PMI Educational Foundation

PMI Educational Foundation Liaison Newsletter


6 January 2012

I would like to wish you a happy, healthy new year and to thank you for your generous gift of time in helping to leverage project management for social good!

You may be pleased to know that there are now over 100 PMIEF Liaisons - this program continues to grow at a rapid pace!

Thank you to everyone who attended the Lessons Learned webinar last month, and to those who participated in the survey.  The survey results are included in the PowerPoint Presentation in the resource section of the newsletter. Unfortunately, the recording of the webinar did not work so it is not available.

A special thank you to Walter Ginevri, PMI Northern Italy Chapter and Gerardo Blitzer, PMI Buenos Aires Chapter for providing content for the webinar.

In 2012, you can expect four to six new webinars in addition to our quarterly Getting Started webinars for new Liaisons.  Please feel free to send us any suggestions that you have for topics.

Best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2012,

Diane Fromm
PMIEF Program Administrator


Chapter Highlight

India Chapters Working Together to Teach Youth LeadershipIndia Student Leadership Day

Chapters in India joined together to show youth the importance of leadership skills.  The PMI Pune-Deccan and PMI Pearl City, Hyderabad Chapters led an International Student Leadership Day as well as events at local schools.


Their goal was to provide a platform through which young students can be shaped into the future leaders of the country.  Their target audience included students ages 12 - 18 as well as teachers and parents.

This is the 6th year for the conference and over one thousand youth have attended. This has also been an opportunity for the chapters to introduce project management concepts to their country's future leaders.

This is a great example of how chapters working together can have a greater impact and reach a larger audience. Congratulations to the Pune-Deccan and Pearl City, Hyderabad Chapters on hosting such a impactful program! 

To learn more click here.
For Your Chapter

Info for Your Chapter Members:


Upcoming Scholarship Application Deadlines


Due 1 March 2012*:

*These scholarships are offered quarterly


Due 1 April 2012:

For additional information about PMIEF scholarshipsplease visit our website:


Articles for Your Newsletter

If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter or CoP newsletter, please feel free to repurpose the content of this newsletter.  The following articles are also available for your use:  

For Your Calendar
Upcoming Webinars:

These training sessions will be hosted by PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice. 


The quarterly Getting Started webinar provides background information about PMIEF and the liaison position, and generally has a guest presenter who shares their experience as a liaison. 

The other webinars are themed around the topics as listed below.  We plan to host additional webinars, dates to be determined,  and are interested in your suggestions for topics which would be of interest to you.  Please forward suggestions to  

14 February 2012:     Starting a Youth Program
6 April 2012:             Getting Started - New Liaison Training
May 2012:                 Working with Nonprofits and NGOs
6 July 2012:               Getting Started - New Liaison Training
5 October 2012:        Getting Started - New Liaison Training
Resources and Quick Links

New Resources:


Getting Started Webinar:

Here is a link to the presentation slides from today's Getting Started Webinar.


Lessons Learned Webinar:  

As noted above, the recording didn't work but here is the link to the presentation from the Lessons Learned Webinar.


Slovenian Translation of PM Kit for Primary Schools

This resource now availible in Slovenian, is also availible in five other languages under the Northern Italy secton of this webpage.  This kit can be used to introduce primary school students to project management in a fun and engaging way. 


Thank you to Walter Ginevri of the PMI Northern Italy Chapter for his development of the material and thank you to Jana Barba and Giorgio Bensa of PMI Slovania for leading the translation process.


Japanese Translation of the Toolkit for Youth

The PM Toolkit for Youth is now available in Japanese, we wish to thank the

Kazuo Shimizu and the Japan Chapter volunteers for doing the translation.


Japanese Translation of the Project Management Methodology for Post Disaster Reconstruction

The Project Management Methodology for Post Disaster Reconstruction is now available in Japanese, we wish to that the Japan Chapter for translating the materials.


PMI Tulsa Chapter Youth Materials Are Available Now

The Tulsa materials contain fun youth activities. The curricula can be used as is; or you borrow some of projects and combine these with other programs. There is information about the program and curricula. We wish to thank Kris Reynolds and the Tulsa Chapter for sharing these wonderful resources.


PMI Sydney Youth and Teacher Training Are Also Available

The Sydney resources contain both and student and teacher training materials. We wish to thank Maja Kowalski and Sydney Chapter for sharing these valuable resources.


For Liaisons:

For PMIEF Liaison-specific information, please visit the Liaison Webpage (under the About Us section of  There you will find resources such as a Liaison FAQ, and an overview presentation about the Foundation--PMIEF in 10 Minutes.  

On the Liaison Webpage, you will also find past issues of PMIEF Liaison newsletters:

Quick Links:


PMIEF Website

Learning Zone: resources for youth and educational programs

Humanitarian: resources for nonprofits

Scholarships/Awards : professional and academic opportunities




For additional information, please email

or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128