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High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
Reduce Struggle � Dissipate Conflict � Improve Relationships � Relieve Stress

Volume 2    Issue 10                                                                                          October, 2009
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In This Issue
6th Gear....and more?
Creating our own Reality
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Why Clarity.....
....and why now?

We can no longer fathom watching standard definition TV broadcasts.  We HAVE to view our sporting events, National Geographic programming and late night comedy in HD -- High Definition. 

HDClarity is an e-zine for those wanting to develop more trust, understanding and camaraderie in their work environment, and their life in general.  A smoother running team is a more profitable team.  They get things done faster, for less cost.  If you'd like to discover methods for developing High Definition Clarity in your daily life, please read on. 
"In basketball -- as in life -- true joy comes from being fully present in each and every moment, not just when things are going your way."
Bill Jackson - Sacred Hoops                                                                                      
Transmissions, 6th gear....and more?

Let's review driving 101...
Student Driver

1st Gear - Struggle.  It's like the first step of a 12-step program.  Admit that we have a struggle.  For some it's relationships.  For others it's a fixation on mediocrity.  I've got clients who obsess about not belonging to the same Club their neighbor belongs to.  These are all "Stuggles".  They're as personal as hygiene....you OWN them, but recognizing them is critical.
2nd Gear - Want.  Taking the struggle and converting it to a "Want".  Remembering that "WANTING" something is a far more valuable to long-term change than "NEEDING" it.
3rd Gear - What's in the way.  Here's where we realize that what's standing in the way is never external.  It's not the boss.  It's not lack of money.  It's not your in-laws.  It's not your stupid direct report.  The impediment is your concept of history...your life-script....your inherited, learned rules of life.  It's our DISC profile.  It's our mothers and fathers still defining us our abilities and limitations for us. It's REALLY hard to get out of 3rd.
Review 1st, 2nd and 3rd Gears in detail

4th Gear - Decision.  This is why "WANT" is so important.  An overwhelming "WANT" guides us to a DECISION to do something about it.  Handling a "NEED", on the other hand, rarely, if ever, involves real choice.  We resolve a "NEED" because our history (our Knower/Judger, K/J) says we HAVE TO.  We DECIDE to acquire our WANT because we are observing unfiltered data and are in a mode (Learner/Researcher, L/R) to improve our condition.
5th Gear - Act!  If we simply fail to dump the clutch and accelerate, nothing happens.  DECIDING is not enough to affect a change.  What actually happens here is that our L/R re-programs our K/J with NEW RULES!  NEW SCRIPTS!  By altering the K/J, we actually take the first steps at becoming something different than we were moments earlier (as defined by our K/J). 

Review 4th and 5th Gears in detail
Are we done?  We're breezing along in 5th gear...100-110 mph.  We've successfully worked our way through the gears by recognizing our struggle, figuring out what we want, identifying what's in the way, deciding to alter our internal messages about that and JUST DOING IT (Nike has the right idea.....it's just damned hard to start out in 5th gear!).  How can we be sure this all stays in place?
6th GEAR! - Be open to new data and adjust! 
The most competent cars on the road these days don't stop at 5 gears...they have 6 and sometimes more.  Why?  Because it gives the driver more choices.  More choices for keeping the engine operating in the power band of RPMs.  6th gear is where you begin to realize that life can be whatever you want it to be.  Your team can develop into that lean, mean productive machine you always heard about in b-school.  You are totally accountable.  Somewhere back in 3rd gear, it started to become evident that it's not "THEM" that keeps you in your mediocre mode.  It's not "if only" that holds you back.  It's not "THEY WON'T LISTEN TO ME" that makes your team's productivity suffer.  When YOU realize that YOU create your own reality (see HDClarity issue on Ho'oponopono April 2009 for explanation)...that YOU are responsible for the successes and failures that surround you, then YOU are cruising in 6th gear.  At 130 mph, who else is gonna steer?  Shift? Brake?  Watch the gauges?  Coordinate all that?  That's a LOT OF WORK! 
Scary, huh?  Maybe that's why most don't use any more than 1st through 3rd.  Safe.  Totally within the understanding of an embedded K/J.  Never too fast.  Never too much responsibility.  Always someone, something else to hold accountable....besides you.
6th gear is a lot of work.  You're always wondering "what's over that crest?"..... "can the tires hold on this surface?"  "Do I need to downshift and get more data?"  "How is this serving me...is this where I WANT to be?"  There is a certain element of struggle even in 6th gear.  A certain element of fear.  It's fast!  Is it TOO fast?  Am I talented enough with all this going on to get through the course....around the corner....to the finish line?   Is it where I wanted my DECISION (4th gear) to take me?....or is FEAR going to repel me...is FEAR in the way (3rd gear)?
Downshifting is allowed, even necessary from time to time.  New data becomes evident.  You change your WANT, and up through the gears you go again.  6th gear is EXCITING.  It's work and you develop your skills the more time you spend in it and the more miles you have on your r�sum�.  Your reactions to approaching turns and changes in road surface become fluid.  Race drivers know they're getting in tune with their cars when they experience the feeling that the car is "slow".  It feels "slow" even though it's traveling at 130 mph because the driver has built up a useable library of responses to all the various data that's input. He's "on top" of all the possibilities.  His hands twist the wheel like a potter and his feet dance the pedals like Baryshnikov. 
Check this video of the late great Colin McCrae explaining my concept of 6th gear to an amazed reporter.  Tea anyone?  And no, he didn't die in a rally car wreck.  He was piloting his personal helicopter when it malfunctioned and crashed near his home in Scotland.

