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Kim DeMotte's Monthly thoughts on the value of Clarity, Trust, and the Human Interaction


Volume 5   Issue 7                                                                                      July, 2012
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  High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
   Reduce Struggle � Dissipate Conflict � Improve Relationships � Relieve Stress

Summit Promo Julsy 2012
In This Issue
Running the Susan G. Komen 4K
The Eagle Flies!
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"If we would just slow down, happiness would catch up to us."  

                                                    ~ Richard Carlson 




F.E.A.R. and Performance.

Moment of Clarity, July, 2012 - F.E.A.R. and Performance.
Moment of Clarity, July, 2012 - F.E.A.R. and Performance.


Running the Susan G. Komen 4K




You thought it was a 5K? Herein lies the story.


Martin wreck It has not been unusual in my life for me to obsess about a small thing just to see the big goal go unattained, or even be obliterated. The problem is, I don't know I'm doing it until it's too late. The ego gets involved, and before you know it, that big dream you've been shooting for is whisked out of your hands. Take these race day stories as an example of what not to do when you have a goal in mind. (Read more).... 




The Eagle Flies!



Congratulations to my friends at Eagle Bank and Trust.


Best Companies 1 I want to brag about a client I've worked with since 2009. Eagle Bank and Trust is a regional bank in the St. Louis area that is more than 100 years old. Back when the stuff was hitting the fan in late 2008, a mutual friend introduced me to Mike Walsh, president and CEO of Eagle Bank. Mike knew that the bank, like every other bank, was facing an uncertain future. He was determined to not only weather the storm, but prosper. And boy, did he ever!  (Read more)..... 






I have an idea about what you do in a Rally Car...but what can you do for me or my team?


  • Reduce Struggle.
  • Dissipate Conflict.
  • Improve Relationships.
  • Relieve Stress.
  • Develop Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie in your team.


Check out Kim's 3-pronged approach.


Who's Kim worked for?


Sign up for the next Clarity Summit�.


Give Kim a call (877) 245-8251 toll free (314) 963-1112 in St. Louis 


"There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present."
Saving civilization (or your team) one conversation at a time.

Kim DeMotte, Corporate CoDriver

(877) 245-8250


June 2012  Question that can change, Breaking down the Bureaucracy, Process in Pink   

May 2012 Repairing a Broken Connection, Two Cheeks, Transitions  

April 2012 Proper Use of the F Word, How to Change Your Luck, HICCUPS  

March 2012 Beaker of Knowledge, The Forgiveness Thing, The Bucket List 

February 2012 Seven Tools, Yoda, Expectation - Whitney Houston  

January 2012 How to Break Free, Bad Turns to Good with UPR, Information or Affirmation     



December 2011 Surviving the Season, Who Loves Ya, Anticipation    

November 2011 Boss is Right, Vocal Presence, Occupy This  

August 2011 Frank's 3 Rules, Invisible Fence, First Impressions 

July 2011 Interpersonal Wellness, Commit to the Crash, Casey Anthony Walks  

June, 2011 Takes a moment, Meet Emotional Needs, Birthday  

May, 2011 Addictive Conversation, Foot in Mouth, Competence vs. Connection 

April, 2011 Enemy-ness, K/J vs.K/J, Help 

March 2011BOLD, Value of a Smile, 510  

February 2011 Balancing Act, You Lost me at Hello, Co-Driver turned driver 

January 2011 Excuse yourself from the Dance, The King's Speech, Reagan-O'Neill


December 2010 How to Really Win, My Favorite Bad Guy, Doing what you love to do. 

November, 2010 Managing the process, 5th stage of learning, 110% vs. process 

October 2010 Avocados; VOTE; Temptation
September 2010 Calm Starts with you; Why I want what I want; Eixenberger
August 2010 It's Who I Am, Conversation Openers,  Helmets and K/J

July 2010 Scorpion & Frog, Failure as Process, and Power of Conversation
June 2010 Kick Ass, Shake It Up, Baby, Knowledge is Power
May 2010 Three Responses(Duplessis), Transition, Ho'oponopono & Science

April, 2010 Hope, Tiger/Eldrick, Horse's Ass
March, 2010 Wipe the Slate Clean, Failing Forward, Extraordinary
February, 2010 Getting out of the Triangle, Maybe-maybe not, Who Dat?
January, 2010 Drama Triangle, Blind Side, Summit Review

December, 2009 Red Conversation, Christmas 1914 Truce
November, 2009 Green Conversation, Hate, Jim Abbott
October, 2009 - 6th and 7th Gears
September, 2009 - 4th and 5th Gears 
August, 2009 - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Gears
July, 2009 - Frustration, Cotton, Coaching 
June, 2009 - Unlearning, Knower/Judger; Learner/Researcher
May, 2009 - Doubt
April, 2009 - Ho'oponopono
March, 2009 - The Sky is Falling
February, 2009 - USAir Fight 1549
January, 2009 - Let Go of the Past

December, 2008 - HDClarity introduction