Executive Awakenings eNewsletter Archives
Welcome to the eNewsletter Archives for Executive Awakenings. Here you will find easy access to articles, coaching tips, featured businesses, and events that support the awakening of our individual and collective human potential. Each newsletter has been written and created by Jennifer Mulholland, a visionary leader and entrepreneur who thrives in building communities, innovating new collaborative approaches, and helping raise the consciousness of people in the world. She is the owner and president of Executive Awakenings - a business and life coaching company, creator and facilitator of the WellBEing Collaborative - an community that educates and empowers people to be healthy, happy, and well, and creator of Conscious Conversations - a social networking and personal awakening experience. As a business owner, community leader, and practitioner, Jennifer is passionate about helping people consciously evolve into healthy, happy, human BEings. With over 16 years of experience in Executive and Wellbeing coaching, 15 years experience in executive management, and 21 years of experience in healing and spiritual training, she blends intellectual and intuitive aspects into business and personal wellbeing. Jennifer's professional background has enabled her to serve in the roles of Innovation Officer, General Manager, President, and CEO, and has included executive leadership, business ownership, innovation, start-ups, portal technology, executive and life coaching, higher education, consulting, marketing, integrative wellness, and energy medicine. Here you will get a flavor of her coaching and ability to inspire
and guide people to re-connect with their authentic and highest selves. For more information, visit: www.executiveawakenings.com, or become a fan of her Executive Awakenings page on Facebook |
- Awakening eNewsletters
- What Is Your Constitution? (10/17/2011)
- We are connected to all life and matter. We come from the same Source. We are energy. We are human BEings not human doings. We may have different stories. We may have different experiences. We may look different. We may feel different. We are energy. We are human BEings. We are connected. We are Source...
- Striking The Balance (10/6/2011)
- The forces of Libra invite us to look at how we are effectively utilizing our strengths, living our ideals, and organizing ourselves so we can truly be in harmony with our purpose and paths. It is a time ripe with opportunity to put things in order, to build upon the foundations which have been laid by our past activities or ideas, and to make right use of our intelligence (intellectual, emotional, and intuitive) to make decisions that are in alignment with our values and vision...
- Rolling With The Rhythms (9/22/2011)
- Life is a series of cycles - a conglomeration of ebbs and flows, beginnings and endings that lead to initiations and completions. Like the rhythms of our heartbeat, shown on a cardiogram, our days and weeks are made up of peaks and valleys. These ups and downs give us the opportunity to learn, grow, and expand our awareness while illustrating that change is constant...
- Harnessing The Harvest Moon (9/12/2011)
- The Harvest Full Moon occurs today, September 12, 2011 in Pisces. It is a sacred time when farmers used to harness the soft orange radiance of the moon's glow to cast light on their harvest, picking the fruits of their labor. ..
- Shine The Light On Your Inner-Self! (6/21/2011)
- Today we celebrate the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. It is a sacred time when the light of the sun shines forth its radiance to help us turn up the vibrancy within ourselves. This celebrated event encourages us to acknowledge the beauty, wisdom, strength, courage, and uniqueness that makes us who we are...
- What Is Your Living Legacy? (5/25/2011)
- On Monday, I viewed the beginning of Oprah's send-off celebration after 25 years and over 4500 episodes on TV. I witnessed the beginning of a tribute that left me teary eyed and in awe...
- Blooming At The Perfect Time (5/20/2011)
- The "nature of nature is to transform", as Barbara Marx Hubbard, one of my beloved mentors so eloquently states. Barbara Hubbard is a futurist, a pioneer of human evolution, and a respected leader in the field of human consciousness. She reminds me to look towards nature for answers to my own life. As I do, I witness the implicate order in everything that grows and I am more able to observe the Divine Intelligence outside and within...
- My Mother Taught Me (5/9/2011)
- ... that I can be anything I wanted to BE.
...that I am special and unique.
...that I have a presence that comes with me wherever I go.
...that my voice matters and expressing it is important.
...that I am beautiful, inside and out.
...that I am worthy and worth it.
... that no matter what I do or say, I will always be loved... - A Wish For May (5/4/2011)
- MAY you find comfort in the mystery of life, trusting that everything is unfolding in perfect Divine order.
