Synergy E-News
June, 2010
Down Time is not a luxury. It is essential to our well being. How will you nurture yourself while caring for others this summer? |
Summer Greetings to YOU, and a Warm Welcome to our new Subscribers!
Our family just spent a long 3 day weekend back in West Va at our cabin. I was able to reconnect with the joy of having nowhere to be! Talk about completely unplugged...No cell phone, blue tooth, or computer--(I didn't even wear a watch!) It was a welcome change to be awakened by whippoorwills instead of the alarm clock, and sip coffee outside by the creek running through our property.
Remember as a kid how the last day of school was the exciting start of a carefree summer? While summer break is built into a typical school schedule, it's not that easy or clear cut for working adults and heart centered entrepreneurs. Although taking "time out" for rest and renewal is still essential, we often put ourselves last on the list, thinking "when things are taken care of for everyone else, then I will take time for me." Unfortunately, time seems to always run out doesn't it? We can end up feeling resentful and a little envious, thinking "when will my summer start so I have a break from my overwhelming responsibilities"?
Down time deserves to be intentionally built into your schedule, and then needs to be held as high priority just like any other important appointment. Truth is, taking good care of everyone else includes you! If you struggle with making time for you, we invite you to join us June 26th at for our day retreat " RISE" where you'll receive insight on how to nurture yourself while caring for others.
Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching programs are designed to give you tools to enjoy calm, focused energy no matter what's going on around you. Whether it's through private coaching, attending a retreat or workshop, or making great friends while networking at the Synergy Success Circle, our goal is to inspire you resiliently forward in your personal and professional life.
What's one small thing you can do to take great care of you starting today?
Here's to exceptional self care, because you are irreplaceable!
Christina |
Upcoming Events
June 2010
4,5,6 Reiki Training
Levels I and II (I'll complete Master Practitioner Training in October)
10 "Synergy Success Circle" Dinner Meeting at McAlister's 5:30-7:00 p.m.
16 "Synergy Success Circle" Lunch Meeting at McAlister's 11:30a.m.-1:00p.m.
26 "RISE"Day Retreat (It's not too late to join us!)
July 2010
2-7 Family Vacation
8 "Synergy Success Circle" Dinner Meeting at McAlister's 5:30-7:00 p.m.
14 "Synergy Success Circle" Lunch Meeting at McAlister's 11:30a.m.-1:00p.m. |
"Today I will take ten minutes to identify and appreciate everything I am grateful for! |
Is the "Synergy Success Circle" For YOU?
If you want to...
*Enjoy Increased Energy, Confidence, and Self-awareness.
*Discover and use your Strengths in new ways.
*Receive Tips to Working Smarter not Harder.
*Feel a Renewed sense of Clarity and Purpose.
Then the "Synergy Success Circle" has been created just for YOU! |
Great Quotes!
"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
~ Maya Angelou
"I cannot give you the formula for success, but I can give you the formula for failure... which is: Try to please everyone." ~Herbert Bayard Swope |
We grow by "word-of-email" so please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone whom you think might benefit from and enjoy it. And thanks! |
This is YOUR Life...You Deserve to LOVE it!

Take a Day to RENEW your Mind, NURTURE your Body,
and LIFT your Spirits!
Feeling stressed either at the office or at home? Or Both? Then join a small group of women at the Valley Pike Retreat Center in Harrisonburg on Saturday, June 26th from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for a fun, refreshing, and inspiring day retreat. You'll discover tools to shake off stress and face the joys of summer with a calm energy!
Read more about our "RISE" on my blog! |
What Can Affirmations Do For YOU?
SEE them in ACTION!
Click Here to go to my blog and enjoy a You Tube Clip of little Jessica saying her Morning Affirmations. Just imagine what this self confidence could do for you! |
One on One Resilience Coaching Synergy = Shortcut...Invest in yourself. Seek out role models and mentors who can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Speak up. Ask for help. Contact Christina for more info and your copy of the Coaching Program Options Guide.
NEW By Request! ~ "Synergy In Motion" at the JMU Arboretum and Botanical Gardens! Spring is finally here, and you've been asking for an outdoor coaching option~what a wonderful way to get a fresh perspective! Each session is customized to YOU, and YOUR goals for our time together.
The"Synergy Success Circle"
"The Success Circle has been created to help busy women balance their energy, purpose, well-being and success in their personal and professional lives. Together Everyone really does Achieve More! |
Great Advice From A WILDFLOWER:
Show Your True Colors
Delight in Simple Pleasures
Celebrate Your Natural Beauty
Open Up!
Spread Seeds of Joy
It's OK to be a Late Bloomer
Be Wild and Wonderful! -Ilan Shamir
| |
| Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching. My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life. In addition to one on one coaching, I facilitate keynotes, workshops, and retreats on topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or curious about how coaching works? Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be the most powerful tool for change on the planet! read more... |