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The Vow of Emotional Independence
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July 7, 2009
Setting Ourselves Free

It is Tuesday and I am still recuperating from the festivities of the 4th. It is my favorite holiday in Park City as I get to be a part of a collective celebration of freedom and joy. It is a day consumed with parades, parties, running races, rugby contests, music, and two major fireworks displays. It is a time where I allow myself to have lots of fun.

Dressed in a full length red strapless dress and a red cowboy hat, having a great time at our neighbor's house, I found myself in the lake... literally.  One moment I was up on the paddle board and the next moment I had fallen off, fully clothed and swimming for my hat. On one level, it was hysterical, entertaining and fun. On another level, it was embarrassing and humiliating. I was fine but my ego was not. I was in turmoil. I kicked into a mode of inner & outer criticism - What the hell was I thinking? Why did I get on that board? I've never fallen off before, how did I fall off this time?

It was this inner dialogue that got my attention. What is it inside of me that resists going with the flow? What part of me resists accepting what is? What part of me has to be taken seriously? What part of me is humiliated when I make a mistake?

It is these aspects of myself that I want to free. Their names are:
  • Judgment - the inner critic that sometimes speaks louder than any outside voice.
  • Vain - who  cares about what I look like and what others think of me.
  • Expectation - who has high expectations of what myself and others should do and then feels justified, disappointed and let down when they are not met.
This week, I commit to free myself with compassion, courage and grace. I acknowledge these aspects within myself and invite the healing forces of the Full Moon and Eclipse that are upon us all this evening to help me transcend and transform the relationship I have with myself.  

Please join me on this journey to free ourselves by taking the Vow of Emotional Independence below. This vow was written by Debbie Ford who is one of my favorite teachers, authors, and guides who's life work is dedicated to helping others uncover, own and reclaim the power of their shadows.

Have a great week and enjoy the Full Moon tonight (please note that I will not be holding the Full Moon Meditation Circle this evening).

With love & light,
BELIEVE in the possible. CREATE the possible. LIVE the possible.

Monday Mornings:  . Start your week out with a guided meditations by Jennifer via the telephone. 7am MST / 9am EST. $10 per individual class. $35 for the month.

July 7th:
  CANCELLED - Full Moon Meditation Circle

July 11th:
  Enjoy a delicious Indian catered dinner called 'Dining Around The World with Thea' at Rikka in Park City. Saturday Evenings at 7pm. RSVP to 801.750.2398.

August 3:: Conscious Conversations at Rikka in Park City from 6pm-8pm. Topic = Freedom. Cost is Free.

** To Register for these upcoming events, click here.


"The first great gift we can bestow on others is a good example"
- Thomas Morell  

Full Moon Ritual

See instructions to the right.

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The Vow of Emotional Independence
By Debbie Ford (

 This vow's proclamation says I, ______ ________, will no longer be bound by the slavery of my past.

I will never again give my power away to some food, substance or disempowering craving.

I will stop allowing others to define who I am and I will stand for my highest expression.

I will stop trying to please others and instead please myself.

I will stop listening to the voice of my critical internal mother and father and I will listen to the voice of my most supportive and loving self.

I will break free from the strangulating grip of my self-defeating behaviors and choose powerfully each and every moment to make choices that leave me feeling great about myself and my life.

I take this vow NOW as a positive stand for my soul's highest expression and for every man, woman, and child on this planet today.

As I set myself free, I am freeing all others from the violence of my darkest thoughts and my negative projections.

And now, as I close my eyes, I ask all the powers that be to support me in living this vow each and every moment of each and every day.

And it shall be.
Full Moon and Eclipse Tonight
Please Note: There will be no full moon meditation circle tonight at Rikka.

Jennifer computerToday marks another very powerful day as we celebrate theFull Moon in Cancer.Today also marks the first of three eclipses - July 7 (lunar), July 22 (solar), Aug 5 (lunar). Eclipses serve as portals that provide an opening and opportunity for us to heal, transform and manifest that which we deeply desire. The combination of the Full Moon and the Eclipse is a gift from the heavens that invites us to practice self-love by bringing compassion to our most critical, negative, and destructive thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs about ourselves.

This is the night to look within, to connect with one's own sense of proper timing, and trust the wisdom that arises. This is the day to feel compassion for ourselves, especially in these uncertain and changing times. The Full Moon in Capricorn invites us to reach deep into our well of courage and decide that achieving our own inner peace is the only goal worth attaining at this moment in our human evolution. For as we attain our individual inner peace, our frequency changes and we radiate peace into the world. This is the ripple effect of peace that we are all capable of BEing.

To take advantage of the Full Moon Forces at work, create your own ritual and follow these steps:
  1. Sit in a comfortable place (if you can do this outside under the light of the Full moon, that would be even better). Notice your surroundings - listen to the sounds and soak in the sights that surround you with your eyes.
  2. Bring your awareness onto your breath and notice how it feels to deeply inhale and exhale, finding your own natural rhythm.
  3. Close your eyes and imagine that the light of the Full Moon is pouring down through the top of your head, flowing down your entire body, penetrating all of your cells and then exiting out your feet - into the center of the earth. Feel the healing light glow and grow within you.
  4. Allow the light to penetrate any areas that might need to come out of hiding. Feel the compassionate quality that this light holds and invite it to bring to your awareness any aspect of yourself that needs to be freed. Witness that quality and observe what it needs to be expressed and released.
  5. Write down your observations and commit to nurturing that quality within you that you are choosing to free.
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