SoulCollage� Community Update
Newsletter Archive

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  • SCU December 2016   (12/1/2016)
  • Laughter is great medicine and Barb Horn shares with us how Laughter can be an intentional, divine aspect of our SoulCollage� deck.
  • SCU November 2016   (11/1/2016)
  • Read about how SoulCollage� supported Barbara Techel during her grief process after losing her pets.
  • SCU October 2016   (10/1/2016)
  • Ivor Singer shares how SoulCollage� can eloquently lead us to the heart of Who We Are.
  • SCU September 2016   (9/1/2016)
  • Jenny Oppenheimer beautifully depicts how synchronicity played a hand in her journey to SoulCollage�.
  • SCU August 2016 - Oh - What A Circus!  (8/1/2016)
  • Andrea Th�ler shares a unique way to describe the four Suits in a SoulCollage� deck by using the metaphor of a Circus!
  • SCU July 2016 - Can Your SoulCollage� Practice Help Your Family Thrive?  (7/1/2016)
  • In this issue C. Gretchen Thomas shares how SoulCollage� brought depth and shared understanding to both her marriage and to a friend's relationship with her growing daughter.
  • SCU June 2016 - My Near-Death Journey with SoulCollage�  (6/1/2016)
  • C. Constance Conn shares her journey with her SoulCollage� cards during and after her near-death experience and the power SoulCollage� had in her recovery.
  • SCU May 2016 - Heart and Soul: Using SoulCollage� After Strokes  (5/1/2016)
  • Joan Stockbridge shares the story of how SoulCollage� provided family and friends a glimpse into the internal world or her friend who had a number of strokes.
  • SCU April 2016 - Every Day is Earth Day  (4/1/2016)
  • Joci Blazek Gehr writes about how images of nature in her SoulCollage� deck inform and inspire daily connection with the power of nature.
  • SCU March 2016 - Romancing the SoulCollage�  (3/1/2016)
  • In this essay from Anne Marie Bennet's new book, Through the Eyes of SoulCollage�, she explores the true purpose of making SoulCollage� cards and how to create deeper relationships with our cards.
  • SCU February 2016 - Seena Frost: May Her Wisdom Endure Within You  (2/1/2016)
  • Audrey Chowdhury writes a lovely testament to how Seena B. Frost, the founder of SoulCollage�, was known to all of us. Even if you never met Seena, after reading Audrey's piece, you'll understand that you knew Seena.
  • SCU January 2016 - Collage Is a Metaphor for Life  (1/1/2016)
  • Read about the various ways that Karen Mann has discovered how the process of SoulCollage� mirrors her own life.
  • SCU December 2015 - Deepened My Connection with My Family  (12/1/2015)
  • Laura Seligman, a natural introvert, describes her experience of sharing SoulCollage� with her extroverted, rambunctious family and how they all benefited.
  • SCU November 2015 - Indra's Net  (11/1/2015)
  • Read one of Anne Marie Bennett's essays - Indra's Net - from her newly published book Through the Eyes of SoulCollage�.
  • SCU October 2015 - How SoulCollage� Helped Me Publish My Book  (10/1/2015)
  • Colleen Haggerty shares how she recruited a specialized team of Neters to help her publish her book. Creating cards for these Neters and dialoguing with them gave Colleen the confidence to stretch her comfort zone.
  • SCU September 2015 - Trust the Process  (9/1/2015)
  • Karen Mann gives concrete examples of how she has learned to Trust the Process of SoulCollage� on a variety of levels.
  • SCU August 2015 - Forerunners of SoulCollage�  (8/1/2015)
  • Katherine Ziegler shows us a forerunner to the process of SoulCollage� used by Victorian noblewomen as well as a process she experienced at the same time Seena was developing SoulCollage�. Read more to find out about these synchronicities!
  • My Ten Moons Journey  (7/1/2015)
  • Emily Morter shares her pregnancy journey and the practice of making a SoulCollage� card for each of the ten moons of her baby's gestation. She also describes how the cards continue to speak to her in new and deep ways.
  • New Facilitators Speak  (6/1/2015)
  • Three newly-trained Facilitators describe their experiences before, during, and after their training experience.
  • Just Say Yes: SoulCollage� Gave Me the Nerve to Sing My Songs in Mid-Life  (5/1/2015)
  • Kathryn King shares her story about how SoulCollage� taught her about trusting the process. Kathryn wasn't a singer when she suddenly started "receiving" songs in the middle of the night, but because she had learned how to trust, she was open to bringing these songs to the world.
  • How I Used SoulCollage� to Resolve My Conflict  (4/1/2015)
  • Alison Moncrief shares her story of using a Weaving through Conflict meditation to make SoulCollage� cards. This meditation and these cards helped her her with a struggle she was having about whether or not to sell her parent's home. A link to purchase the CD with the Weaving through Conflict meditation by Mariabruna Sirabella is in the newsletter.
  • Discover Your Wisdom, Change Your World  (3/1/2015)
  • Seena Frost reflects on the SoulCollage� process after being transformed by it for 30 years. She describes the simple process of making SoulCollage� cards, how the teachings of some of her mentor's have nourished this process and gives an example of how our Shadow cards are relevant to the process.