MAY you connect to the higher light within you, following its direction as it guides you to the people, experiences, and circumstances you need... - Finding Comfort In The Unknown (4/22/2011)
- When we are out of sync with our life purpose, the Universe provides subtle nudges that invite us to change our course. When we ignore them, they turn into wake-up calls that beckon us to shift...
- Cultivating Confidence In Our Children & Ourselves (4/12/2011)
- How do we teach our children to believe in themselves? How do we empower them to make positive choices when we are not by their side? These parenting questions occupy my mind as I work on cultivating and nurturing the consciousness in my children.
I believe parenting is a giant experiment, one that requires us to model the behaviors we wish to see emulated while trying different techniques that work for the unique personality of each child AND parent... - Being Perfectly Imperfect (4/6/2011)
- Having a baby has invited me to accept and love my perfectly imperfect self. The juggling of family, career, and my personal needs has increased in pace and complexity over the last nine months. There are days where I feel overwhelmed, under appreciated, and pissed that mothers do not get paid for raising children and being the CEO of the household. There are days when I feel so fulfilled and empowered by the gifts my family brings me, the light in my children's eyes, and the sacred relationship I have with my husband, that I feel as if I am the most fortunate woman on the planet...
- I'm Back! (3/29/2011)
- Hello my friends and community. I hope you have had a terrific year filled with expansion, adventure, and fulfillment. Can you believe that it has been close to 12 months since my last eNewsletter was written and sent to you? Wow.
As many of you know, I took the time off to birth and care for my beautiful daughter, Hadley Grace Mulholland, who joined us on June 23, 2010... - Honoring Mother Earth (4/22/2010)
- Happy Earth day everyone! Today's celebration invites us to pause and honor mother earth for the vitality, energy, and life sustaining force she offers us. Whether it be through the food we eat, the ground we walk on, or the sunlight that fuels our life, we have so much to be grateful for...
- Surrendering To Life This Spring (4/7/2010)
- As the snow fell yesterday in Park City, dropping over 40 inches of white fluffy powder to our ski resorts and town, it is hard for me to believe it is spring. This illusion reminds me that everything is not as it seems. How often is our perception shaped by what we physically see? ...
- I Have A Body But I Am Not My Body (3/17/2010)
- Thirteen years ago on October 8, 1997, I had an out of body experience. I was studying as an apprentice with a healer and spiritual teacher that included dream work, intuitive development, participating in week-long vision quests, and experiencing incredibly profound insights in the field of consciousness...
- Awakening into Oneness: Part II (3/9/2010)
- For most of our human existence, we have been taught and culturally conditioned that our intellect is one of the most important tools to sharpen, attend to, and grow. We are taught the importance of learning - the acquisition of knowledge and information. We are encouraged to go to school, to get good grades, to test well, and to demonstrate our smarts in everything we do. We are rewarded for our wit, our ideas, and our analysis of situations with respect, promotion, and admiration. The more we are rewarded, the more importance we place on the use of our minds...
- Increasing Our Awareness (3/3/2010)
- Increasing our awareness is a key step in awakening to our greatest selves. As we become more aware of who we are, what we desire, and what we are naturally good at, our PURPOSE, PASSION, and TALENTS begin to merge. When this occurs, we tap into our potential and are able to live the lives we long for...
- Awakening into Oneness: Part I (2/22/2010)
- This past weekend, I received my certification as a Oneness Blessing Giver. The Oneness Blessing, also known as Deeksha, is an act of energy transfer by touch or by the power of intent and results in the expansion of consciousness. "The Oneness Blessing is a non-denominational experience that transfers physical energy, awakening our connection with the oneness in everything, allowing each of us to deepen our relationship with those we love, with ourselves, with strangers and with our creator...."
- Unconditionally Loving Ourselves (2/2/2010)
- While vacationing this week in beautiful Hanalei, Kauai I seem to dance in and out of sleep as I adjust to the time change. This morning, I was awoken out of my dream state with a predominant thought and realization: 'My personal awakening and expansion is dependent upon my ability to unconditionally love myself'...
