promise to plant an olive tree in our name in Israel. ...
- Be Alert! "Many will come in My name, saying, `I am He!'
- August 28, 2010: The faith of most Christians, even that of many pastors, will not stand up to intellectual scrutiny, ...
- Be Alert! What does the Word of God Actually Say About Midrash?
- July 6, 2010: As I started reading about the 2nd Temple period Judeo-Christian hermeneutics that Jesus, Paul and the other apostles used and/or were trained in - based on a Hebraic Old Testament worldview rather than a Platonic, Greco/Roman one - I soon found that using Midrash (which just added some additional Scriptural principles to traditional Western Grammatical-Historical exegesis) was the missing element in understanding and interpreting Scripture and Biblical prophecy that helped to clear up most of the apparent discrepancies in the Scripture as well as theological divisions between brethren.
- Be Alert! Leonard Sweet and Calvary Chapel, Albuquerque Cancellation
- May 30, 2010: Mr. Sweet is by no scriptural standard a Christian, but by every reasonable standard a New Age mystic and a pure Gnostic. It was therefore with some delight we are informed from the USA that the event has been canceled.
- Be Alert! When Whole Cities Fall
- May 22, 2010: Through its lack of unbiblical leadership, South Africa and Springs itself has pandered to every wind of doctrine its hireling leaders have allowed into their sheep pens.
- May 13, 2010: I been observing these phenomena of the prophecies of the Scriptures called "birth pangs" coming to pass before our eyes, even though for much of the time I did not know nor understand that was the Scriptural term.
- Be Alert! Love in the Last Days
- April 17, 2010: NO ONE quotes from the 1st Tablet ever again. Why? Because the proof that you are in a New Testament covenant relationship with Christ, the proof that you do indeed love God, is proven by your love for others. You cannot love God if you do not love others! You cannot fulfill the obligations of the whole covenant and claim that you love God if you fail to also love others.
- Be Alert! Worship: Satan's First Target
- March 12, 2010: For some time I have been warning that it is no coincidence that forms or modes of worship alien to Scripture are the same term in Hebrew for idolatry.
- Be Alert! For I do not want you to be unaware
- February 19, 2010: Included in this report are three important articles and a link to a video that takes into account some of the most important topics facing the last days church.
- Be Alert! Woe to them, for they have strayed from Me!
- February 16, 2010: This is the whole reason why we do what we do at Moriel (although it is only a small part of the overall ministry). It is out of great love and concern for the brethren to be turned to the straight and narrow path that they may stand as the deception and persecution grows worse, ...
- Be Alert! The Last Days: Not a Test of Knowledge But Faith
- February 4, 2010: The following commentary is one of the most practical "end times" teachings I have ever come across. Usually the last days and practicality don't go hand in hand in the church, ...
- Be Alert! Behold, a White Horse
- December 27, 2009: Jesus warns us not to be deceived four times in the Olivet Discourse and yet "America's Pastor" Rick Warren uses what Jacob Prasch calls in the current Moriel Quarterly Newsletter feature a "Highlight-and Delete/Cut-and-Paste" form of exegesis [1]. Rick Warren teaches that we are not to be concerned with End Times prophecy and his Scriptural reference is this: ...
- Be Alert! The Manhattan Declaration
- December 4, 2009: The Manhattan Declaration (Website; Manhattan Declaration Summary pdf; Manhattan Declaration: A Call of Christian Conscience (Full) pdf) is the l atest bandwagon that a number of Evangelicals are flocking to due to the serious lack of biblical discernment that has become epidemic in the church.
- Be Alert! The treacherous deal very treacherously
- October 24, 2009: Pub nights, "Extreme Fight" nights, a film that documents the 'journey' of a divorced, transsexual on his/her way to being ordained as a minister in the Presbyterian Church, a letter from over forty Christian denominations written in support of abortion funding to the United Stated Congress. Add to that vulgar language during sermons, pornographic literature on a church website, special treatment for bald people, the skyrocketing growth of Eastern influence and the decline of the belief that the Bible is the Word of God and its doctrinal infallibility and you have just some of the news items covered in this alert that document just how profound the great apostasy has become.