  • Bring the Ancient Wisdom of Feng Shui into Your SoulCollage� Readings  (2/1/2015)
  • Nola Wood shares how she uses the ancient art of Feng Shui and it's corresponding Bagua map to do SoulCollage� Readings.
  • A SoulCollage� Animal Companion Helps Me Go with the Flow  (1/1/2015)
  • Karen Lawson shares how SoulCollage� helped her negotiate the painful and invasive treatment for kidney stones. ​Karen's Second Chakra animal, her Golden-Eyed Goose, told her, ​"​'I​ Am One Who guides you in feeling the feelings that arise when you choose to open to life.​..."​ Karen writes, "T​'his was a stunning revelation to me, and just what I needed to accept and persist through four surgeries, a hospitalization, and a (temporarily) altered quality of life.​"​
  • Why I Took a SoulCollage� Facilitator Training  (12/1/2014)
  • Zoe Fitzgerald Beckett shares the process of her decision and her journey of completing a SoulCollage� Facilitator Training. "One of the most exciting things I found about SoulCollage� is its universality, the possibility of its appeal to just about everyone regardless of age, gender, race, religious background, education, income level, or life benefit from it, one simply needs the willingness to listen, not to others, but to one's own inner wisdom coming through each card one creates."
  • Head Hears Heart  (11/1/2014)
  • As a person who "lives mostly in my head," Laura Denton started attending SoulCollage� workshops to "help me connect more directly with my emotions--and express them." Laura shares with us her very personal journey and SoulCollage� cards that, in connecting "head" and "heart," "fulfilled my goals and more."
  • Men Doing SoulCollage�  (10/1/2014)
  • SoulCollage� attracts women, yet it also attracts and transforms the lives of men, too. Read how men find and use SoulCollage� through stories gathered by Facilitators, including one participant who, through a SoulCollage� card reading, "changed his eating pattern, revived his earlier interest in sports, and started losing weight for real."
  • Painful Belief Dissolved, Magical Garden Revealed  (9/1/2014)
  • Pat Schneider, poet, playwright, librettist, founder of Amherst Writers & Artists and author of ten books, including "Writing Alone and With Others" and "How the Light Gets In: Writing as a Spiritual Practice," shares how SoulCollage� healed the part of her that an "art teacher" killed when Pat was 10.
  • The Shadow Princess: A SoulCollage� Synchronicity  (8/1/2014)
  • Elise Crohn humorously shares how pulling a SoulCollage� card brought one of her core values to light "[a]fter three days (and nights) of blazing hot, sticky South Carolina weather, a boat breakdown, a tow, a repair, mosquito swarms punctuated by plagues of biting horseflies that made me wish for the mosquitos back-and perhaps worst of all, a marine toilet that smelled like those port-a-potties at the end of a three-day music festival...."
  • Children Fall in Love with their Inner Worlds  (7/1/2014)
  • If you are a parent, grandparent, or teacher, or if you guide children in other ways, you may love how the MeCards4Kids™ adaptation of SoulCollage� offers a fun, profound connection between children and those they care about.
  • A Heart-Full Request Fulfilled: SoulCollage� for Incarcerated Women  (6/1/2014)
  • Female inmates are introduced to SoulCollage� through the Journey Home Program, which uses artistic expression to help participants embrace change in order to shift their personal paradigm.
  • Healing the Motherline Using SoulCollage�  (5/1/2014)
  • Our culture has changed a lot in the last 42 years, but women's relationships with women, especially those in their families, are still often complicated and challenging. SoulCollage� is a simple, fun and potent way to heal our "motherline."
  • Language of the Soul   (4/1/2014)
  • The search for meaning, and answers to questions in life takes us down many paths. Through the self-exploration process of SoulCollage�, life is transformed as our questions are answered and insights revealed.
  • Surfing the SoulCollage� Net  (3/1/2014)
  • Many in the SoulCollage� community share romantic affinity for the second century Buddhist metaphor, "Indra's Net", which Seena Frost describes in her book, SoulCollage� Evolving.
  • Values & Ethics in SoulCollage�  (2/3/2014)
  • Life feels more nurturing when we feel those around us want us to be creative, want us to succeed at giving our own unique gifts, and want to include us. We blossom when we feel encouraged to follow our intuition and work cooperatively.
  • Finding Humor in SoulCollage�!  (1/1/2014)
  • For the sake of sanity we need to lighten up and cease taking ourselves so seriously...
  • Season of Silence  (12/1/2013)
  • As I write this in Charlotte, North Carolina, the last of the autumn leaves are falling off the trees outside my studio. Soon the trees will be bare and the weather crisper and colder. These wintry changes make me turn inward to discover myself anew. It is a time to review the journey I have traveled this past year and to think about the journey ahead.
  • SoulCollage� with Children  (11/1/2013)
