Red title

It's time for TypeCon 2009!
For lovers of typography and letters, nothing beats a gathering of the like-minded. From its grassroots begining a decade ago, TypeCon has grown into one of the most fun, respected and comprehensive type and lettering arts conferences around. Complete with renown speakers, workshops and parties, it even has a must-attend forum for type educators. And the price can't be beat. There's still time to sign up.
July 14-19, Atlanta.


TypeCulture is a great online resource for design students, educators and professionals who want to find out more about type, its history and use, or just enjoy watching great type and lettering movies --some by webmaster (and type designer) Mark Jamra himself. I got a big kick out of Erik Spiekermann's Typomania from the 1980's.

There's more of my work to see!
Letter News Newsletter
is a free, informative monthly e-newletter which contains information about any and all aspects of lettering and typography: commercial and artistic applications, tips and suggestions, lettering resources, lettering in the news and current lettering work.
See back issues of Letter News

Issue 10           
June 2009

Starbucks The Art of Coffee


This job was so much fun as BBDO wanted the headlines and tag line to look roughly brush written and artistic to go with the theme of Starbucks' (and Jim Beam's) coffee liqueur launch, "Bringing Art to the Cocktail".

Billboard above, magazine ad at the right.

Lettering by Jill Bell

Artful [of] letters
IDENTIFIERS - Jayme Odgers
July 11 through August 1st, Billy Shire Fine Arts, Culver City, CA

Odgers Bete Noir

Whether it's Jasper Johns or Ed Ruscha, I have always loved fine art that includes letters. The work of Jayme Odgers is right up there at the top of my list. Always thought provoking, humorous and insightful, his gorgeous, skillful work is a pleasure to behold again and again. Odgers creates three dimensional art and paints in a wide variety of media.


Painting (top) :The B�te Noire of the Busy Mind
Sculpture (bottom): Promises, Promises
Note from Jill
The furnace blast of summer is definitely roasting us here in the midwest. While it's not quite as temperate and enjoyable as the west coast (hey, LA is still chillin' with "June gloom"), the great barbecue, mojitos and the lovely fireflies suit me just fine here. And the cicadas have began their choral performance in the trees. There's always something to be grateful for and enjoy.
Hope you'll take some time to stop and enjoy some of the type, signage and lettering that you find around you every day.


 Jill Bell Brandlettering provides distinctive,
one-of-a-kind lettering solutions
tailored to your individual needs.