- Be Alert! Purpose Driven Jihad?
- July 14, 2009: Below is a compilation of articles concerning Rick Warren's appearance at the ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) in Washington D.C. on July 4th. ... Sadly, Rick Warren did not even come close to preaching the gospel to 8000 Muslims.
- Be Alert! God shall send them strong delusion
- June 18, 2009: Can you imagine under different circumstances Zedekiah holding a leadership summit featuring King Nebuchadnezzar? Certainly, Nebuchadnezzar was one of the greatest leaders the world has ever seen and he would give excellent advice and tips on organization and methods of conquest.
- Be Alert! Babylon (Rome) has not been healed
- May 16, 2009: For centuries, Bible scholars have been trying to identify who Mystery Babylon is.
- Be Alert! Rick Warren on Prop 8: "I never once even gave an endorsement"
- April 14, 2009: "Rick Warren pulls a 'Clinton'".
That was the first thing that came to mind and the title I thought when first reading this story.
However, since 'Be Alert!' has a very international readership, many not completely familiarized with the subtleties of American politics may not 'pick up' on the humor intended. - Be Alert! See to it that no one misleads you
- April 2, 2009: Never, since I began collecting media reports and sifting them through the world-view of the Scriptures, have I seen such a group of reports as dismal as these concerning the state of the faith.
- Be Alert! David Wilkerson's "latest" prophecy
- March 11, 2009: Moriel and Jacob Prasch have received multiple inquiries regarding the issuance of a prophetic prediction by David Wilkerson dated March 7, 2009.
- Be Alert! The Spirit explicitly says
- December 2, 2008: Without exception, the largest problem among Christians is that the majority of those who claim to be "born-again" do not understand even the fundamental doctrines taught in the Bible. Continually, believers are led further astray by every 'new' idea and product sold to them by the very wolves the Word of God would protect them from if they only studied it half as diligently as the garbage deceiving them.
- Be Alert! 'Bam' ends with a Thud: Bentley Steps Down
- August 27, 2008: This report on Todd Bentley and Lakeland is nothing to be joyful about but is truly a sad situation and one that any discerning Christian could see coming.
- Be Alert! False Prophets, False Christs and the Falling Away
- August 8, 2008: This alert is collection of recent reports covering the broad spectrum of the falling away, from the socialized and commercialized approach to doing church to those approving of blatant immorality and the eventual unity of all false religion under a false prophet.
- Be Alert! Rome to the Rescue?
- July 17, 2008: This collection of news reports focuses on mainly the Roman Catholic Church and those in the Anglican Church who are turning to Rome as the alternative to their apostate denomination (that is to say where the official leadership has headed). Also, included are a number of related articles.
- Be Alert! Be on guard for yourselves and for all the flock
- June 10, 2008: This is a collection of recent articles concerning the falling away happening in the church. Things seem to be speeding up dramatically on all fronts and it is difficult at times to "see to forest for the trees" so to speak, but this single sign of the Lord's return ranks number one on the list of all signs as to how close His return is.
- Be Alert! Rick Warren Gives the Glory to the Bride - False Prophet Update
- June 9, 2008: The first two articles from WorldNet Daily, one written by Rick Warren himself is a debate on a statement Mr. Warren admittedly made that the Bride, that is the Bride of Christ (the church) should get the glory. Joseph Farah of WND disputes Warren's reasoning and is correct in his commentary. The third article comes from our very discerning brothers and sisters in Christ at Herescope who do an excellent analysis of Rick Warren's usual mishandling of the scriptures.
- Be Alert! Beware of Todd Bentley: False Signs & Wonders in Florida
- May 30, 2008: If you've been watching the news on "Christian Television" in the past couple of weeks, you could not have missed the glowing reports of a "revival" breaking out in Lakeland, Florida. ...
- Be Alert! Papal Visit To USA
- April 16, 2008: The US Department of Justice squashed a prosecution brought against Pope Benedict XVI because it is not normally legally possible to bring a prosecution or criminally related litigation against a foreign head of state (a status the Pope enjoys ever since Ronald Reagan granted fill diplomatic recognition to the Vatican as a nation). ...
