Other Sheep eNews Archives | |
- January - March 2009
- Rev. Kimindu's Open Letter of Enguragement to Uganda re "Cured" Homosexuals (3/30/2009)
- Analysis of Public Hearing of Nigerian Anti-Gay Bill held March 11, 2009 (3/13/2009)
- "Christian Fundamentalists" vs Society Organizations by Zaharadeen Gambo, Program Officer of Global Rights
- "Ex-gay" Rhetoric Comes to Uganda (3/12/2009)
- Full report of the proceedings of the Family Life Network three day seminar on "anti-homosexuality" (as experienced by the Uganda queer community) in Kampala, Uganda. Also, resources for addressing the "ex-gay" evangelical movement. Just in: links announcing the March 11 Public Hearing of Nigerian Bill
- Other Sheep and GAAI Meet In Nairobi, Kenya (3/3/2009)
- Also: Makokhas to visit the USA in September 2009; Steve and Jose will travel to Southeast Asia in July and August 2009; In memory of Professor Marcella Althaus-Reid; Rev. Gasana update from Rwanda; Religious Anti-Gay Conference to be held in Uganda; Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues; Sexual Violence against South African lesbians; and more.
- Rev. John Makokha answers accusations (2/6/2009)
- InterVarsity Press Publishes Gay-Friendly Article (2/2/2009)
- Colombia, Nigeria, Uganda, Virginia, 2 Books, Readers Comments (1/28/2009)
- Colombian Consulate Grants Visa to a Bi-Couple; Nigeria House of Reps Vote Against Gay Marriage; MCC Urges Overturn of Nigeria Same-Gender Prohibition Bill; and more . . .
- ILGHRC Responds to the Jailing of 9 Gay Men in Senegal (1/8/2009)
Left to Right: Steve Parelli, Executive Director of Other Sheep; Rev. Michael Kimindu, Anglican Priest (Nairobi, Kenya), MCC Ordained Pastor, Other Sheep Coordinator for East Africa; Rev. Nancy Wilson, MCC Moderator. MCC Regional 4 Conference, Birmingham, England. November 11, 2008.
 Steve and Jose participate in The American Family Outing
Nigeria police raid and beat gay men
Left to right: Jose Ortiz (USA), Davis Mac-Iyalla (Nigeria) and Emmanuel Kamau (Kenya), panelists at the Other Sheep-Maranatha (The Riverside Church) February 17, 2008, forum on "The Present-day experiences of gay Christians in Kenya and Nigeria." See eNews 2/25/2008 above.
Rev. Michael Kimindu, pro-LGBT Anglican priest, Nairobi, Kenya
Rev. John Makokha (center with red tie) and wife Anne, at his left in red dress). The church where Rev. Makokha is pastor. |
Steve and Jose send a Happy New Year greeting from Yosemite National Park, California, USA. |
 Emmanuel Kamau, new Co-coordinator for Africa. Jose Ortiz continues as Co-coordinator for Africa. |
Other Sheep
16768 Old Jamestown Road
Florissant, Missouri 63034