PMI Educational Foundation

PMI Educational Foundation Liaison Newsletter


6 April 2012


Buenos Aires Chapter Fair

Setting up a PMIEF table is a great way to share

information at events

We are delighted to find out that more and more PMIEF Liaisons are starting to raise awareness of PMIEF within their communities through networking events, by promoting scholarships, and by encouraging their members to get involved in programs for social good. Many great examples are highlighted below and in today's Getting Started webinar, which will be available shortly online at  

We want to hear more about your activities as a PMIEF Liaison! As we begin work on our initiative for 13-19 year olds, we are especially interested in learning more about your youth programs.  If you haven't done so already, please fill out our brief questionnaire, which was also sent out to you by email earlier this week.

Congratulations to those liaison and communities who are helping to spread the word!


Warm regards,


Diane Fromm

PMIEF Program Administrator


PMIEF at PMI Leadership Institute Meeting and Global Congress- EMEA

PMIEF in Marseille, France *

If you will be attending either the PMI® Leadership Institute Meeting 2012-EMEA or PMI® Global Congress 2012-EMEA next month, please join PMIEF at the following events*. 


We encourage you to pass this information on to leaders in your PMI Community if you will not be attending the events yourself.  


PMIEF Luncheon and Liaison Training Session

Friday, 4 May

11:30 - 1:00 PM 

Room to be announced

Lunch will be served

Register Now!


PMIEF Session at PMI Leadership Institute Meeting:

Sunday, 6 May

11:00-12:30 PM

Room: Endoume 3


PMIEF Reception

Sunday, 6 May

5:30 - 7:00 PM

Room to be announced

Refreshments will be served  

Register Now!


PMIEF Table and Booth

We will have a table at the Leadership Institute Meeting and a booth at Global Congress, please stop by and visit during your breaks!  


PMIEF Student Paper Award Presentation 

Wednesday, 9 May


Room to be announced

Listen to a presentation by the PMIEF 2012 EMEA student paper awardee


*While these PMIEF events are no cost for attendees, PMIEF will not pay for travel or registration costs for PMI® Leadership Institute Meeting 2012-EMEA or PMI® Global Congress 2012-EMEA.


Chapter Highlight:

PMI Canadian West Coast Chapter Partners Volunteer Project Managers with Nonprofit Organizations 


Your local nonprofit organization wants to host their first fundraising auction, begin a new after-school tutoring program, or start a community garden. With limited funding and employees already engaged in other programs, how can a nonprofit best use its resources for these new initiatives?


As a project manager, you can identify that each of these initiatives is also a project, and you  have the skills and tools to help ensure that their projects are executed as efficiently as possible, ensuring that all objectives are met.

Volunteers offer a workshop for

nonprofit employees


Recognizing this, the PMI Canadian West Coast chapter has developed a community outreach program, (PM-V), to connect skilled professional project managers (PMs) with nonprofit organizations in need. 


PM-V assists the nonprofit organizations by helping them:


  • identify their project needs,
  • write their volunteer position description,
  • advertise the open position on PM-V's website and social media network.


Interested PMs then apply directly to the nonprofit organization, who select their preferred candidate. Support is provided to both the volunteer PM and organization throughout the project engagement and PM-V facilitates a valuable Lessons Learned session at project close. Volunteer PMs also deliver workshops to help nonprofits build capacity by developing "in-house" project management skills and practices.


In its short, 2-year history, PM-V's successes include:


  • over 46 projects being completed/in progress,
  • more than 2300 volunteer PM hours being committed in 2011 alone,
  • the April 2012 training sessions filling up in record time (with growing wait lists)
  • having 100% of PM-V's volunteer PMs enjoy the experience enough to consider volunteering again. 


It is clear that these volunteer PMs thoroughly enjoy working with nonprofits.  Many have cited the ability to enhance their skills, expand their network, learn more about the unique challenges in the nonprofit sector, and contribute to the betterment of their communities as excellent personal and professional benefits, all while earning PDUs! 


At present, PM-V is only engaging with Canadian nonprofit organizations and volunteer PMs in Canada but is actively exploring ways to offer the program on a wider basis in the future. 


However, you too can reap the benefits of offering your skills to nonprofits! Consider reaching out to your local nonprofits and ask them if they have any projects they'd like assistance with or offer to host a PM training workshop using How PM can be Used in Your Nonprofit, or the PM Nonprofit Practicum resources. These programs can be beneficial for all parties involved and are a great way to use project management for social good.


Congratulations to the PMI Canadian West Coast chapter and for their success!   


For Your Chapter

Info for Your Chapter  

Promoting Scholarships and PMIEF


Applications for PMIEF's 40+ academic scholarships are due 1 June and we need your help to promote them! 


We especially need support from the PMIEF Liaisons of communities that sponsor their own scholarship - in order to have applicants, you must make eligible candidates aware of your scholarship opportunity.  Consider the following recruitment techniques:


  • Post a link in your PMI Community's newsletter and on the website
  • Visit your local university and make a presentation at targeted classes, post on bulletin boards/email listservs
  • Ask your chapter members to network and post the scholarship on their social media accounts


As part of your role as a PMIEF Liaison, we ask you to promote the PMIEF wherever you can. Your chapter newsletter provides a great opportunity for this. 


For example: 



  Nuevo Cuyo Newlsletter Article

Thank you for helping to promote the scholarships.  With your support, we know we will award these scholarships to very worthy students!  


Articles for Your Newsletter


If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter or CoP newsletter, we have articles that you are welcome to publish.  The following articles are available for your use:  



For Your Calendar
Future Webinars:


These training sessions will be hosted by PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice. 

The quarterly Getting Started trainings provide background information about the PMIEF and the liaison position, and generally have a guest presenter who shares their experience as a liaison.  Other quarterly trainings are themed around the topics as listed below with more to be added throughout the year. 

May 2012:                 Working with Nonprofits and NGOs
6 July 2012:               Getting Started - New Liaison Training
5 October 2012:        Getting Started - New Liaison Training   
Feel free to recommend topics that you would like to hear more about. Email us your suggestions at
Resources and Quick Links

Updated Resources:


Matrix of Multi-Language PMIEF Resources:

This chart outlines the many languages in which our resources are available. If you and your PMI community are interested in developing a new version of one of our resources in a language not currently available, please contact us at


Spanish Version:

 "How PM Can be Used In YOUR Nonprofit"

 This 90-minute presentation, now available in Spanish, can be used to introduce nonprofit employees to project management so that they can operate more efficiently and be more effective in the community.


Thank you to PMIEF Liaison Monica Gonzalez of the PMI Nuevo Cuyo Chapter for this Spanish version. A Brazilian Portuguese version of the resource will be published soon.


For Liaisons:

For PMIEF Liaison-specific information, please visit the Liaison Webpage (under the About Us section of  There you will find resources such as a Liaison FAQ, and an overview presentation about the Foundation--PMIEF in 10 Minutes.  

On the Liaison Webpage, you will also find past issues of PMIEF Liaison newsletters:

Quick Links:


PMIEF Website

Learning Zone: resources for youth and educational programs

Humanitarian: resources for nonprofits

Scholarships/Awards : professional and academic opportunities




For additional information, please email

or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128