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High Definition Trust, Understanding and Camaraderie
Reduce Struggle � Dissipate Conflict � Improve Relationships � Relieve Stress

Volume 3    Issue 5                                                                                                        May, 2010
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In This Issue
Three Responses and an Unbelievable Race
Facing the Changes
Ho'oponopono and Science
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Why Clarity.....
....and why now?

We can no longer fathom watching standard definition TV broadcasts.  We HAVE to view our sporting events, National Geographic programming and late night comedy in HD -- High Definition. 

HDClarity is an e-zine for those wanting to develop more trust, understanding and camaraderie in their work environment, and their life in general.  A smoother running team is a more profitable team.  They get things done faster, for less cost.  If you'd like to discover methods for developing High Definition Clarity in your daily life, please read on. 
"If only you could sense how important you are to the lives of those you meet; how important you can be to people you may never even dream of. There is something of yourself that you leave at every meeting with another person. " 

                                                                                        Fred Rogers

Eckhart Tolle's Three Responses and an Unbelievable Race

Christopher Duplessis is probably the best two-wheel-drive rally car driver in the U.S. In a world of 300-horsepower, rock-star-driven, all-wheel-drive Subarus, Mitsubishis, and Ford Fiestas, Chris normally manhandles a 130-hp front-wheel drive 1990 Volkswagen Golf to 2WD championships year after year. I had the privilege of co-driving for Chris in Colorado for the rally that wrapped up his 2008 Championship.

Chris is the original "can-do" guy. As a result, he's always winning-even when he doesn't. What am I talking about? First, I need to explain Eckhart Tolle's Three Responses.

Three Responses
In his work, Tolle refers to the Three Modalities of Awakened Doing. What he means is that, no matter what you do, a successful connection to an event requires acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm. If you're engaged in any other way, you're not going to be happy with the results.

Many of us are engaged in other states during a task or event. These include:
  • Anger
  • Frustration
  • Duty
  • Shame
  • Fear
  • Retaliation
These modes of engagement are derived from your Knower/Judger persona. In these modes, you are comparing what's going on with some past rule or experience and finding the situation "needing adjustment." You end up saying things like: "I'm angry because you didn't follow through." "I'm frustrated because the tire went flat." "I have to finish college because my father says so." "The toilet paper comes off the roll wrong!"

Sure, it's difficult to get enthusiastic about that flat tire. But throwing the jack in frustration is usually not productive. According to Tolle, "Performing an action in the state of acceptance means you are at peace while you do it."

Chris's Gift
Chris was tapped by 0-60 Magazine to pilot a 2010 Scion XD sedan that was hurriedly prepped for running the Oregon Trail Rally. By prepped, I mean a roll cage had been installed, and some pretty awesome Tein suspension was bolted underneath. Other than that, it was pretty much off the shelf, putting Chris at a huge perceived disadvantage.

Although the car was paid for by somebody else, it had low power, an open differential (only one wheel pulling), and was not particularly light. Plus there were lots of uphill racing sections on the course and Chris had a novice co-driver.

Other drivers would have looked at this opportunity (any paid ride is an opportunity) but found fault with the car, the differential, the lack of power, the hurried preparation, the inexperienced co-driver and crew. They would have known they weren't going to win.

In contrast, Chris spent most of the weekend in unbridled enthusiastic engagement, laughing as he snapped the front bumper loose in a high-speed water crossing, smiling as a rock punctured the floor pan, not lifting the throttle corner after corner, blind crest after blind crest, totally committed to the project, even though this car was not supposed to be a competitive rally car.

Chris didn't win. He came in second to a turbo-charged fully sorted out Ford Focus. But his 2010 Championship season is still intact with only two events to go. And 0-60, Scion, and Tein got their money's worth from Chris Duplessis because he doesn't know how to respond to anything in a manner inconsistent with Tolle's Three Responses. He chooses to respond with acceptance, enjoyment, or enthusiasm. And usually, he chooses all three.

Are you getting your money's worth out of you? Your people? Your relationships? If not, perhaps you're not responding to situations in the best way.

Next time you're faced with an issue that's about to set you off, weigh the value of satisfying your emotional issues-throwing your jack, yelling at your direct report-against the overall success of the mission. Would one of the Three Responses serve you better?

Chris and Ron and the 0-60 Scion (click picture to see a video)

Facing the Changes

You're Fired
Change is scary. Foundations are shaken. What worked before isn't working now. It can be terrifying.
The reason we get scared is because we look at transitional periods from our Knower/Judger and "judge" the situation to be unsafe, out of bounds, and hence, uncomfortable. Why? Because the K/J gets information from the past, which means that you're comparing today to yesterday. Things aren't the same and you no longer know what to expect.
According to William Bridges, author of Transitions and The Way of Transition, transitions occur in three phases: Ending, Losing, Letting Go; The Neutral Zone; and The New Beginning. Let's look at these using some of the concepts we have discussed over the past year and a half.