- From Caterpillar To Butterfly (1/14/2010)
- While in Salt Lake City yesterday, in between business meetings, I picked up the local Catalyst magazine one of my favorite new age publications dedicated healthy living and creating a healthy planet. I happened to turn right to an article entitled, Spontaneous Evolution, written by one of my most admired authors and scientists, Dr. Bruce Lipton. In this article as well as his latest book, called Spontaneous Evolution, Dr. Lipton speaks about our ability to evolve, spontaneously rather than slowly...
- Who Am I Really? (1/6/2010)
- Conscious Conversations on Monday night was a wonderful gift of gathering, insight, and inspiration. I am always amazed as to how much I learn, grow and get out of each evening. I continue to marvel at the synchronicity of themes, issues, and challenges that strangers seem to share and it is a monthly demonstration of how we truly are all connected and more similar than we imagine...
- The Invitation (1/4/2010)
- The Invitation, by Oriah Mountain Dreamer, has always been one of my favorite poems. I came across it this weekend as I was shredding papers and discarding of old papers, copies of old bills, and files that no longer serve me. As I re-read this poem, I was reminded of my search for my true Self - my light, my authenticity, my soul. It reminded me to strip all of the excess baggage away - to discard the pretenses, armor, and falsehood that may occupy my space - physically, mentally, and emotionally. It reminded me that each of us is being invited to embrace who we are - the light and the dark - in our search for meaning, our search for happiness, our search for health, and our search for love. It reminded me of the importance of being alone with myself and truly enjoying the company I keep in those moments....
- New Years & Full Blue Moon & Lunar Eclipse (12/30/2009)
- This New Years Eve is set to be a very powerful transition - influenced by the combination of a Blue Full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse, and the closure of 2009 with the emergence of 2010. A full blue moon is the second full moon that occurs in the same month...
- Winter Solstice Rituals & Reflections (12/17/2009)
- The Winter Solstice, occurring on Tuesday, December 22, is one of the most powerful days of the year. It is the day in the Northern Hemisphere where our existence into darkness is at its peak. It is also a day of transition - when we begin to move out of this darkness and into the light. The Winter Solstice is marked by the shortest day and longest night and it is a turning point for humanity to welcome the Sun back into our lives. It is a special time for celebration...
- Questioning Our Intentions (12/3/2009)
- Between now and December 21st, we are being influenced by the forces of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is a time "of rediscovery - a time when we renew our aspiration and rechart the direction in which we are heading in life...
- Consciousness Raising Resources (11/13/2009)
- As December 21, 2012 fast approaches ( the date that the Mayans, Incas, Hopi's, and I-Ching predicted a shift in life as we know it), groups of individuals are coming together in community to raise the consciousness of themselves, each other and the planet. This communal effort is accelerating at a rapid pace. As with any information, we are being called to use our DISCERNMENT as to what resonates with our hearts...
- Making the Darkness Conscious (10/29/2009)
- "One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." - Carl Jung ...
- Getting Out Of My Mind (10/20/2009)
- Stillness. Warmth. Peace. Suspended in time and space. This is how I felt last night, receiving Deeksha from three Deeksha Givers at Vie Nouveau in Park City.
Deeksha, also known as the Oneness Blessing or Gift of Grace, is a "a transfer of spiritual energy to the neocortex of the brain. Deeksha initiates a neurobiological change in the brain that when complete enables the senses to be free from the constant interference of the mind. When the senses are unclouded by the mind's interpretations, a natural clarity of perception occurs with accompanying spontaneous feelings of joy, inner calmness and a connection to the Oneness in everything..." - Reflecting on the Meaning of Balance (10/8/2009)
- Monday night's Conscious Conversation was enlightening, enriching, and once again, meaningful. We shared and exchanged our thoughts and beliefs about the meaning of BALANCE - how it plays out in our lives, how we achieve it, and what actions are necessary to experience it...
- A Model of Courage (9/15/2009)
- On or around September 28th on his 41st birthday, Chris Waddell will summit Mount Kilimanjaro. At 19,340 feet, Mount Kilimanjaro is the tallest mountain in Africa and the tallest freestanding mountain in the world. What makes this journey so unique is this: Chris Wadell will be the first paraplegic to summit it...
- The Vows We Make (9/10/2009)
- During each wedding ceremony, including my own, great care and thought is given to the vows we make to our partners. A vow, like a contract, is a promise that we consciously claim, committing ourselves completely to the other. Throughout the relationship, we strive to keep true to our vows with daily action, choices and behaviors...
