PMI Educational Foundation
PMI Educational Foundation Chapter Liaison Newsletter
3 September 2010
Welcome to the SECOND ISSUE of the PMIEF Liaison News.  Thank you for volunteering your time and talent to be your chapter's PMIEF Liason.
The purpose of this monthly newsletter is to provide you with information and resources to assist you in your role as PMIEF Liaison. Please feel free to email us at with comments. 
This issue highlights upcoming dates for your calendar, including the October training session and November webinar, as well as quick links to resources, exciting news, and an invitation to the PMIEF October reception. 
Diane Fromm
PMI Educational Foundation
Program Administrator
Chapter Highlights:
Mexico Robotics CompetitionPMI Mexico Chapter uses PMIEF Resources to Create a Project Management Program for Youth:  The program, a robotics competition for youth, utilized the PMIEF PM Skills for Life  as a basis for their PM training materials. The competition was very successful with over 1000 students, teachers, and parents participating.  The end result: more than 400 students now have a basic understanding of project management and new skills they will carry throughout their lives. The chapter is already planning their 2011 competition.  To learn more read this article.  
PMIEF & Volunteers from 3 Chapters in North Carolina, USA Help Create Statewide High School PM Curriculum:
  PMIEF and volunteers from the PMI Metrolina, PMI North Carolina, and PMI Piedmont Triad Chapters are participating in a state sponsored task force to develop a series of four project management high school courses for the State of North Carolina.  After the courses are developed, the State of North Carolina will implement them in all of its high schools and will present the courses to 11 other U.S. states participating in a regional development committee.  These other states may also choose to adopt the courses in their high school programs.  PMIEF, its volunteers, and PMI Chapters are truly breaking new ground in providing youth with the tools they need to prepare for the workforce and succeed in life!
Coming Soon! 
  • Updates on teacher training for primary and secondary schools
  • New translations to be posted
  • Information on PMIEF's participation in a state advisory committee to create a course in project management for Career in Technical Education high schools in the State of Washington, USA.
 For Your Calendar
 Date:          Saturday, 9 October 2010
 Time:          1:30PM EST to 3:30PM EST
 Location:    PMIŽ Global Congress-North America  
                     Gaylord National Harbor, Washington, DC,  
                     Room:  Cheasapeake GHI (updated)

Feel free to bring along your chapter president.  An event registration notice will be sent shortly; please sign up when you receive it.
The meeting topics include:
PMIEF Update 
Using PMIEF Resources
Leveraging Project management for Social Good
Strategies to Engage Chapter Leaders, Members, and your community
       **PMIEF will not cover any travel expenses or LIM/Congress costs.

PMIEF RECEPTION:  Sunday, 10 October 2010**


An invitation to the PMIEF reception to be held during PMI Global Congress, North America was sent to your email yesterday.  If you will be in the Washington, DC area on 10 October, please be our guest at this reception.  


Please register to attend via the invitation you received in your email box.  If you did not receive an invitation, please contact for more information.

**PMIEF will not cover any travel expenses or LIM/Congress costs
Leadership Institute Meeting:
ˇ PMIEF Educational Kiosk - stop by to say hello
ˇ Exhibiting during the Leadership Showcase:  Thursday, 7 October, 12:15 - 1:30 PM
ˇ PMIEF Presentation - Bringing the power of project management to communities throughout the world!: Friday, 8 October, 3:15 - 4:45 PM
PMIŽ Global Congress-North America:
PMIEF James R. Snyder International Student Paper of the Year and Donald S. Barrie Awards will be presented during the PMI Awards Ceremony: Saturday, 9 October
ˇ PMIEF Student Paper Award Session: Sunday, 10 October,  3:45 - 5:00 PM
ˇ PMIEF Donald S. Barrie Award Session: Sunday, 10 October,  3:45 - 5:00 PM
ˇ PMIEF Reception - see above (invitation only; contact
ˇ PMIEF Exhibit Booth (booth #1121) - stop by to pick up a pin and your Liaison Badge Ribbon   
series to begin 15 November 2010! 
If you cannot make the training session on 9 October, to bring you up to speed, we will conduct a webinar on 15 November 2010 at 9:30 PM EST (please note this on your calendar).  An invitation will be emailed later in October and will include all details. 


Even if you plan on attending the October training, feel free to participate in the November webinar too.  The more you hear the message, the easier it will be for you in your role as PMIEF Liaison.

 Resources and Quick Links 
EF Liaison Resources and Quick Links...  
PMIEF Resources and Quick Links... 

  • PMIEF Website
  • Learning Zone contains educational resources, templates and samples for download at at no cost
  • Humanitarian
  • Scholarships/Awards
  • PM Toolkit for Youth
  • PM Skills for Life
  • PM Methodology for Post-Disaster Reconstruction
    For additional information,  please email or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128