Red title

Doyald Young


Doyald Young

It is with much sadness that I report the passing of my friend and colleague Doyald Young this month. Doyald was a highly respected lettering artist, teacher, writer, lecturer and type designer. But most of all he was a wonderful friend, adviser, and confidant. 


There are some very lovely tributes online including an article in the New York Times and a tribute from me and some other friends. The interview on LetterCult from a few years ago has lovely samples of his work.


I will miss him so. 

Two lettering artists receive the generous MacArthur Fellow award

Matthew Carter is the second type designer (following Charles Bigelow in 1982) to receive a Fellows award from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. It is always exciting to see type design recognized as an important activity on Matthew Carterpar with music, art, literature and the sciences. The so-called "genius award" is possibly the most prestigious individual award in America and certainly it is the most remunerative: $500,000 over the next 5 years with no strings attached.


Stonecutter Nicholas Benson, current owner of the renowned John Stevens Shop in Newport, Rhode Island was also awarded the MacArthur Fellow Award last year. Benson is the son of John E. Benson and grandson of John Howard Benson, both renowned stonecutters in their own right.

365 Thank Yous lettering
There's  more of my lettering work to be seen!
Issue 26            
March 2011 
Bedtime Stories

Bedtime Stories

The playful titles on these colorful children's books are hand lettered by Jill Bell. 

Literary Tattoos....for the bookish
(and fans of lettering)
Literary Tattoos

The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide is a wonderful adventure into literary words and pictures that people have lovingly and indelibly adorned themselves with.

an example of a literary tattoo          
From Dickinson to Pynchon, Shakespeare to Plath there is a great diversity of subject, design and quality represented in this great little book.
Want more? Check out Ina Saltz's two lovely volumes, Body Type and Body Type 2 for a larger, more general look at the word on flesh.
Note from Jill
Wishing you a happy spring!Jill and Sue bunny


Jill Bell Brandlettering
913 649.4505

Distinctive, one-of-a-kind lettering solutions
tailored to your individual needs.