SoulCollage� Community Update
August 1, 2012
The "Both/And" of SoulCollage� and Art Therapy -
The Healing Synergy of SoulCollage� and Art Therapy
by Kat Kirby
"Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life" - Pablo Picasso
Back in 1975, I was working with deaf/blind/multi-handicapped patients in a state hospital in Lynchburg, VA. A few other counselors and I had very little training in working with this population, but we decided to liven up the drab walls by painting a mural to be enjoyed by the deaf patients, and we brought in guitars to play for the blind patients. We were astounded at the excitement and responses from all of them, as those who couldn't hear could feel the vibrations on the guitars when chords were changed, and those who couldn't see but had some peripheral vision could tell something exciting was going on in their ward.
I have always felt that art was healing, and this proved to me that there must be more to the field than my intuition and imagination told me. I researched graduate programs in Art Therapy, applied to some schools, was accepted to Lesley University, and graduated with a master's degree in 1978. I have worked in this field ever since, with a variety of populations.
When I first learned of SoulCollage� in 2006, I was intrigued. I saw how well this process could fit in with my art therapy work, as there are many common themes. This article addresses some of those overlaps, and I hope demonstrates the concept of "Both/And" relating to art therapy and SoulCollage�.
In the CD SoulCollage and Art Therapy, Audrey Chowdhury and I outlined how art therapy's goals are similar to those of SoulCollage�. Perhaps you can see the connections too, in the following list.
In art therapy, we:
- Provide a safe framework in which the client can succeed.
- Allow and encourage the expression of pent-up emotions.
- Often facilitate the creation of a tangible, visual piece of art by the client.
- Bring clients out of personal isolation by encouraging group support.
- Empower clients to make their own choices and experience self discovery through creativity.
- Assist clients in integrating unresolved or unexpressed issues or conflicts from the past through art making.
- Encourage finding inner strength and resources through creative expression.
- Spend time in the creative right brain, limiting talking and enjoying going inward in a quiet atmosphere.

I see SoulCollage� as a "therapeutic art" process, because we know that art helps with healing, and we have seen how our work of facilitating the creative process and having participants talk about their artwork (their SoulCollage� cards) helps them in so many ways. Many art therapists use SoulCollage� in their work. The big difference is that art therapists are master's level professionals who hold a degree in art therapy or a related field, and have fulfilled a myriad of educational requirements including theories of art therapy, counseling and psychotherapy; individual, group and family techniques; human development; multicultural issues; research methods and practicum experiences in a variety of settings. They are skilled in the application of a variety of art modalities for assessment and treatment. In this way there is the distinction between "art therapy" and "therapeutic art", because scope of practice is at the heart of ethical work, and people using art as part of therapy may or may not have the special training required within this field.
SoulCollage� dovetails beautifully with art therapy. For instance, the word "Neter has more than one definition. It reminds us that images often have more than one meaning. The Source card can be compared to the work of spiritual art therapists such as Ellen G. Horowitz and Mimi Farrelly-Hansen, and art therapists might use the Belief Art Therapy Assessment when someone questions their religious or spiritual beliefs.
Each one of the suits mirrors some art therapy practices, such as the Community suit and Helen Landgarten's writings in her book "Magazine Photo Collage", or the PhotoTherapy technique developed by Judy Weiser. And then of course there's shadow work, which art therapists are familiar with thanks to the work of C.G. Jung. Using the cards for doing readings is similar to how art therapists might use Deborah Koff Chapin's "Soul Cards" with their beautiful Touch Drawings.
There are many more overlaps and similarities, and that is why I say "Both/And" to the process of SoulCollage� and the work being done by Art Therapists.
Kat Kirby is a SoulCollage� Facilitator and Trainer, and a Registered (soon to be Board Certified) Art Therapist in Prescott, AZ. She is a mentor in the Master's of Arts in Counseling program at Prescott College. In addition to SoulCollage�, Kat offers "Collage Gone Wild", mosaics, and other creative workshops at her new studio space. Contact Kat.
If you have been working with SoulCollage� for a while, are enthusiastic about your own SoulCollage� practice, and want to share SoulCollage� with others, join us for a SoulCollage� Facilitator Training.