- Be Alert! All Roads Leading to Rome
- March 21, 2008: Rome, Islam, and Politics
- Be Alert! JW's, Mormons Fastest-Growing 'Churches' in U.S.
- March 14, 2008: How many times have we heard revival is coming, or that God is pouring out power on the church, or that this is going to be a year of this or that, or that God is releasing this, or releasing that, --- all false prophesies. In reality, there is only more deception, more lawlessness and more confusion as the church disintegrates, not one stone will be upon another. Nevertheless, God will raise us up just as Christ.
- Be Alert! For false Christs and false prophets will arise
- February 27, 2008: When fascism comes to this country, it will be wrapped in the flag, carrying a cross. - Sinclair Lewis
Is Obama the messiah? "Is this a messianic movement? A cult of personality? - Be Alert! Commercialization of the Word and Rising Religio-Fascism 2
- January 27, 2008: [...] With respect to humans, the Bible only makes one major racial distinction - that between Jew and Gentile. Even more importantly, the Bible makes one other distinction between humans - between the pagan and the righteous. It's here that we see the real evidence for evolution, although a spiritual version - paganism.
- Be Alert! Commercialization of the Word and Rising Religio-Fascism 1
- January 19, 2008: Selling the Good Book by its cover. Publishers have found a niche -- a big one -- for stylized Bibles inspired by pop culture. Almost anything goes
- Be Alert! Church of England to be disestablished with the number 666
- January 17 ,2008: Call it ironic or maybe just a sign allowed by God to mark the end of Church of England that the order paper listing motions for debates for the House of Commons allocated the number 666 for the motion to disestablish the Church of England. Whatever the case it is difficult to overlook when this church has fallen away to the point that it now has and, as most of you already very well know.
- Be Alert! Riding the Beast: Evangelicals & Politics
- January 3, 2008: [...] Evangelical Christians have become one of the most sought after and largest "special interest" groups in the nation. I say special interest because that is exactly how the candidates and those holding office treat them. The politician courts this group just like any other and then once in office, laughs all the way to the bank.
- Be Alert! Christian Leaders Invite Muslims to Love God, Neighbors Together
- December 6, 2007: Christian leaders across denominational lines responded to the unprecedented open letter signed last month by 138 representative Muslim leaders with their own letter, calling on the two Abrahamic faiths to love God and neighbors together.
The delusion continues en mass and the scripture keeps coming to mind from Luke 18:8 - Be Alert! The word of the LORD has become a reproach
- August 16, 2007: [...] What bothers me the most is that most fundamentalist yoga instructors (the serious ones who do not deny it's spiritual roots) will all tell you that one is opening themselves up to the occult when they practice any form of it. Yet, most Christians these days with their "compartmentalization" western worldview which is un-biblical and a masterpiece of Satan along with their desire to be positive (pop-psychology) and "balanced" (also unscriptural as they interpret it) dismiss this all to their own peril. Is there anything that can wake them from their stupor?
- Be Alert: Wars and rumors of wars
- December 21, 2012: Barring some unforeseen circumstance or intervention by the Lord, it seems quite apparent that US/NATO forces are planning to attack Syria and President Bashar al-Assad. If not an invasion, there will be some sort of intervention or her proxy forces which are our supposed enemies will do the job and we will step in to set things in order. ...
- Be Alert: A Controversy with the Nations
- November 29, 2012: Events are happening at amazing speed (if you have not listen to it yet, may I recommend listening to The Vector by Jacob Prasch regarding this Scriptural phenomena). Many of us have noted this before and what we see in the Middle East and chaos at home all play significantly into this. There will be more to come regarding the situation in Syria and Iran but this alert is a collection of specific current and past items of the last months regarding Israel that has her ready to attack and NATO ready to intervene despite all the media propaganda. Notice the articles regarding the legislation over this past year that have put everything in place for US led attack on Iran if it is deemed necessary, despite the nay saying from the Obama Administration. Some have even suggested that the Gaza conflict was "pre-requisite" of any war with Iran. Some articles below will touch on this and more but as always, I see at least two legitimate sides in this and the one I'm most concerned about is the church not being deceived and Israel's salvation. ...
