Synergy E-News
February, 2011
"There's nothing more beautiful, more free, or more powerful than a woman who truly loves herself."
Christine Arylo, Choosing ME before WE |
Greetings to YOU and a Warm Valentine's Welcome to our new Subscribers!
Be honest. How did you greet yourself when you looked in the mirror this morning? Was it a cheerful "hello sunshine this is going to be a great day" or was it a grouchy "your eyes are all puffy and nothing in your closet fits anyway so you may as well just go back to bed?!"
How about what you said to yourself about work? Was it "I can't wait to see my clients and move forward on that big project" or was it more like a frustrated "Oh great, just another day of banging my head against my laptop at a job I don't like anymore?!"
We can all relate to getting a rough start sometimes. Hopefully the bad days are few, and the good days outweigh the not-so-good days, but if you're being self-critical or trying to go it alone, the video below invites you to lean on a trusted source as you learn to Accept and Love yourself exactly as you are.
Why is it important? Because when you accept and love yourself you place a high value on being guided by inner wisdom so your actions are in alignment with who you truly are and what your heart really wants. You take steps in faith not out of fear.
When we look outside ourselves for validation and approval the negativity and strong opinions of others can drown out the voice of our inner wisdom which creates self-doubt leaving us frazzled, overwhelmed, and unhappy. We may play safe and rely on employers (or worse the government) to create security for us instead of taking full responsibility for our own happiness.
Recent studies have shown that 50% of people said YES to the following:
- I wish I had more time to spend with my family, friends, and myself
- Wealth and happiness can never truly go together
- I am not living my life's purpose
- Personal growth and success can't possibly go together
- I need other people's approval to be happy
- No matter how hard I try it's never enough because someone else always has more
- I don't have time to realize my passions and achieve my goals
- I need to have that job title to finally feel happy and fulfilled
- I am constantly stressed and working too hard to stay focused or productive
- My work feels like a long, hard swim upstream.
If you answered YES to any of these statements, you're not alone. I've been there too! But now I can honestly say I am excited and energized when I wake up every morning because I absolutely LOVE what I do and am making a difference.
People often ask what my secret is to having built such a joyful, thriving coaching business especially in this economy...well, one secret is that I have a daily practice that supports me in handing over my personal and professional life to my trusted source which fosters inspired actions based on faith and that are in line with my gifts, talents, and true calling.
If right now you're stuck in a professional rut and want to transform your struggle into success and feel motivated and passionate doing work that you LOVE then you'll be excited to know the "Synergy Career Success Bootcamp" has been created just for you!
Maybe you want to fall back in love with the work you do already, are in a life transition and ready for a fresh look at what the next best career steps are for you, or if you are needing to create a solid "Plan B" due to upcoming mergers or re-structuring within your company...This 9-Step Blueprint is an empowering inner-to-outer approach combining authenticity with purposeful action for career fulfillment, and a great way to move forward in work and life with more clarity, confidence, and creativity in 2011.
People who thrive are connected to deep passion and meaning. If you want more of this for yourself, I invite you to take positive action by saving your front row seat today!
Here's to loving ourselves and our life's work with no excuses or apologies,
Christina |
Upcoming Events
February 2011
15 Private Intensive with personal mentor and Reiki Master Lynn Boggess
2/26-3/3 "BE EnergyRICH" Marketing Retreat with my Business Coach Heather Dominick in Sunny Ft Lauderdale, Fla |
Self Care Affirmation:
"I express gratitude for the things I LOVE about my life."
If you want to...
*Enjoy Increased Energy, Confidence, and Self-awareness. *Discover and use your Strengths in new ways. *Receive Tips to Working Smarter not Harder. *Feel a Renewed sense of Clarity and Purpose. Then the "Synergy Success Circle" has been created just for YOU! |
Great Quotes!
"If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you, and you will find great things happen for you, to you, and because of you." ~T. Allen Armstrong The winds of grace are always blowing, but you have to raise the sail. |
Click here to Sign up for Synergy E-News and receive the quiz link to your inbox! |
"Free yourself by serving the world; serve the world by freeing yourself." 
~ Matt Kahn |
We grow by "word-of-email" so please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone whom you think might benefit from and enjoy it. Thanks! |
Ready for the Balance & Freedom you Deserve
While doing Work you LOVE?
The 9-Step "Synergy Career Success Blueprint" is an empowering inner-to-outer approach combining authenticity with purposeful action for career fulfillment, and a great way to move forward in work and life with more clarity, confidence, and creativity in 2011.
You'll receive:
- Fresh perspective & appreciation for the present moment.
- Practical Tools to Work Smarter not Harder with a focused mindset.
- A Technique that Transforms Panic into Peace when overwhelmed so you can experience confident, calm energy.
- A Tip to stay inspired in your work and life.
- Clarity about Your Unique Strengths, natural gifts and talents.
- A glimpse of what Career Success means to YOU, and a vision for your ideal future... What does it look like?
- Big Goals and Small Action Steps
- Accountability built in to achieve synergy and gain momentum.
*Just a fraction of the cost of 1:1 coaching
*Very convenient
*You'll receive mp3 recordings of each call
*You can be anywhere in the world and still participate!
*Group Support with Like-minded people
*Coaching Buddy
*Unlimited Email Support
*"Professional Development" Tax deduction
Interested? Register Now Space is Limited
Questions? Contact Christina Kunkle
p.s. "Don't wait! The time will never be just right."
-Napolean Hill
p.p.s. "Only a true committment to personal and professional excellence will help you shift from struggle to success in your work and life."-Christina Kunkle |
Click to watch Powerful
"In Better Hands"
by Natalie Grant
You can't be free
If you don't reach for help
And you can't love
If you don't love yourself... |
| |
Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching Proudly Embraces Boresha International Products.
In addition to Private Coaching and workshops/seminars, Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching LLC just partnered with Boresha International Wellness products (They have the world's first and only patented organic fat burning coffee, low-glycemic Green Tea that blocks cravings and stress-related eating, low glycemic Organic natural sweeteners, and a product I'm most excited about called ARG Matrix, the only patented pharmaceutical grade formula of the amino acid L-Arginine which helps enhance lean muscle, strengthen immune system, maintain healthy blood sugar, produces high energy, (and is Libido-enhancing...Bonus!) Here's a link to learn more , and please let me know if you want to sample the products or discuss how they may help you reach your personal health and/or professional goals. |
Synergy Life &Wellness Coaching is poised & honored to serve you in these ways in 2011:
As a Speaker for an Event or Workshop [NEW for 2011!]
"The Synergy Success Blueprint" How to stay Focused, Positive, & moving Forward in Work & Life.
"Better Together" How to create collaboration and a Spirit of Community in 3 Easy Steps.
One on One Resilience Coaching Synergy = Shortcut...Invest in yourself. Seek out role models and mentors who can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Speak up. Ask for help. Contact Christina for more info and your copy of the Coaching Program Options Guide.
The"Synergy Success Circle" "The Success Circle has been created to help busy women balance their energy, purpose, well-being and success in their personal and professional lives. Together Everyone really does Achieve More!
"Synergy In Motion" at the JMU Arboretum and Botanical Gardens! You've been asking for an outdoor coaching option~what a wonderful way to get a fresh perspective! Each session is customized to YOU, and YOUR goals for our time together.
| Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching. My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life. In addition to one on one coaching, I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or curious about how coaching works? Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more... |