An Experiential SoulCollage� Workshop for Art Therapy Professionals
with Barbara A. Mescher LMFT,ATR-BC,ATCS
The Southern California Art Therapy Association (SoCalATA) presents SoulCollage�: An Experiential Workshop - Using this Technique for Personal and Client Growth, led by SoulCollage� Facilitator, Barbara A. Mescher, LMFT, ATR-BC, ATCS, on Saturday, September 22 (10:00am - 3:00pm) at Biola University, LaMirada, California. Barbara is a Past-President of the Southern California Art Therapy Association and currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Art Therapy Credentials Board. Barbara is an adjunct professor and supervisor for the Loyola Marymount University graduate art therapy program and a Certified Art Therapy Supervisor.
Advance registration is now open. Paid registration and full participation in the workshop entitle attendees to a certificate for 4.5 CEU's (ATR-BC's - LMFT's - LCSW's). For more information and to register, click here. Email info@socalarttherapy.org
Visit www.soulcollage.com to learn more about SoulCollage� and
reading your SoulCollage� Cards.
Receive a PDF of Seena Frost Answers Questions about SoulCollage�
2012 U.S. Facilitator Trainings
August 16-19, 2012- Hyatt Place Hotel
Kat Kirby, M.Ed., ATR, with Audrey Chowdhury, M.S., ATR-BC, both SoulCollage� Trainers, have provided
this introduction to SoulCollage� for art therapists on CD, describing the basic structure and principles developed by Seena B. Frost and described in her book, SoulCollage® Evolving. They
share stories of working with this powerful transformative process and tell how SoulCollage� has been used for decision-making, grief work, addiction recovery, eating disorders, stress and anxiety, relationship issues, "shadow" work, community-building; and with adolescents, the disabled, the elderly, and men.
Kat Kirby, M.Ed., ATR, is a Registered Art Therapist, SoulCollage� Facilitator and SoulCollage� Trainer, based in San Diego, CA.
is a SoulCollage� Facilitator and SoulCollage� Trainer in Wisconsin.
Getting Started Kit
This package at $39.95 saves you 12% off the retail price of these items, if items were bought separately. Get started with SoulCollage� yourself or give a friend a life-changing gift package.
SoulCollage� Evolving by Seena Frost
Card Pack - 12 quality mat board blank
cards - 5"x8"
24 pk Card Sleeves
Pioneer Glue Stick
SoulCollage� Evolving is the basic text for SoulCollage. Once you or your friend has looked at the book, you'll want to get started right away making cards with the 12 blank cards and the glue stick in this kit. Many SoulCollagers want to cover their cards with the glove-like high quality sleeve so these are included as well. Add a pair of high quality Fiskars craft scissors to your order along with this item and you are all set to begin finding and collaging the images that grab you!
2012 International Trainings
Canada (Guelph, ONT) Seena Frost
Sept. 28-30, 2012 - Ignatius Jesuit Centre. Registration has closed for this Training. Contact Barbara regarding the wait list
Experience SoulCollage�
at Esalen!
Join Seena Frost and Mariabruna Sirabella for two special SoulCollage� programs at Esalen in Big Sur, CA
October 19-21, 2012 - Create Personal Divinatory Cards with SoulCollage�
Imagine spending a creative weekend beginning to collage (or continuing to collage) and read from your own deck of imaginal cards. You will browse through piles of images and find those that call to you. They could be images that represent some of the many guides, allies, and challengers active in your soul. Using these images you will collage cards that depict your personality parts, your archetypal guides, your energetic companion animals, and even some of the sentient beings that have loved, taught, and challenged you.CEUs available for MFTs and LCSWs. Learn more and register at the Esalen website. Email: info@esalen.org - Phone: 888-837-2536
October 21-26, 2012 - SoulCollage� and the New Paradigm
During this workshop participants will collage personal cards, speak to questions from their card images, and discover firsthand how this creative practice reflects vital elements of the dawning paradigm. Collage itself is a metaphor for what millions of people are, right now around the world, calling into reality: a new, cosmic unity. With collage we take separated, seemingly unrelated images, and find how they fit together into a beautiful and balanced unity. Learn more and register at the Esalen website. Email: info@esalen.org - Phone: 888-837-2536.
By Seena B. Frost
Learn the basics of how to share SoulCollage� with friends, clients, and in other groups by listening to Seena B. Frost, founder of SoulCollage�. Those who have not yet taken the SoulCollage� Facilitator Training can learn the basic guidelines for facilitating SoulCollage� in groups. Listening to this CD and the CD, Introduction to SoulCollage�, are pre-riquisite for attending the SoulCollage�
1) Introduction
2) The Basic Principles of SoulCollage�
3) The elements of SoulCollage�
4) What Does a Facilitator Do?
5) Frequently Asked Questions
6) What Happens at a SoulCollage� Facilitator Training?
7) Why practice SoulCollage�?