Other SheepOther Sheep East Africa eNews April 19, 2008

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Urgent Help Needed: 

Primary donor pledges $170.00 per month (for one year) to Kenyan UMC minister Rev. Makokha's monthly rent,

if donor's can give matching amount by April 30th. 


Become a donor at only $5.00 per month for 12 months!

Please Help the Rev. Makokha Family
Because of openly declaring his views, as he did on the April 3rd TV talk show recording in Kenya, Rev. Makokha's denomination has withheld funds for more than two years now.  Other Sheep has found a donor who will give $170.00 per month towards his $340.00 monthly rent IF matching donors are found.
Update on Makokha Rent Project
The Hatua Talk Show
You can email the Hatua Talk Show and express your appreciation for airing this topic:  thehatuashow@yahoo.com
hatua generally means 'decision' or 'cross roads' in Swahili
Amount needed per month - $340.00
Matching donor has promised per month - $170.00
Matching individuals have promised per month - $60.00
Additional amount needed BY APRIL 31 per month - $110.00
Above photo::  Rev. John Makokha and wife Anne
In addition to no denominational funds for rent:  Rev. and Mrs. Makokha's four daughters lack funds to pay for fees related to their education.  Their youngest daughter, Lavender is class 4 at St. Hannah's Preparatory school (primary).  Next youngest, Louiza is in class 8 and will be joining Form 1 (high school) in January 2009.  Wilner, the second oldest daughter, is in Form 3 in The Kenya high school.  Their oldest daughter is graduated from high school and plans to attend Daystar University for a course in community development in August 2008.  If you would like to especially help with their educational fees, please contact Other Sheep.
For more information on education costs of children:  see email from Rev. Makokha.
Please help the Rev. Makokha family by forwarding this eNews to a friend by selecting "Forward email" at extreme bottom.
  (Rev.*) Steve Parelli, MDiv    Steve and Jose Mexico
  Executive Director
  Other Sheep
*Defrocked by a local Baptist church for entering into a committed gay relationship.
Photo at right:  Jose and Steve on speaking tour for Other Sheep, Mexico 2005.
Below:  Steve and Jose to participate in The AMERICAN FAMILY OUTING as a lead family.
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