Synergy Life & Wellness Coaching
Dec 2009 E-News 
"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world,
and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful."
Norman Vincent Peale
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Our Blog
Is the "Synergy Success Circle" For YOU?
If you want to... 
*Enjoy Increased Energy, Confidence, and Self-awareness.
*Discover and use your Strengths in new ways. 
*Receive Tips to Working Smarter not Harder.
*Feel a Renewed sense of Clarity and Purpose.
Then the "Synergy Success Circle" has been created just for YOU! 

Upcoming Events

December 2009 
10 First "Synergy Success Circle" Evening Meeting at McAlister's
5:30  7:00 p.m.

16 "Synergy Success Circle" Lunch Meeting at McAlister's
January 2010
8 JMU Health Center Retreat "Bounce Back Into Balance in 2010"
"Synergy Success Circle" Lunch Meeting at McAlister's
14 "Synergy Success Circle" Evening Meeting at McAlister's
5:30  7:00 p.m.
"Sometimes you have to borrow someone else's belief in you until your own kicks in."  Les Brown
In life, there are many people who will attempt to beat you down when you encounter success or happiness. And I have simply one thing to say..."NO ONE can make you jealous, angry, vengeful, or greedy - unless you let him.  -Napoleon Hill- 
Warm Seasons Greetings to YOU and a Special Welcome to our new subscribers!
With festivities now in full swing, do you feel like you're stuck on a 6 lane highway during rush hour?  (was that you saying yes too?)  I confess I awoke at 3:30 a.m. with my "to-do" list running through my head at full speed. So I got up, made some tea, lit a candle, took some deep breaths, asked for insight and began to write things down, which always helps me to outsmart stress when it tries to creep in.  
Not taking this approach in the past would turn "the most wonderful time of the year," into "the most stressful time of the year" for me, But not anymore!  Now I take a step back when I begin to feel overwhelmed, which helps keep me stay focused and positive.    
Coaching Tips: 
Do your best and let go of the rest!  You can't pour more into an already full cup.  Is there an expectation you could let go of to make more room for joy? 
Remember the best gift you can possibly give to others is the example of your OWN life working well. Not just well, but with ease, grace, wisdom, and a resilient  body, mind, and spirit.  Carve time out for what relaxes you... A nap, bubble bath, or just chilling out with a favorite book will refresh you in no time.
If you want more tips be sure to download Your Christmas Gift 
If you enjoy and get benefit from the newsletter please pass it on to your colleagues and friends!  Pay it Forward 
with holiday warmth and gratitude,
Synergy Life &Wellness Coaching is excited & honored to serve you in these ways for 2010:
As a Speaker for a 2010 Event or Workshop
Special Bonus when you reserve your 2010 date
by Dec 30th!
One on One Resilience Coaching 
Synergy = Shortcut...Invest in yourself. Seek out role models and mentors who can help you get from where you are to where you want to be. Speak up. Ask for help.  Contact Christina for more info and your copy of the Coaching Program Options Guide.
The "Synergy Success Circle
" The Success Circle has been created to help busy women balance their energy, purpose, well-being and success in their personal and professional lives.  Together Everyone really does Achieve More!


Hi, I'm Christina Kunkle, the founder of Synergy Life and Wellness Coaching.  My practice is dedicated to helping Professional Women squelch overwhelm and prevent burn out by promoting bounce-back resilience to stay focused, positive, & excited through challenges of work and life.
In addition to one on one coaching,  I facilitate workshops and seminars on hot topics related to Resilience and Work/Life balance. Do You know of a group that could use some inspiration and practical tips or curious about how coaching works?  Then I'd love to share with you what I believe to be  the most powerful tool for change on the planet!

Are YOU Ready?

Are you ready to learn how to transform stress into strength instead of  getting overwhelmed and frazzled when under pressure?   

Then I can help you rebound from stress with grace and ease by helping you create a tough mindset, strengthen your emotional hardiness, and build your physical resilience through Synergy Resilience Coaching! 

Just Send me an Email via my "Contact Christina" link on my website  to claim your gift of a 30 minute consultation and let's begin closing the gap between where you are and where you want to be!
In gratitude,