Other SheepOther Sheep East Africa Reports on Ministry in Three Cities:  Nairobi, Mombasa, Kigali

Steve and Jose Report on their visit to  Nairobi and Kigali
Rev. Kimindu and John Makokha Report on their visit to Mombasa
In This Issue
Nairobi, Kenya, Report
Mombasa, Kenya, Report
Kigali, Rwanda, Report
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Reporting from Kampala, Uganda July 31, 2008
To Our Other Sheep Readers: 

Three reports follow on aspects of our month-long Other Sheep activities (beginning July 4; ending August 5).
Presently, Jose and I leave Kampala, Uganda, in the early morning of July 31 for a pastors' seminar in Kisumu, Kenya, August 1, 2008. 
We have just finished a great 5 days in Kampala.  Watch for a report on our Kampala visit in a future Other Sheep eNews.
Steve Parelli
Other Sheep Executive Director
Kampala, Uganda
Nairobi, Kenya, Report, July 4-15, 2008
Steve and Jose with Other Sheep Kenya
To go to this report CLICK HERE
In this report: 
  1. Three day seminar, July 7-9, on "Christianity and Homosexuality:  From a different point of view."
  2. Sunday Service and Youth Seminar at the Riruta United Methodist Church, Riruta, Kenya, Sunday, July 6.
  3. Meetings and Interaction with Other Sheep Coordinators and Other Sheep lay leaders (Project Support Team).
  4. Jose and Steve's interaction with Ishtar MSM, GALCK, and last year's LGBT community.
  5. Appointments,"random" contacts, impromptu meetings.
  6. eNews letters sent to our constituency during  Jose and Steve's visit to Nairobi, Kenya.
Mombasa, Kenya, Report, July 15-18
Rev. Kimindu and Rev. Makokha of  Other Sheep Kenya  do out reach ministry
 To go to this report CLICK HERE
In this report:
Rev. Kimindu and Rev. Makokha travel to Mombasa, Kenya to reach pastors and lay leaders there with the mission and vision of Other Sheep.
Rev. Makokha gives an addtional add-on report regarding  two NEGST students who are introduced to Other Sheep; and his contact with UMC (United Methodist Church) leaders.
Kigali, Rwanda, Report, July 15-24, 2008
Steve and Jose make first contacts in Rwanda for Other Sheep East Africa 
To go to this report  CLICK HERE
In this report:
  1. Activities accomplished with Pastor Alexandre Fire, Senior Pastor of Full LIfe Temple International
  2. Meeting with Pastor J. Elie Gasana (UMC) and Pastor Agustin Bahati (Church of God in Africa in Rwanda
  3. Student president hosts Other Sheep East Africa meeting on his university campus
  4. Additional formal and informal meetings with individuals, including:  the Primate The Most Revd Emmanuel Musaba Kolini, a UMC minister, a gay Christian from Uganda
Other Sheep is an ecumenical Christian ministry working for the full inclusion of LGBT people of faith within their respective faith traditions worldwide.
" . . . connecting people with people and people with resources . . ."