PMI Educational Foundation Chapter Liaison Newsletter
7 January 2011 |
We are very excited about the progress PMIEF made during 2010, which is partly due to your support. We look forward to an even more exciting year in 2011 because of your participation as a PMIEF Liaison. Currently, we have more than sixty Liaisons who are helping to create a strong communication channel between PMIEF, the PMI chapter, and their local community to leverage project management for social good.
This issue contains chapter highlights, information to share with your board and chapter members, links to articles you can use in your chapter newsletters and other resources. Throughout the year, you can expect to see new resources, tips, and examples that will assist you in your role as PMIEF Liaison.
Thank you for serving as your chapter's PMIEF liaison. We wish you a very happy and healthy new year! Regards,
Diane Fromm PMI Educational Foundation Program Administrator
Chapter Highlights:
The Upstate New York Chapter teaches Project Management Through Theater
A production of "Little Shop of Horrors" at Duanesburg High School in New York, USA provided secondary school students project management experience. Connie Walsh-Toler, both a teacher and PMI Member, taught the basics of project management, including critical terms and processes through this theater project. Student teams worked together to create a timeline based on the tasks they needed to complete to meet a non-negotiable deadline, including planning and problem solving as a team.
This is a great example of using an existing school project to teach project management skills. For this pilot class, Connie created lesson plans and materials that were used in conjunction with PMIEF resources, which she will share with us to post on the PMIEF website. The link to download these materials will be posted in a future PMIEF Liaison Newsletter. |
Information Needed!!! Will you be continuing as your chapter's 2011 PMIEF Liaison?
We understand that some chapter volunteer positions change with the new year. We hope you will be continuing as the chapter liaison, but if this position is transitioning to someone else please provide us with the name and email address of your successor.
Info for Your Chapter Board: Encourage your board to consider implementing an outreach strategy to your local primary or secondary schools. This can be as simple as participating in career day presentations, mentoring a student competition, or sharing the news that scholarships are available for both students and teachers. Your chapter and its members have very valuable project management and real world industry experience that will benefit both students and teachers.
Educators do not yet recognize project managment as an essential skill needed in the 21st century workforce, but we know different. So, let's reach out to our schools and start the discussion.
If you need information to help your chapter get started, please attend PMIEF's January 25th webinar on Starting a Primary or Secondary School Project Management Program. The webinar features two guest speakers from PMI chapters who will share their experience and lessons learned in working with primary and secondary school students. We will also show you how to find resources that you can use. More than 30 individuals have already signed up for the webinar. If you need to sign up for the webinar and did not receive a Live Meeting invitation, please email Please feel free to invite your chapter leadership to attend this session. Info for Your Chapter Members:
If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter newsletter, we have articles that you are free to publish in the newsletter. The following articles are available for your use:
25 January, 9:00AM EST - Starting a PM Program in Your Local School
The invitation for this webinar was sent out. If you did not receive it or would like to invite other chapter leaders to attend, please contact
Other 2011 Webinars Sessions will include PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice. Although specific dates are not yet selected, the month and session topics are noted below:
March Building a Scholarship and Award Program
May Working with Nonprofits/NGOs
September Building PM for Social Good into the Chapter
Strategic Plan
December Year One - Lessons Learned |
Resources and Quick Links
PMIEF Liaison Newsletter December 2010EF Liaison Resources and Quick Links
PMIEF Resources and Quick Links
PMIEF Website Learning Zone contains educational resources, templates and samples for download at no cost Humanitarian Scholarships/Awards PM Toolkit for Youth PM Skills for Life PM Methodology for Post-Disaster Reconstruction
For additional information, please email or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128 |