- What Is Your Love Language? (9/2/2009)
- We communicate the way we want to be communicated to. Unfortunately, when we do that, the person we are communicating with may not hear us or get what we are attempting to express. Therefore, it is essential that we know our own language and the language of those we are communicating with...
- What Is Your Frequency? (8/25/2009)
- Every thought we have has a specific frequency that is sent out into the ethers creating a vibration in the field of consciousness. This frequency literally attracts the exact replica of our thoughts resulting in physical form and manifestation. In other words, we attract what we are...
- The Power of Parents (8/18/2009)
- The opportunity that we all have is to live our life more consciously and deliberately. One way we can do this is by becoming more aware of the values that have been passed along our lineage lines and question whether we want to pass them along ourselves...
- Accepting Myself & Others Completely (8/6/2009)
- Can you imagine what our lives and world would be like if we all loved and accepted ourselves and others completely? Imagine the peace this state would bring. Imagine the cooperative culture that would be born. Imagine the feeling of safety, contentment, and harmony this would spawn...
- Imagine A World (7/28/2009)
- Imagine... your dreams and desires manifesting now
Imagine... people cooperating and collaborating for the greatest good
Imagine... people's needs and wishes being met in a way that will benefit all
Imagine... people living in harmony that reflects the harmony found in nature
Imagine... the earth and its inhabitants realizing its fullest potential
Imagine... inner and outer peace...
- The Emergence of the Divine Feminine (7/21/2009)
- The feminine energies govern our ability to create, receive, inspire, and intuitively know. The masculine energies govern our ability to analyze, produce, act, and do. We are being called to integrate and embody both energies in order to expand our consciousness and navigate the new Golden Age that is upon us...
- BEing in Faith (7/15/2009)
- I have been feeling that something is coming, something is shifting, something is opening. A subtle yet strong vibration in the atmosphere fills my cells with anticipation, excitement and hope. I find myself beginning to settle into a new way of BEing - a place where I go with what shows up. I notice, observe, then act...
- Setting Ourselves Free (7/7/2009)
- What is it inside of me that resists going with the flow? What part of me resists accepting what is? What part of me has to be taken seriously? What part of me is humiliated when I make a mistake?..
- Celebrating Our Independence (7/1/2009)
- The Declaration of Independence states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
As a nation we contribute to group consciousness through our individual and collective pursuit of these qualities. We express these by speaking our truth, by pursuing our dreams, and by expressing our unique talents. Not only is it our right, but it is of great importance for each one of us to pursue these traits...
- Ask How, Not Why (6/24/2009)
- For most of my life I have been on a self-improvement path, seeking to better myself, to know myself, and to understand the laws of the Universe that influence the person I am. When something happens to me, I automatically search for the reasons why. Why did this happen? What am I to learn from it? What is the gift? This past week, I realized I have been missing a key component to my inquiry. That key is the word HOW. How am I feeling? ...
- It's Not What You Say; It's How You Say It (6/17/2009)
- If you have found yourself in a power struggle with a family member, loved one, or co-worker, you may want to use it as an opportunity for increasing your personal awareness. Here are a few takeaways that I learned this past week that may be helpful for you too...
- Simply Showing Up (6/9/2009)
- The reality to life is that we can't control it. Our egos like to think they can but it is a false story we make up to keep ourselves feeling safe and secure. We place a box around ourselves and the situation we are in so that we don't have to deal with the unknown and the unpredictable. Yet, I have come to learn that inside the unknown and unpredictable lies the magic of life that I am seeking. That is where miracles reside. That is where co-creation occurs. That is where synchronicity is abound....
- Raising Our Vibrations (6/3/2009)
- I invite you to raise the "vibrational bar" in your conversations - whether they be at home with your family, at work with colleagues, or socializing with friends. Pose one of these questions to them and get ready for a deeper and more conscious connection. The answers may surprise you...
- Living Through the Void (5/27/2009)
- Scary, unknown, unsettling, uncomfortable, exciting, and filled with possibility. That is what the void feels like. Taking a leap of faith into our potential can halt us, paralyze us or move us. What is required is this: 1) FAITH in ourselves and our higher source, and 2) the WILLINGNESS to take a step (or leap in some cases)...
