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  High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
   Reduce Struggle � Dissipate Conflict � Improve Relationships � Relieve Stress

 Volume 3    Issue 11                                                                                        November, 2010
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In This Issue
20 Nasty Habits
Do You Know Too Much?
A Moment of Clarity (video): Giving 110%
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The elections are over.  We're back to gridlock.  A house divided.  Bad, right?  Not necessarily.  Now that the rascals (it seems just about any incumbent office holder qualified) have been turned out, it's up to the new kids to figure out how to move forward.  Unless they're totally blind and fail to use their Learner/Researcher and miss the idea that the voting public seems disenchanted with politicians digging in their heals, avoiding compromise at all costs and serving their personal interests above the public's, this new class should be able to get some things sorted out.  They'll move quickly, too.  Or they'll find themselves out on the curb with their suitcases in two years.

And congrats to rally friends Mark Utecht, the new Mayor of Stacy, MN and Matt Huuki the new 110th District State Representative in Michigan! 

"If you keep banging your head against the rock wall long enough, pretty soon your head takes the shape of the rock wall" 
                                                                           Frank DeMotte (my Dad)
20 Nasty Habits.
Banging head against wall

Dr. Marshall Goldsmith's book What Got You Here Won't Get You There lists 20 habits that can keep you from realizing your dreams. Do any of these strike a chord in you? (Read on....)

Do you know too much?

Spinning Plates

Bob's an insurance agent, and suddenly, after 20 years in the business, he's failing at his job. He's making 20 calls a day but the sales just aren't happening. "I know how to make sales. I'm good at what I do!" he says. "At least, I thought I was." Bob's making a classic mistake that you might be making too: becoming too good at what he does. (Read more...)

A Moment of Clarity (video): Giving 110%?
Rally Crash
To view video, click on image above
It sounds great in the locker room, but the coach who asks for 110% from his players is asking them to overcome a flawed process.  We only have 100% to give. How else can we win?
How does Rally co-driving prepare you for improving performance in teams and executives?
I am a Rally Co-driver in several series in the Western Hemisphere.  You can read about my racing history at my rally website. When I am competing, it is my job to corral all the best performances from myself, the driver, the mechanics and any other members of the crew supporting us for the weekend.  As you can imagine, as in any racing, egos are strong, tensions are high, and the atmosphere is ripe for interpersonal conflict.
I have a track record of co-driving for racers of any caliber (National Champions to first event novices) and delivering results that exceed their expectations. 
For the rest of my living, I coach executives in leadership and team dynamics; teams in developing higher levels of trust, understanding and camaraderie; and individuals in making changes supportive of getting what they want in life.  In this arena too, I have a reputation for delivering results that exceed their expectations.

HDClarity is an e-zine for those wanting to develop more of that trust, understanding and camaraderie in their work environment, and their life in general.  A smoother running team is a more profitable team.  It get things done faster, for less cost. 

If you'd like to share some of these insights for developing High Definition Clarity in your daily and business life, please forward this email.
"There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present."
Saving civilization (or your team) one conversation at a time,

Kim DeMotte, Corporate CoDriver
(877) 245-8250

October 2010 Avocados; VOTE; Temptation
September 2010 Calm Starts with you; Why I want what I want; Eixenberger
August 2010 It's Who I Am, Conversation Openers,  Helmets and K/J

July 2010 Scorpion & Frog, Failure as Process, and Power of Conversation June 2010 Kick Ass, Shake It Up, Baby, Knowledge is Power
May 2010 Three Responses(Duplessis), Transition, Ho'oponopono & Science

April, 2010 Hope, Tiger/Eldrick, Horse's Ass
March, 2010 Wipe the Slate Clean, Failing Forward, Extraordinary
February, 2010 Getting out of the Triangle, Maybe-maybe not, Who Dat?
January, 2010 Drama Triangle, Blind Side, Summit Review
December, 2009 Red Conversation, Christmas 1914 Truce
November, 2009 Green Conversation, Hate, Jim Abbott
October, 2009 - 6th and 7th Gears
September, 2009 - 4th and 5th Gears
August, 2009 - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Gears
July, 2009 - Frustration, Cotton, Coaching
June, 2009 - Unlearning, Knower/Judger; Learner/Researcher
May, 2009 - Doubt
April, 2009 - Ho'oponopono
March, 2009 - The Sky is Falling
February, 2009 - USAir Fight 1549
January, 2009 - Let Go of the Past
December, 2008 - HDClarity introduction