This issue of the PMIEF Liaison Newsletter includes chapter highlights, information on November events, links to educational resources and exciting news.
The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to provide you with information and resources to assist you in your role as PMIEF Liaison. Please feel free to email us at with comments. And thank you for volunteering your time and talent!
Diane Fromm PMI Educational Foundation Program Administrator |
PMI Northern Italy Chapter Expands Programs for Youth:
The PMI Northern Italy Chapter has been teaching primary school students project management since 2006. To view the materials the chapter created and uses click here. These materials are also available in Italian, English, Spanish, and French.
Recently, the chapter expanded its program to a secondary school in Turin, Italy. The chapter also has a new program in Gorizia, titled Green Projects Award, which involves 5 primary schools and will provide an award for the best project. We will keep you updated as we learn more about this new initiative.
15 North Carolina Teachers Taught Project Management:
In September, we told you about volunteers from three PMI chapters who are helping to create four secondary school courses in project management for the State of North Carolina. Once finished, these new courses will be implemented in all high schools in the state. As teachers will be teaching the courses in the classroom, a key component to successful implementation will be to introduce these teachers to project management, gather their input, and teach them how to teach project management. The first group of 15 teachers from business, communications, and welding were chosen to receive a one day introductory course in project management. The class was taught by Dr. Paul M. Di Gangi, Assistant Professor at Western Carolina University. Going forward, a plan will be developed to provide project management training to all teachers who will be teaching the project management courses.
Other News!
Tell Your Chapter Members - Scholarships Available:
Through generous donations, PMIEF awards over US$400,000 in academic and training scholarships to college students, NGOs and teachers. Please tell your fellow chapter members about this wonderful opportunity. To apply or learn more click here.
PMIEF LIM Presentation Available:
As promised, you can now view the PMIEF presentation from the PMI North America Leadership Meeting. Leading the Way ... Bringing the Power of Project Management to People and Communities Throughout the World can be accessed by clicking here. Coming Soon!
- New translations to be posted
- Update on the State of Washington's secondary school initiative
- Updated Careers in Project Management