- Be Alert: The oracle concerning Damascus
- August 31, 2012: Pilate *said to Him, "What is truth?" ... (John 18:38a) In one sense we should not be surprised that Pilate first responded in this way to Jesus' statement. Being familiar with Herod, the Herodians, and the elite of the Jews he was likely exposed to much religious hypocrisy during his entire career. He had likely heard of the many Jewish laws only to see them cleverly twisted and broken for political gain and expediency. The same is true today in the sense that we have the perceived Christian countries like the United States and Britain working with Israel in what I can only refer to as slimy, underhanded and lawless ways, supposedly as "the good guys," against what we know are despots, but in the process, empowering terrorists, putting greater despots in power, and trouncing believers. I ask, what kind of good guys have these nations of ours become? ...
- Be Alert: Hooking the Jaws
- August 1, 2012: For many years, those of us seeking to understand Biblical prophecy have watched The Middle East knowing that passages such as Ezekiel 38 & 39 have yet to be. We have witnessed the loss of interest within the church about these things, and strangely enough a growing interest in "the end of times" in the secular world. Now many from that time have turned from their hope in Christ's soon return opting to put it in the things of this world. We have come to a time of continuous turmoil in The Middle East and the fulfillment of Jerusalem being a cup of trembling and a burdensome stone to the entire world. Yet, with each day more professing believers refuse to acknowledge the significance of the events transpiring. ...
- Be Alert: Don't Move That Stone
- August 31, 2011: There are two equally important story lines to consider regarding the evil that took place a little over a month ago in Norway: The first that received no attention in the Mainstream Media (MSM) is that the day before the attack on July 21, the Labor Party Youth held an anti-Israel rally. ...
- Be Alert: Gog of Magog and the Daniel 8 Redux
- August 8, 2011: Although we know that the prophecies of Daniel 8 were initially fulfilled by Alexander the Great and his four Generals leading up to the time of the Maccabee's and Antiochus IV Epiphanes, these events will be in some way replayed in the very last days. Three verses in Daniel chapter 8 (17, 19 & 26) state the vision "pertains to the time of the end" or "many days in the future."
- Be Alert! For the day is near
- April 11, 2011: Concerning events in The Middle East, the never ending chain of "breaking news" is more or less just a 24/7 rumor mill that causes just as much confusion and deception as it can actual real information. Additionally, the speed of today's technology allows no time for analysis and digestion, just regurgitation. ...
- Be Alert! The Center of the Nations
- October 12, 2010: We need to be very aware of the darkness filling the minds of those who control the majority of the information flowing into our households and churches in these last days, something I call "the prince of the power of the air (waves)." We must have a lens through which to view that takes out the distortions because this occurs in nearly all 'news' that is reported whether it be politics, history or much of anything else that goes on in the world today. It just gets worse when it comes to Christianity and Israel.
- Be Alert! Jeremiah 1:12
- September 26, 2010: This alert looks at many current events concerning Israel, biblical prophecy, archeology and science that shows the LORD is indeed "standing over His word to perform it".
- Be Alert! Proclamation to Israel
- September 16, 2010: A new website called "Proclamation to Israel" has been launched to coordinate efforts to allow private citizens to directly express their personal support for Israel, something necessary due to the growing contrary views of our government. The site contains downloadable documents which can be signed and sent directly to the Prime Minister of Israel.
- Be Alert! Moriel Response to Israeli Blockade Action
- May 31, 2010: Moriel is not a political organization and engages in diverse humanitarian activity itself from Africa, the Middle East, and Asia to Haiti. Moriel does not give carte blanch to Israel or any other government to do as it wishes in violation of the protocols of human civility, our views of the scripturally prophetic significance of contemporary Middle East events notwithstanding. ...
- Be Alert! The Nations vs the Apple of God's Eye
- March 30, 2010: The entire world including The United States, which is just a mongrel (mixed) nation made up mainly from the first Roman Empire that came up out of the sea is turning against Yahweh's chosen nation Israel. ...
