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Letter News Newsletter is a free, informative monthly e-newletter which contains information about any and all aspects of lettering and typography: commercial and artistic applications, tips and suggestions, lettering resources, lettering in the news and current lettering work. Written and published by lettering artist, calligrapher and type designer, Jill Bell. Sign up now...just scroll to the bottom and click on the link.
- Issue 1, A little drama in letters
- Letter News Newsletter, August (Leo) 2008
- The inaugural edition features: Lettering for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, Custom fonts are big with Big Business, Zapf's Archives in Wolfenbüttel, and Remembering Robert Rauschenberg
- Issue 6: Moving on
- Letter News Newsletter, Jan 2009
- Hotel logotypes: Felix, Phulay Bay and Ultimate Stay,
Fontifier: instant handwriting fonts, What the font?, Phulay bay comps
- Issue 7: Enhancing a bookcover
- Letter News Newsletter, February 2009
- Book covers from Fashion-forward adventures of Imogene, SF Library's eminent lettering and book arts collection, stereotypes and clichés, Linotype's Font Finder, iPhone font aps.
- Promo
- Brand it! April, 2009
- Branded boots "A fabulous logo is the first step toward creating a great brand."
- Issue 8: Custom fonts for Loehmann's
- Letter News Newsletter, April, 2009
- Custom fonts designed for Loehmann's, Anne Hechle work online, PopChar character finding ap, Jill's presentation at AFF.
- Issue 9: A jewel of a design
- Letter News Newsletter, May 2009
- Logotype and monogram for Mauri Pioppo Fine Jewelry, John Langdon's ambigrams in Angels and Demons, talk in LA to SFC.
- Issue 10: Artful Lettering
- Letter News Newsletter, June, 2009
- Starbucks Coffee Liqueur Campaign lettering, Identifiers--Jayme Odgers' show of art full of lettering, TypeCon 2009, TypeCulture
- Issue 11: Rune Warriors
- Letter News Newsletter, July, 2009
- Rune Warriors book jacket lettering, Goodbye Gutenberg, Hellow Jikji -Korean first movable type book, Typographica
- Issue 12: Making a mark at the mall
- Letter News Newletter, September 2009
- Handlettered billboards at South Coast Plaza, June Corley's typographic menagerie, Mark Van Stone's take on the Mayan predictions for 2012, S news blast, Delphic Games
- Issue 13: Going International
- Letter News #13 October, 2009
- Hotel Monte Mulini in Croatia, Hangul: one of the few writing systems in use with an actual inventor, the Lost Letters of Sumner Stone, WOFF type format for the web
- Issue 14: It's all about self-promotion
- Letter News Newsletter: Jan. 2010
- Self-promotional postcards, The Big Book of Self Promotion, The opposite of calligraphy cacography, Links to lists of great books about type
- Issue 18: Here We Go Again
- LetterNews Newsletter- June, 2010
- Rambla Records and "Here We Go Again", TypeCon hits Los Angeles this summer, Type portraits, and Manuale Zapficum honored by AIGA
- Issue 20: a sign of summer
- LetterNews Newsletter: August, 2010
- Maria Puck Café logotype, Become a master of typography in 100 pages, Title Man Harold Adler, It's a sign museum, Buchstaben Museum of Letters in Berlin
- Issue 22: brush drawn
- LetterNews Newsletter November 2010
- Brush drawn illustrations for foreign language calendars, NY & LA tables, The always fabulous Newberry Library, What can you do with web fonts?, How to do webfonts with Typekit
- Issue 23: Let it snow!
- Christmas 2010
- Wishing you a warm and wonderful winter!
- Issue 25: fabulous fantasies
- LetterNews Newsletter - February 2011
- Arthur and the Minimoys bookjackets, MoMA's new digital type library and exhibit, The pen is mightier than the keyboard when it comes to activating the brain
- Issue 26: Bedtime stories
- LetterNews Newsletter - March 2011
- Bedtime Stories book titles, Doyald Young 1926-2011, Literary Tattoos, Two lettering artists receive MacArthur Fellow award
- Issue 27: the vacation issue
- Letter News Newsletter - June 2011
- Little Blue Envelope titles, Signage on the road, The Story Tellers from a culture with no written language, wooden cross lettering, Carumba in Taos
- Issue 28: mo promo
- LetterNews Newsletter -July 2011
- Muse logo using Gigi, Handwriting v. a handwriting font, St. Louis Cemetery lettering, The two hot topics at TypeCon: web fonts and static v dynamic design.
- Issue 30: Madame Woo
- LetterNews Newsletter - September 2011
- Madame Woo logotype, Letter press iPad app, Letter press truck hits the road, Two great type and design webcasts: Design Matters and Type Radio.
- Issue 34: Toast the New Year
- LetterNews Newsletter - Jan 2012
- D'Alfonso-Currran wine label, The abundance of fonts, Asemic writing, What our Lettering Needs new book about Zapf.
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See more of Jill's work Jill Bell Brandlettering