As you watch McCrae, you'll notice that he's not really consciously thinking about anything he's doing...yet the skill level is undeniable.  He's piloting his car one a one lane gravel road at speeds approaching 100mph while carrying on a perfectly normal conversation with the reporter. Tiger Woods plays golf "in-the zone".  Tennis stars like Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal frequently report a low level of consciousness when they are performing at their very best.  They don't THINK about their next move.  They just MOVE.  Perhaps you've even experienced a time when you were so on top of what was occurring that you could navigate it with literally no thought. 
Voila!  7th Gear! - Presence

(click on picture to read about Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Grand Sport)

The Zone! 

The state of Zen Samadhi: 

  • The state of forgetting one's own heaviness.
  • Becoming one with time, place, and circumstances.
  • Becoming one with what one is doing; that which comes forth when one becomes the life of the moment.
  • Collected concentration in which subject is no different from object.

And just to be certain that we don't only consider individuals being "in the zone", Phil Jackson's 1995 book "Sacred Hoops: Spiritual Lessons of a Hardwood Warrior" details how he took a team of prima donna basketball stars (Michael Jordan, Scotty Pippin and Horace Grant to name a few) and wove them into the most dominant team in basketball history using wisdom from a Lakota Sioux medicine man and a Zen Master. 

Sacred Hoops Book Cover

Sacred Hoops: Spiritual Lessons Of A Hardwood Warrior
"Not only is there more to life than basketball, there's a lot more to basketball than basketball." -- Phil Jackson.  One of the most successful coaches in NBA history, Chicago Bulls head coach Phil Jackson provides an inside look at the higher wisdom of teamwork with "Sacred Hoops" -- Jackson's philosophy of mindful basketball and his lifelong quest to bring enlightenment to the competitive world of professional sports. A new paradigm of leadership based on Eastern and Native American principles, Jackson's approach flies in the face of the egoistic, winner-take-all attitude that has changed the face of American sports. Rather than winning through intimidation, Jackson -- who describes himself as a Zen Christian -- stresses awareness, compassion and most of all selfless team play. Filled with stories about Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Toni Kukoc and other members of the Bulls, "Sacred Hoops" reveals how Jackson directs his players to act with a clear mind; to respect the enemy and be aggressive without anger or violence; to live in the moment and stay calmly focused in the midst of chaos, so that the "me" becomes the servant of the "we." In "Sacred Hoops, " Jackson takes us inside the mind of the thinking man's coach as he builds one of the greatest teams of all time. Not just for sports fans, this inspiring memoir is for anyone interested in the potential of the human spirit.

I strongly urge you to read that book if you have teams to lead....and having them "in the zone" would be in your organization's best interest.

Creating our own reality. 

Ray Charles had soul.

Stevie Wonder has 22 Grammys and soul

Nobuyuki Tsujii has the 2009 Van Cliburn....at 20 years old.

Nobuyuki Tsujii
(click on above photo to hear a clip of the 2008 Van Cliburn Competition Winner)

Wall Street Journal,

Classical pianist Nobuyuki Tsujii listens to the conductor's breathing for cues, since he can't see the baton. On stage, he feels for the edges of the keyboard before he begins playing, to orient his hands. He learns new pieces through
listening and memorization, rather than reading the notes. The 20-year-old Japanese musician recently became the first blind pianist to win the prestigious Van Cliburn International Piano Competition. "I'm handicapped, but I have overcome it," he said at a crowded press conference in Tokyo [...] At the press conference, Mr. Tsujii said that Chopin and Beethoven are among his favorite composers, and that he likes to sing karaoke, particularly enka, or Japanese ballads. He was also asked what he would do if he could see for a day. "I'd love to see my parents, and then my friends, stars, ocean, fireworks, et cetera," he said. "But it's okay, because I'm satisfied that I can see those with the eyes of my heart."

So what's your excuse?  Stuck in 3rd gear?


There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present.
Saving the planet one conversation at a time,

Kim DeMotte
Power of NO, Corporate CoDriver
(877) 245-8250