- Finding Our Paths (5/22/2009)
- "If you are on the path you are meant to be on, everything falls into place; the Universe is telling you that. If you are not on your right path, you will experience roadblocks all along the way. This is also the Universe telling you to stop, look, and ask if this is where you are supposed to be." - Dolores North ...
- Cultivating Consciousness in our Children (5/12/2009)
- I believe we have the capability to change the world. We have the power to heal each other, heal the planet, and make this a beautiful place to be. Our collective opportunity is through our children. This week, take a moment to contemplate:
What messages am I sending my children?
What behaviors am I modeling to my children?
What programs am I installing in my children?... - Are You Believing Your Thoughts? (5/7/2009)
- According to scientists, we have about 60,000 thoughts a day. Ninety-five percent (95%) of those thoughts are the same ones we had yesterday, and the day before that, and the week before that, and the year before that. What's even more astonishing is that eighty percent (80%) of our thoughts are negative! Having negative thoughts has been proven to lead to depression, fatique, worry, sleeplessness, and anxiety..... all thoughts that lead to contraction. Whereas positive thoughts (the ones we have 20% of the time), lead to a boosted immune system, a sense of peace, an acceptance of what is, and a resiliency to respond to whatever comes at us.... all thoughts that lead to expansion. Regardless of whether our thoughts are positive or negative, they are powerful and they impact us...
- Are You Expanding or Contracting? (4/29/2009)
- One way to build our happiness state is to focus on expansion. As we all know, everything in the Universe is energy that is constantly moving. In fact everything we say, think or do either expands or contracts. When our energy expands, we experience greater happiness. When our energy contracts, we experience less happiness. So to experience more happiness we need to expand ourselves. In order to expand ourselves we must become more aware of what causes us to expand or contract and then actively practice expansion (which ultimately leads to happiness)...
- Are You Surviving or Thriving? (4/16/2009)
- Many times, in order to survive we have to start a change process. We sometimes need to get rid of old beliefs, habits, and automatic programming that is no longer serving us today. When we become fully aware of what is empowering us or disempowering us, we can make a choice to change and thrive rather than survive...
- A Powerful Week (4/8/2009)
- We are living in correspondence with the miracle of rebirth, the return of the life-giving light of the Sun and the forces of the full moon. New ideas, new possibilities, and new opportunities surround us if we ALLOW them to come in. We are being invited to renew our interest in worthwhile projects and ideas, re-awakening our dedication to our personal growth and living...
- A Call To Conscious Evolution (3/25/2009)
- I believe we are living at one of the most significant times in history. We are on the brink of an incredible shift and it is up to each of us to connect with ourselves and with each other for change. Together, let us co-create a new narrative of conscious evolution that is a call to individual and collective action, birthing the most significant transformation of consciousness in history...
- Celebrating Life & Re-birthing Ourselves (3/17/2009)
- Watching the tulips grow, reminds me to allow the process of life to unfold. They remind me of the importance to express my gifts, beauty, and essence. They remind me that one of greatest things a human being can do is to accept the Mystery and surrender to the natural unfolding of timing and manifestation. They remind me that it is o.k. to NOT KNOW the reasons why things happen. They remind me to be present with what IS...
- Harnessing Tonight's Full Moon (3/10/2009)
- This full moon invites us to embrace these opposing forces that are creating tension within ourselves. As Carl Jung said, "if we can bare the tension of opposites, a third, transcendent path will open to us." It is my belief that the answer lies in integration. As we integrate these forces, we become more aware that we have a choice to express all of who we are...
- Awakenings & Conscious Conversations (2/24/2009)
- Welcome to the new look and feel of my Awakenings newsletter. This change has emerged out of my desire to create, expand and promote a community of people, businesses, and new ventures that are seeking to support the potential of people in mind, body, emotions, and spirit. On my own journey of growth and transformation, I have realized that so many people are unaware of the resources that lie within themselves and others for self healing and growth. As a result, I feel deeply inspired to share with you thoughts, recommendations and resources that may assist you (as they have me) on your personal path towards greatness...
Executive Awakenings
P.O. Box 680925
Park City, Utah 84098