PMI Educational Foundation
PMI Educational Foundation Chapter Liaison Newsletter
3 December 2010



This issue of the PMIEF Liaison Newsletter includes chapter highlights, information to share with your chapter members, links to articles that you can use in your chapter newsletter, a list of upcoming 2011 webiners, and other resources.  

Our intent is to provide you with information and resources to assist you in your role as PMIEF Liaison.  Please email us at if you have any questions. 

Thank you for helping to leverage project management for social good in your community!


Diane Fromm
PMI Educational Foundation
Program Administrator
Chapter Highlights:

Sao Paulo, Brazil Chapter Provided PM Training to NGO to Help Physically Disabled Citizens
CIEDEF NGO President
Using PMIEF's PM Skills for Life, members of the PMI Sao Paulo, Brazil Chapter provided project management training to CIEDEF, a Brazilian non-governmental organization (NGO) that promotes athletics and sports for the physically disabled.  CIEDEF staff now have the project management knowledge and tools needed to elevate the success rate of its projects. Chapter members also assisted CIEDEF in creating a proposal for the Brazilian Sports Ministry to help physically disabled children prepare to compete in future Para Olympic events. This is a wonderful example of a chapter and its members using project management to help physically disabled citizens lead a more fulfilling life.


Update on Washington State (US) Secondary School PM Program
CTE Draft Curriculum
Washington State continues to move quickly towards the adoption of a state-wide project management curriculum framework for its High School Career and Technical Education program in time for a September 2011 implementation. The framework includes a first semester exploratory course followed by a second semester practicum that would be eligible for college credit.  When completed, it will enable Washington schools to implement project management classes that build skills to help students prepare for the 21st century workforce. As PMIEF participates in the Washington State's advisory group for this initiative, we will continue to keep you updated on its progress. 

Other News!


PMIEF Liaison Training Webinar Presentation Available: 
As promised, the presentation slides from the PMIEF Liaison training webinar presentation that took place on 15 November are now available. These slides can be used by those who missed the webinar as well as those who attended and would like to keep them for reference. The slides can be accessed by clicking here.
 For Your Chapter

Info for Your Chapter Board:


Please encourage your chapter's Board of Directors to include in the chapter's strategic plan activities and programs that leverage project management for social good. 


It not only helps you give back to your local community, but it also promotes project management within your area, expands the chapter's outreach and visibility, helps to build the future workforce and possibly your chapter's membership, and helps engage your chapter members in using their professional skills to make a difference in the lives of youth and those less fortunate - ultimately -helping with member retention.   


To help in this endeavor, PMIEF offers no cost resources, training, and examples of programs that chapters can use to develop programs that will bring the benefits and the power of project management to your community.


Info for Your Chapter Members:
Articles for Your Chapter's Newsletter:

If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter newsletter, we have articles that you are free to publish in the newsletter. The following articles are available for your use:

 For Your Calendar
NEW! 9 December, 7:00AM EST, REPEAT WEBINAR  
We are hosting a repeat session of the PMIEF Liaison Training Webinar on December 9 at 7:00 AM, EST. If you did not receive an invitation and would like to attend, please contact Diane Fromm at

We will be conducting five webinars in 2011. Sessions will include PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice.  Although specific dates are not yet selected, the month and session topics are noted below:  


January                         Starting a PM Program in Your Local School  March                          Building a Scholarship and Award Program 

May                             Working with Nonprofits/NGOs

September                    Building PM for Social Good into the Chapter 
Strategic Plan

December                    Year One - Lessons Learned

 Resources and Quick Links 

EF Liaison Resources and Quick Links

PMIEF Resources and Quick Links

PMIEF Website
Learning Zone contains educational resources, templates and samples for download at no cost
PM Toolkit for Youth
PM Skills for Life
PM Methodology for Post-Disaster Reconstruction
For additional information,  please email or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128