PMI Educational Foundation
PMI Educational Foundation Chapter Liaison Newsletter
4 February 2011

Greetings! Diverse Students


The 2011 Liaison Webinar Series is off to a successful start.  PMIEF hosted its first subject matter webinar on 25 January, titled Starting a Primary or Secondary School Project Management Program.


Walter Ginervi from the Northern Italy Chapter and Jim Snyder from the Delaware Valley Chapter shared their experience and lessons learned as well as provided some great insights. We thank them for their time and will continute to invite guest speakers to partipate in future sessions. If you missed the webinar, click here to link to the presentation.


We will be hosting four additional webinars this year and hope you and your colleagues will be able to join us. 

Thank you for serving as your chapter's PMIEF liaison.


Diane Fromm
PMI Educational Foundation
Program Administrator


Chapter Highlight:

 NGO India

The PMI Mumbai Chapter - Teaching NGOs

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and nonprofits serve the vulnerable and less fortunate members of society. Since 2008, volunteers from the PMI Mumbai Chapter have taught 75 representatives from 35 NGOs how to use project management to improve their efficiency and effectiveness. The content, delivered and developed by volunteers, has been refined through lessons learned and is now in its 3rd version. The training was delivered via a webinar series as well as face-to-face training sessions.  Training materials were based on PMIEF's Project Management Skills for Life  and PMI's A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge.  Recently chapter volunteers have concluded that the smaller, grassroots NGOs are better served via face-to-face training sessions. In the near future, we hope to share their materials with you.  In the meantime, below please find information on a new educational resource for use with NGOs/nonprofits


Many project managers tell us they are giving back to the communities where they live and work by delivering meals to housebound seniors, volunteering in their children's schools, coaching little league and so on.  Some have even tried to introduce project management to their favorite organization. But alas, because nonprofits and NGOs often have a limited number of staff, most of whom have never been introduced to project management, it is best to start with the basics.  

PMIEF recently funded the creation of this new 90 minute workshop for your chapter and your members' use when introducing project management to your favorite nonprofit/NGO.  It includes a power point presentation and a guide.
 For Your Chapter

Info for Your Chapter Board:


Would your chapter like to earn US$3,000? It's easy! Encourage members to nominate themselves or someone else for The Kerzner Award.Kerzner Award

Sponsored by the International Institute for Learning, Inc., the Kerzner Award is granted to project managers who most emulate the professional dedication and excellence of Dr. Harold Kerzner, PhD, MS, MBA. The recipient of this prestigious award will be given a voucher worth US$5,000 in IIL training and will receive an all expense paid trip to Texas, USA to be recognized during the PMI Global Congress-North America in October 2011. The chapter they are a member of will receive US$3,000.  Applications will be accepted through 1 May


PMIEF Adds Value to New member orientation: 

Talking about PMIEF during new member orientation is an opportunity to immediately engage new chapter members by showing them how to give back to their local communities through the use of PMIEF educational resources, which may be provided free of charge to their child's school, their favorite nonprofit organization and religious institution. 


Engaging chapter members early and on a more personal level by helping them see how their professional competency can be used in their personal lives adds value.  Engaged members = Retained Members. Please encourage your chapter leaders to add information on PMIEF and its resources to the agenda for new member orientation.


Info for Your Chapter Members: 


Links to Scholarships and Doctoral Research Grants


Articles for Your Chapter's Newsletter:


If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter newsletter, we have articles that you are free to publish in the newsletter. The following articles are available for your use:


 For Your Calendar

Save the Date! Wednesday, 23 March, 10:00 AM EST, Webinar - Building a Scholarship and Award Program

Is your chapter considering a scholarship or award program or thinking about changing or expanding your current program? If so, we invite you and your chapter leaders to attend our next webinar, Building a Scholarship and Award Program. Scholarships and awards are an excellent opportunity for your chapter to not only provide resources to the best and brightest students, but also to promote your chapter.  Join us to hear more.  An invitation will be arriving via email shortly and will be in the form of a meeting notice.  If you would like other chapter leaders or volunteers to be invited to the webinar, please forward their email address(es) to


Other 2011 Webinars
Sessions will include PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice.  Although specific dates are not yet selected, the month and session topics are noted below:  


May                  Working with Nonprofits/NGOs

September         PM for Social Good in the Chapter 
Strategic Plan

December         Year One - Lessons Learned

 Resources and Quick Links 
PMIEF Liaison Resources Other PMIEF Resources and Quick Links

PMIEF Website
Learning Zone contains educational resources, templates and samples for download at no cost
PM Toolkit for Youth
PM Skills for Life
PM Methodology for Post-Disaster Reconstruction
For additional information,  please email or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128