  • As you might guess most children love to make SoulCollage� cards. They seem to quickly understand about their inner parts, and will eagerly make cards for a Sad Self, an Angry Self, a Scared Self, a Rebellious or Stubborn Self, a Curious Self, and on and on.
  • How SoulCollage� Helped Me on My Journey with Cancer  (10/1/2013)
  • When I first heard the word "SoulCollage" in 2004, I fell in love with the idea of it. My two favorite words, combined into one process? I was captivated and intrigued. In early 2005 I attended my first SoulCollage� workshop and it was "love at first card."
  • Nurses Use SoulCollage� for Healing  (9/2/2013)
  • Imagine a group of nurses sitting in a circle sharing the surprising, magical, powerful collages they have just created...
  • The SoulCollage� Suits  (8/1/2013)
  • I'm writing today about SoulCollage� and its suits, because I know many of you are interested in this topic......
  • SoulCollage� & Art Therapy  (7/1/2013)
  • "I believe that demonstrating a reading from cards in the SoulCollge� deck is one of the most powerful ways of showing the true value of SoulCollage�..."
  • How My SoulCollage� Cards Predicted An Amazing Event  (6/1/2013)
  • One of the first cards this writer made at a SoulCollage� workshop, named "Divine Marriage," spoke in these words: "I Am One Who understands that marriage is not carved in stone, that the trickster nudges me..."
  • A Facilitator's Journey to SoulCollage�  (5/1/2013)
  • I never set out to become a SoulCollage� Facilitator. In 2008 I was feeling uneasy in my life and was grieving a significant loss. I was searching for something to help me heal my heart...
  • Listening to the Silence  (4/1/2013)
  • A few thoughts about meeting the Transpersonal Source card, one of the three SoulCollage� Cards that represent the One, while the rest are manifestations of the Many.
  • Giving Voice to Your SoulCollage� Cards  (3/1/2013)
  • Seena Frost writes, in her book SoulCollage� Evolving: "Collage is a metaphor for any discovering, gathering, and reweaving of energy-bits already formed and present in the universe. A new and personal creation can be made from the ever-present divine chaos of images all around us. Just choose, assemble, name, and then inhabit your SoulCollage� cards."
  • Why We Use Collage to Create Our Decks of Cards  (2/1/2013)
  • In recent months many people have visited the SoulCollage� website because they entered the word COLLAGE into a web search. Some were artists already working with collage.
  • Art Therapy with SoulCollage�   (1/1/2013)
  • The SoulCollage� process starts with making 8"x5" collages, from an array of found images or your own art or photos, in an intuitive manner that invites the riches of the unconscious mind to take visible form.
  • Expressing Gratitude through SoulCollage�   (12/1/2012)
  • It's actually true that Gratefulness can be a healing force. So, if you don't have gratitude represented in your deck.
  • Holidays, Families and SoulCollage�  (11/1/2012)
  • The holidays are upon us: Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, the Solstice, Kwanzaa, Christmas, a New Year beginning, and others. It's a busy, stressful time, but don't let busyness stop you from nourishing your Soul with images and imagination. It's a perfect time to gather a few good friends to sit for an afternoon and create SoulCollage� cards to honor these wondrous archetypal events.
  • A SoulCollage� as a Remberance of Love  (10/1/2012)
  • "Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." ~Anatole France
  • A SoulCollage� Deck is the Story of You!  (9/1/2012)
  • "SoulCollage� is a tangible way to know yourself in your diversity and depth, and also to show yourself to others. Showing your deck of SoulCollage� cards to another person can be a profound experience...Besides all this, creating them is just plain fun!"
  • The "Both/And" of SoulCollage� and Art Therapy - The Healing Synergy of SoulCollage� and Art Therapy  (8/1/2012)
  • "I have always felt that art was healing, and this proved to me that there must be more to the field than my intuition and imagination told me.....
  • Getting Started with SoulCollage-A Facilitator's Journey  (7/1/2012)
  • Catherine Williams shares her journey of discovering SoulCollage�, Training as a Facilitator and then offering workshops.
  • SoulCollage� Evolving - Going Global  (6/1/2012)
  • Dreaming into Being - Bringing SoulCollage� to South Africa. Catherine Anderson describes the first Training of Facilitators in Durban, South Africa at the Woza Moya Center.
  • The Community Suit   (5/16/2012)
  • “Our community is a continual shaping presence in our Souls….”
  • SoulCollage� is all about creating community.  (4/17/2012)
  • “How each of us nurtures, heals, and explores Soul will have impact on the vast cultural changes beginning to manifest….”
  • SoulCollage� Light 2012: Surprise & Humor!  (4/2/2012)
  • Seena Frost’s SoulCollage� process for self-discovery and community was born to be healing…….
Subscribe to Our Newsletter!
Receive your issue of the SoulCollage� Community Update immediately upon publication each month and a PDF of Seena Frost Answers Questions about SoulCollage�

People making cards 1
Originated by Seena Frost, SoulCollage� is a  process that begins as simple creative fun, but may suddenly surprise and awaken you! Learn how to access your intuition and create an incredible personal deck of cards with deep personal meaning that will help you answer life's questions. SoulCollage� is a multi-leveled, creative process that anyone can do. All you need is a good pair of scissors, pre-cut mat board cards, and images you can cut out from magazines, greeting cards, personal photos, postcards, catalogues, and calendars. You can do this work individually, but it is also wonderful to have other people with whom to share the process. If you already have been working with SoulCollage� for a while, are enthusiastic about your own SoulCollage� practice, and want to share SoulCollage� with others, consider joining us for a SoulCollage� Facilitator Training.

A SoulCollage� Deck is the Story of You

Seena.Opening  "It is a tangible way to know yourself in
    your diversity and depth,  and also to
    show  yourself to others. Showing your
    deck of SoulCollage� cards to another
    person can be a profound experience. In
    like-spirited groups, you can share cards
    and work with them in many sacred
    ways.    You can consult them
    intuitively and discover wisdom within yourself which will amaze you. Besides all this, creating them is just plain fun! You will love your deck -- a multi-card Mirror of your Self and your Soul -- whether it consists of three cards or a hundred." ~ Seena B. Frost
, SoulCollage� Evolving

An Invitation to SoulCollage�

Seena 6 min video

Watch an Invitation to SoulCollage�. Founder Seena B. Frost gently demonstrates how easy and fun it is to make  SoulCollage� cards and talks about discovering your inner wisdom. Visit our YouTube channel for many informative and beautiful videos to learn more.

Subscribe to Our Newsletter!
Receive your issue of the SoulCollage� Community Update immediately upon publication each month and a PDF of Seena Frost Answers Questions about SoulCollage