- Be Alert! 'Hatred is turning me into a Jew'
- September 3, 2009: [...] The title of this alert comes from a commentary by Nick Cohen published back in February called "Hatred is turning me into a Jew". This commentary appears about half way down this edition of Be Alert!
What struck me immediately when reading this is how The Word of The LORD is coming true and so few know or understand it. ... - Be Alert! Influential Turkish Muslim Leader wants Temple Rebuilt
- August 7, 2009: When it comes to Biblical prophecies that have yet to be fulfilled, I try to be very flexible. However, I am not flexible at all when it comes to sound doctrine, as the Word of God is very clear. These two things need to be distinguished, and sadly, many believers have great difficulty in doing so most likely because of scriptural ignorance or false teaching. ...
- Be Alert! Tisha B' Av - The kings of the earth take their stand
- July 30, 2009: This alert is, as much as possible, is a comprehensive overview of recent happenings concerning the most important nation ever in the history of mankind, Israel.
That is not my opinion, but fact because the Word of God declares it. Most of the world, and even more startlingly, most professing Christians deny this. ... - Be Alert! Why are the nations in an uproar...?
- January 11, 2009: This is a bit of a smorgasbord of news items concerning Israel, much having to do with the current situation in Gaza, but other items that concern worldwide anti-Semitism, the ongoing land issues and even some very interesting "good" news features.
We start out with a first hand account of Moriel's pastor and missionary on the ground in Israel, Ronnie Cohen. ... - Be Alert! Has Gog of Magog been Hooked in the Jaws?
- August 18, 2008: This alert will give you some perspectives you may not have heard, beginning with a report and prayer request from Moriel's missionary to Beslan, Russia Jason Catizon, which is very near to the border with Georgia and South Ossetia. Russia did not allow Jason back into the country this year, and so he is back in the United States. However, his insight into this terrible situation I believe is very important information that needs to be shared with the saints around the world and one that shows just how complicated this situation is.
- Be Alert! The prince of the kingdom of Persia
- July 24, 2008: The focus of this alert will try to be on what is most important concerning the "cup of trembling" that Jerusalem is to be in these last days. Scripture makes it clear that despite all the rhetoric the real issue is Jerusalem. That is issue number one when it comes to all that is taking place in Israel, the Middle East and in the world except for perhaps the falling away in the church and the unity of false religions.
- Be Alert! Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
- May 11, 2008: Israel's 60th Anniversary
It is not surprising that as Israel celebrates its sixtieth anniversary violence is breaking loose as to tarnish its joy. For those of us who know the Lord and understand the truth Israel is the ultimate picture of the prodigal son. ... - Be Alert! First Passover Lamb Sacrificed in Jerusalem since 70AD
- May 1, 2008: Some say that it did happen in previous years - nevertheless interesting in terms of prophetic significance towards the return of Jesus and unbelieving Jews. ... Regarding Pesach (Passover) celebrated on Sunday 15 Nisan 5768 (April 20, 2008).
- Be Alert! The Nations at Ease Have Furthered the Disaster
- March 7, 2008: [...] We have a president who placed a Koran which says "God has no Son' in the White House and has celebrated Ramadan every year since September 11th, 2001 in order to honor the religion of terror that attacked New York and Washington. A bible cannot be brought into Saudi Arabia. ...
- Be Alert! Media Propaganda and the Gaza-Egypt Border Analysis
- January 30, 2008: This alert contains excellent commentary on the recent events that occurred on the Gaza-Egyptian border and will help to broaden your understanding and sharpen your vision in regards to the media bias leveled against Israel on this matter.
- Be Alert! The Annapolis Summit
- November 12, 2007: [...] At present, the British and American governments wink the eye and turn a blind eye to the proven intolerance and persecution of Christians by the Saudi Arabian Wahhabists and by virtually every Islamic country in the world, just as they ignore Saudi funding of fundamentalist extremism which inherently engenders support for Moslem terror. ...
