PMI Educational Foundation
PMI Educational Foundation Chapter Liaison Newsletter
6 May 2011



We continue to be amazed and impressed when we hear how involved chapters and members are with charitable programs that benefit their communities.  


Why do you and your chapter do it?  This is an observation from Kris Reynolds, PMI Tulsa Chapter President, "As far as why people do this - I personally don't see people doing this to get PDUs.   I think it's more of a calling or itch, that the local chapter can help scratch through providing these opportunities to its members where they wouldn't normally know where to look.  I do believe it does create strong networking opportunities as well as the sense of giving back to one's community."


We would like to hear why your chapter leaders feel it's important to get involved and give back to your community. I will be initiating discussion about this topic on our LinkedIn group and would like to hear from you!



Diane Fromm
PMI Educational Foundation
Program Administrator
Deadliest CatchChapter Highlight:

Chapters Build Multi-faceted Programs for Social Good

Just as we knew project management is a universal professional skill, we're also learning that this expertise has an equally broad power to help. Chapters are demonstrating this by developing comprehensive charitable programs that benefit a variety of stakeholders, including youth, NGOs, and civic organizations.


Teaching risk management to 12-year-olds by using a popular television show, "The Deadliest Catch," is part of Tulsa's PM Youth Program during which  they provide a project based learning pilot for local middle school (12 - 13 year olds). The chapter is also partnering with the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce to provide project management expertise and improve performance across some of the chamber's large volunteer civic projects, including the Talent Divide Project developed to increase college enrollment and Partners in Education to improve teacher training.


The Sydney Chapter has created a Building Better Futures (BBF) Program that includes youth and community projects. The chapter provides support and coaching for the Australia Special Olympics and has also created a program that encourages women to become project managers. And in keeping with the theme of Building Better Futures, this year the chapter is piloting a program for both teachers and students in a girls school where the actual project will be planning and building a bridge.


It's very exciting to see the impact that chapters and members are making in their communities! 

 For Your Chapter


Info for Your Chapter Members: Monwy

Scholarship Deadline Approaching

The deadline to apply for PMIEF Academic Scholarships is 1 June, and we ask you to help get the word out. Please announce this at your chapter meeting or anywhere else that will help publicize the scholarships; we want to make sure deserving students know about these opportunities. Many of the scholarships, including four US$7,500 scholarships that are sponsored by IIL, are available to anyone studying anywhere in the world as long as the program is project management related.


This is also a great opportunity for outreach to local schools or universities; tell them about the scholarship opportunity and make a connection for the chapter.


Here is the link to apply or get information. Please encourage members, family members and students to take advantage of this wonderful financial opportunity!



Articles for Your Chapter's Newsletter:


If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter newsletter, we have articles that you are free to publish in the newsletter. The following articles are available for your use:


 For Your Calendar

Save the Date! Sunday, 8 May, 2:00PM LIM Session PMIEF overview and 5:15PM (Dublin Time) PMIEF Reception while at PMI EMEA Leadership Institute Meeting.  If you or your chapter leaders are attending LIM, please attend PMIEF's presentation during EMEA LIM on Sunday, 8 May at 2:00PM - see your LIM schedule for room details. Invite your chapter leaders who you know will be in Dublin so they can learn more about PMIEF's work. Two chapters (Poland and Jordan) will be sharing information on  their community activities in leveraging project management for social good. 

Save the Date! Wednesday, 25 May, 10:00 AM EST, Webinar - Working with Nonprofits/NGOs

Helping a favorite charity run their projects more effectively is a great way to give back to your community. This webinar will help you understand how project management benefits the 3rd sector and provides resources that you can use to start a program.

We will have two guest speakers: Anand More, PMI Mumbai Chapter, will share information on their chapter's NGO Training Program; and Anne Gingerich, Non Profit Resource Network - Millersville University, will explain why they felt it was important to create the Non Profit Introduction to Project Management and the Project Management Practicum for Nonprofits

Join us to hear more. An invitation will be arriving via email shortly and will be in the form of a meeting notice. 

Other 2011 Webinars

Sessions will include PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice.  Although specific dates are not yet selected, the month and session topics are noted below:  


July 1                Getting Started  - For New Liaisons   

September         PM for Social Good in the Chapter Strategic Plan  

October 7          Getting Started - For New Liaisons

December         Year One - Lessons Learned  

 Resources and Quick Links 


New  - Polish Translation of Curricula for 10 - 15 Year Olds Available  

We are pleased to announce that the Polish translation of the project management curricula for 10 - 15 year olds is available. As part of the Poland Chapter's youth program, Mariusz Kozielski started a project management class at a Catholic school in Zabrze, Poland for 14 - 15 year olds. As part of the program he translated the PMIEF Middle School Curricula.  Mariusz, thank you for translating and sharing the translated materials which are available on the PMIEF website.


 New  - Lesson Templates for Secondary School Project Management Programs

We would also like to announce the availability of project management lesson templates that you can use in programs at your local school.


These lesson templates were created by Ilaria Marletti from the PMI Northern Italy Chapter for a youth program in Turin, Italy. Theses templates can be used in conjunction with the PMIEF Curricula for Secondary Schools or other project management/project learning curricula. Illaria, thank you for sharing this wonderful resource which is now available on the PMIEF website.


Coming Soon - Arabic Translation of Project Management Toolkit For Youth

We are in the final phase of completeing the Arabic translation of the Project Management Toolkit forYouth and this will be available soon. We would like to thank the team of volunteers who translated the materials and Imad Alsadeq who lead the team! 

Other PMIEF Resources and Quick Links

PMIEF Website
Learning Zone contains educational resources, templates and samples for download at no cost
PM Toolkit for Youth
PM Skills for Life

PM Methodology for Post-Disaster Reconstruction 

PMIEF Liaison Volunteer Position Description 
For additional information,  please email or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128