PMI Educational Foundation
PMI Educational Foundation Chapter Liaison Newsletter
1 April 2011


 Linked In

We started the liaison program to build a communication channel between PMIEF and PMI chapters. We feel it's equally important that liaisons have an opportunity to speak with each other and share ideas so we've created a LinkedIn subgroup to give you this opportunity.  To join this subgroup, click here.


This is a "by invitation" only group to join because we wanted to create a resource that was relevant only to your position as liaison and to avoid massive amounts of postings that are not pertinent.


You should have received an invitation to join the group; if you did not receive the invitation and would like to join the group, please email


I look forward to lots of good discussion and, as always, am happy to speak with you or answer any questions.  Please feel free to contact me. 


Diane Fromm
PMI Educational Foundation
Program Administrator


Member Highlight:Public Color

New York City Chapter Member Trains Youth

21st century learners relate to hands on learning and real world examples.  Gregory Soffer, a member of the PMI New York City Chapter, brings this type of learning to youth through his work with Public Color, a nonprofit organization.  Using age appropriate, youth friendly examples - like pop singer Lady Gaga - in conjunction with PMIEF's Project Management Skills for Life for content and interactive exercises, Gregory teaches project management to inner city youth. Public Color engages youth and students in revitalizing their communities. Gregory's classes provide a great example of a PMI member working with a nonprofit to make a difference.  

It is important to engage today's youth in fun and exciting ways to capture the student's interest. Using Lady Gaga as an example as well as the Little Shop of Horrors (an example highlighted in an earlier newsletter), captures and retains the youth's attention while at the same time helping them learn an important life and professional skill. 

What fun and innovative ways can you think of to engage youth in learning project management?  Feel free to email your ideas to

 For Your Chapter

Info for Your Chapter Board:



PMIEF Scholarhsip and Award Administrative Services

PMIEF can help take care of all the time consuming tasks that are required to run a scholarship and awards program. Scholarship programs provide benefits to the chapter and to the awardees but these programs take volunteer time to manage. For a nominal fee, PMIEF currently administers more than 45 scholarships and awards for PMI Chapters and other donors, providing services that include help setting the criteria, marketing, processing the applications, endowment mangement, and an independent panel of volunteer judges to select the recipient.  


Relieving the chapter of the administrative tasks that are associated with scholarship administration allows chapter volunteers to concentrate on other projects and programs that are important to the chapter. Please contact Andy Stitt at if you are interested in finding out more.


New  - Scholarship Marketing Template

Finding qualified applicants for scholarships and awards is a key element of a successful scholarship and award program so it is important to market the program. We have created a marketing tool that you can use to help promote your chapter's program (if you have one).


The template was designed in MS Word so you can modify the content and make it specific to your chapter's scholarship or award. Your chapter is doing a good thing by creating scholarship opportunities, so you need to create some buzz and get people's attention.


Even if your chapter has not sponsored a scholarship, you can still use this tool because PMIEF has a number of scholarships that anyone from anywhere going to college anywhere can apply to.  Please feel free to connect with your university partners and tell them about these scholarships. 


Info for Your Chapter Members: 


Links to Scholarships and Doctoral Research Grants


Articles for Your Chapter's Newsletter:


If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter newsletter, we have articles that you are free to publish in the newsletter. The following articles are available for your use:


 For Your Calendar

Save the Date! Friday, 6 May, 11:30 AM (Dublin Time), Liaison Meeting, Training, and Lunch while at PMI EMEA Leadership Institute Meeting  You and your chapter leaders are invited to join us in Dublin for a liaison meeting and training session, including lunch. This will be an interactive discussion as well as the opportunity to learn about new initiatives and what your peers are doing. You will be receiving an invitation with the location details shortly.  Please register for this session through the invitation.

Save the Date! Wednesday, 25 May, 10:00 AM EST, Webinar - Working with Nonprofit/NGOs

Helping a favorite charity run their projects more effectively is a great way to give back to your community. This webinar will help you understand how project management benefits the 3rd sector and provide resources that you can use to start a program.

We will have two guest speakers, Anand More, PMI Mumbai Chapter, will share information on their chapter's NGO Training Program and Anne Gingerich, Non Profit Resource Network - Millersville University, will explain why they felt it was important to create the Non Profit Introduction to Project Management and the Project Management Practicum for Nonprofits

Join us to hear more. An invitation will be arriving via email shortly and will be in the form of a meeting notice. 

Other 2011 Webinars

Sessions will include PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice.  Although specific dates are not yet selected, the month and session topics are noted below:  


July 1                Getting Started  - For New Liaisons   

September         PM for Social Good in the Chapter Strategic Plan  

October 7          Getting Started - For New Liaisons

December         Year One - Lessons Learned  

 Resources and Quick Links 

Available now -  


March 23rd Webinar - Starting a Scholarship and Awards Program Webinar -


John Kos, PMI Baltimore Chapter, shared his experience and lessons learned from his chapter's Baltimore scholarhship program. PMI staff presented other helpful tips on scholarship and award programs.  To view the slides click here.  

April 1st Webinar - Getting Started - here is the link to today's presentation - 'Getting Started'.


Other PMIEF Resources and Quick Links

PMIEF Website
Learning Zone contains educational resources, templates and samples for download at no cost
PM Toolkit for Youth
PM Skills for Life

PM Methodology for Post-Disaster Reconstruction 

For additional information,  please email or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128