- Be Alert: From six troubles He will deliver you
- March 23, 2012: The latest on the persecuted church around the world.
- Be Alert: Signs and Perplexity
- February 16, 2012: A collection of important "must read" news items that are indeed signs of the end of the age.
- Be Alert: What time of the night
- January 9, 2012: This edition of Be Alert follows up on that of the last and is and continues on the theme of what I believe to be one of the most overlooked and pressing issues concerning the last day's church: coming persecution. Affliction and tribulation are coming to the body of Christ that should be prepared but rather has been seduced into a life of ease. At least that is, those in the Western world. ...
This is the topic of working while you still have light and that of no stone being left unturned. The ships driven by contrary winds into the reefs will sink, yet no life will be lost. Those who understand the mashal and the nimshal know that both are true and yet the figure will never in anyway supersede or disregard the literal. However, the main problem is that the literal truths of the Scripture are misunderstood by those claiming to be literalists because many have been falsely taught and deceived into thinking they need not be concerned about these things because of a Western European or Anglo/American worldview through which the Scriptures (especially eschatology) have been interpreted.
- Be Alert! Without Natural Affection
- January 26, 2011: USA Passes 53 Million Abortions - 38 Years of Roe v. Wade
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday was celebrated on January 23, 2011 in The United States, although many churches celebrated the previous Sunday January 16th. Thus the flurry of articles and statements regarding abortion and the Roe v. Wade decision released in recent days and weeks, a few of which are posted below. ... Read more ...
- Be Alert! Concerning our Arab Christian Brethren in Israel
- October 26, 2010: This past week our Bible shop and coffee bar outreach to the Arab community in Galilee was attacked by Islamic terrorists with stun grenades injuring one of our staff, Tino, an Arab Christian brother. Our work in the West Bank is directed by another Arab Christian brother, Pastor Najeeb, who has a family but of whom we recently learned has a Fatwa (an Islamic religious death order) placed on him for evangelizing Muslims. We have witnessed Hamas closing down the Christian book shops in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority a Christian TV station in Bethlehem last April, all of which the Israeli authorities allowed to operate. We are therefore confused by the Awad article lauding the friendship between Arab Muslims and Christians.
- Be Alert! Bio-Tech Enumeration & Identification
- The articles posted in this alert are quite disturbing for anyone who is concerned about tyranny, whether from the government, corporate or any other possible level, as well as the abuse of technology that is rapidly making it possible to track nearly every and anything a person does from cradle to grave.
- Be Alert! Is Internet Freedom for Christians in Danger?
- There is no doubting that criminal and terrorist enterprises as well as not so friendly nations are experimenting and actively involved in campaigns to cause havoc and even, if possible, shut down the Internet and tele-communication systems of countries such as The United States by using cyberwarfare. However, our concern is that these very real threats (among others) have become the perfect pre-text for a time when only information and messages that fall within "State Approved" regulations will be allowed to be broadcast freely.
- Be Alert! 'Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus'
- Right from the beginning of Barack Hussein Obama's candidacy and through his election to the Presidency of the United States of America until now there has been a chorus of supporters, even some could be called "worshipers" in the sense of a fan club cult, that have likened and called this man the "Messiah" and even is one known case "God".
- Be Alert! My Muslim President Obama
- Why members of the Islamic faith see him as one of the flock
Commentary by Asma Gull Hasan.
I know President Obama is not Muslim, but I am tempted nevertheless to think that he is, as are most Muslims I know.
Most of the Muslims I know (me included) can't seem to accept that Obama is not
Muslim. ... Read more ...
- Be Alert! Sanhedrin: Bush is chief prince of Meshech and Tubal
- January 12, 2008: You may be shocked to see Bush addressed as The Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal as many have a leader from Russia, possibly Putin already pegged as that very person. The Lord only knows, however I have been very careful to make any definite pronouncements on this as I am still not settled in my spirit on the whole issue as I have read all the many different theories and consider them very intriguing, however that is what they are at this point.
Also, I would not be surprised either though, if the LORD spoke to the world through an unbelieving Sanhedrin today just like He did 2000 years ago.
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