(1) Ending, Losing, Letting Go - According to Bridges, this is when you deal with your tangible and intangible losses and mentally prepare to move on.
As Eckhart Tolle says, there are only three reasonable responses to any situation:

1. Engage enthusiastically

2. Enjoy passively

3. Accept

We sometimes have difficulty seeing that the change we're staring at is inevitable, such as with a death, divorce, job change, or a new edict from corporate headquarters. Instead, we fantasize that life will go on as normal and that nothing need change or be lost.

But it is what it is. Even if you look at the change through your K/J viewfinder, you still cannot recover the status quo. Choosing to engage your Learner/Researcher helps you see the data for what it is and facilitates "letting go." The sooner we can accomplish this, the quicker we can come out the other side.

(2) The Neutral Zone - For Bridges, this is when critical psychological realignments and re-patterning takes place. It's all about helping get you through the transition, and capitalizing on the confusion by encouraging you to be an innovator.

Humanity only really connects when it explores doubt. When we all "know" (from our K/J persona), there is little to explore. Everything comes down to "you're wrong and I'm right." But in doubt, we can come together and research solutions.
In transition, the old status quo is defunct. How can we possibly proceed? Asking the question makes the possibilities present themselves, sometimes quite by accident when we are open to accept them. Sometimes we see possibilities simply by plugging away at the problems.

One thing is certain: possibilities do not become visible until we have entered this Neutral Zone using our L/R. The situation may be confusing. It may possibly be terrifying. But we can't go back, because we've already let go of our past reality.

(3) The New Beginning - This phase, in Bridges' work, involves developing a new identity, experiencing new energy, and discovering a new sense of purpose that makes the change begin to work.

When the foundations of past experience evaporate and the K/J is suspended, we are left only with L/R skills. Filters get out of the way. Data we could not see before becomes clearer. We are finally free to choose our direction based on our desires and the data at hand.

We all know of people who just packed up and chucked it all to start a new life. They went through this process.

We know people who lost loved ones. They went through this process.

We know people who lost their jobs. They either went through or are going through this process (some Neutral Zones last longer than others).


What transition are you facing? Is it of your choosing? Or was it thrust upon you? Understanding the process can help you avoid some of the stress and struggle. Realizing that letting go is a necessary component helps you let go. Seeing that doubt and confusion are part of the process frees you up to explore fearlessly.

When you can identify where you are along the continuum, you can see there's a history of success in similar situations. And that helps.
Ho'oponopono and Science

Here's a little gem for you more pragmatic readers.

The underlying premise of the Ho'oponopono affirmation (I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.) is that everything is interconnected. We "get right" with the world by interacting with it from our Learner/Researcher persona, connecting with an open heart and mind. But what represents this overarching connectedness that Carl Jung called the Collective Conscious and others refer to as karma? How can we see it, touch it, or even know that it's there?

The idea that we are all part of a bigger "whole" has existed in belief systems since before the written word. Somehow in our mechanized, corporate-ladder-climbing, ego-centered existence, our Knower/Judger has left little room for that possibility. Recently though, science, our current collective K/J, has begun to move toward its L/R and explore some of the evidence that frequently disproves its own "knowledge."

Suspend your own personal K/J for a moment and ponder the following:

On September 11, 2001, a global array of computer-driven random number generators monitored by the Global Consciousness Project began to deliver more and more non-random results. The probability of what was happening occurring without some cause was less than one in a thousand.

The event has been described like this: "We are obliged to confront the possibility that the measured correlations may be directly associated with some (as yet poorly understood) aspect of the consciousness attendant global events."

To make this perfectly clear, the output of digital devices around the world, that only generate data using binary (zeroes and ones) were affected by human emotion on a global scale.  If you're reading that from your K/J, you're probably having a tough time.

This deviation from random didn't only occur on 9/11. It's been witnessed with:
  • US Embassy bombings in 1998
  • NATO bombings in Yugoslavia in 1999
  • A billion-person meditation in 1999
  • Pope John Paul II's visit to Israel in 2000
  • Russian school hostage crisis 2004
  • Indonesian earthquake 2006
  • ....and over 300 other events
The figure below represents the history of the formal hypothesis testing. It displays the cumulative deviation of results from chance expectation (shown as the horizontal black line at zero deviation). Truly random data would produce a jagged curve with no slope, wandering up and down around the horizontal. The dotted smooth curves show the 0.05 and 0.001 probability envelopes that help to define significant versus chance excursions.

The jagged red line shows the accumulating excess of the empirically normalized Z-scores relative to expectation for the complete dataset of rigorously defined events. The overall result is highly significant. The odds against chance are greater than a million to one.
The Global Consciousness Project's leadership looks like the who's who of the pragmatic scientific community. The website is hosted at Princeton.edu.
Open your mind to the possibility that what we do affects everything else, and what occurs everywhere affects us.
Hey! Collective Conscious! I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you!

There is a clear and present danger.....when you are neither clear nor present.
Saving the planet one conversation at a time,

Kim DeMotte
Power of NO, Corporate CoDriver
(877) 245-8250