PMI Educational Foundation
PMI Educational Foundation Liaison Newsletter

4 November 2011



We would like to thank everyone who attended the liaison training in Dallas and those individuals who stopped to say hello during either the Leadership Institute Meeting or Congress. We had many wonderful conversations about the work that you are doing and your plans for the future! We are both gratified and amazed by all the PMI Communities that are managing and developing charitable programs.


We also wish to thank Angie Gamez from the Dallas Chapter and Alison Copoc from the Lakeshore Chapter for sharing their ideas and lessons learned during the training session.  You can find a copy of Liaison Training Presentation in the resource section below. 


In the resource section there are additional newly added resources that are available on the PMIEF website, including an updated version of the Careers in Project Management booklet and presentation and an outline of North Carolina's state-wide project management curriculum.


As always, we appreciate your support and commitment to the PMI Educational Foundation.  Feel free to get in touch with us with any questions and comments that you may have for us.  We are always glad to hear from you!


Diane Fromm

PMI Educational Foundation

Program Administrator 



Chapter Highlight:

The Chicagoland Chapter Partners with Junior Achievement to Teach Youth About Project Management


Through a grant given by the PMIEF, the Junior Achievement Franchise of Chicago, Illinois (US) was able to create a program called "Ask the Expert Day" that was delivered to schools by PMI Chicagoland Chapter volunteers. 


JA Ask the Expert Day


Chapter volunteers went into classrooms and delivered a 'youth oriented' project management presentation that included the basics of project management, real world examples, and some of the 'joys and frustrations' of practicing project management. The presentation was approximately one hour long and based on PMIEF's Project Management Skills for Life™.  The program reached 12 Chicago area schools and 296 youth, with plans to continue the program next year. Both the volunteers and students enjoyed and benefited from the experience, and because volunteers only had to commit to a one hour presentation, it made it easy for the chapter to recruit volunteers.


We have included a link to the "Ask the Expert Day" flyer and presentation in the resource section below. We applaud the PMI Chicagoland Chapter on their program!


More about Junior Achievement:

Junior Achievement is one of the world's largest organizations dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need for economic success, to plan for their future, and to make smart academic and economic choices. For more information, please visit the Junior Achievement website.

 For Your Chapter
Info for Your Chapter Members:

Working with Junior Achievement: 

We are happy to hear that many PMI Communities are working with Junior Achievement (JA); the organization's youth programs have proved to have an excellent framework for incorporating project management.  JA also offers flexibility.  From our experience with the Chicago franchise of JA, we learned that each franchise has some latitude to create their own programs. The "Ask the Expert" Program was developed to fit the program in Chicago, so if your community is interested in working with JA, you might ask your local franchise if they would interested in starting a program similar to "Ask the Expert Day", develop a different type of program, or use one of their existing progams. If you chose to develop your own program, keep in mind the interests of your volunteers. The Chicagoland Chapter's program had great success in recruiting chapter participants because it was only a one hour commitment so it was easy to fit into the busy schedules of PMI members.


Academic Scholarships Applications Opened 1 October

PMIEF academic scholarships are available for high school seniors and students at the bachelors, masters, and doctoral levels who are studying project management or a related field of study.  The current round of applications opened 1 October. Please remind your members about the available scholarships and encourage them to share this information with any potential candidates they may know.  A full list of available academic scholarships and their criteria can be found on our scholarship website under the student section.


Training Scholarship Deadlines are 20 November 2011

Training scholarships are available for teachers, nonprofits, nongovernmental organizations and unemployed or underemployed project managers and the next deadline is 20 November 2011. Please let your community know about these opportunities, and to apply or find eligibility requirements, please visit Scholarships and Awards.


Articles for Your Newsletter

If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter or CoP newsletter, we have articles that you are free to publish. The following articles are available for your use:

 For Your Calendar



These sessions will be hosted by PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice. The quarterly Getting Started trainings provide background information about the PMIEF and the liaison position, and generally have a guest presenter who shares their experience as a liaison.  The other quarterly trainings are themed around the topics as listed below.  Many of the dates are to be determined. We are also planning on some additional topics and would be interested in hearing your suggestions.


December 2011        Year One - Lessons Learned

6 January 2012         Getting Started - New Liaison Training

February 2012          Starting a Youth Program  

6 April 2012              Getting Started - New Liaison Training

May 2012                 Working with Nonprofits and NGOs

6 July 2012               Getting Started - New Liaison Training           

5 October 2012         Getting Started - New Liaison Training

 Resources and Quick Links 

"Ask the Expert Day"- PMI Chicagoland's JA Program

The Ask the Expert Flyer from Chicago program and shortened version of PM Skills for Life is available on the PMIEF website.


Updated Version! Careers in Project Management

This resource, which can be downloaded on our website, introduces high school and university students to the project management profession by succinctly explaining project management and outlining career options in the field.

 Careers in Project Management includes:

  •  A slide presentation with notes that can be used for a school career presentation  
  •  An informational careers booklet for students

 Liaison Training Presentation from LIM- October 2011

This slide presentation, used during a the liaison training at LIM in Dallas last month, provides up-to-date information about the liaison program and the PMIEF, and includes examples of PMI Communities' youth and nonprofit programs around the world.


 New! Youth Program FAQ

FAQ guide to help answer your questions as you think about and begin to develop your community's own program for youth.


International Student Leadership Day Flyer

This flyer provides a wonderful example of a youth leadership program and was provided by the PMI Pearl City, India Chapter. We thank the chapter for sharing their International Student Leadership Day flyer which was used to promote their program to help develop "industry and nation ready leaders" for the future.  


North Carolina's Project Management Program

An outline of high school project management curriculum plans for North Carolina's state-wide project management program. PMI and PMIEF volunteers were actively involved with the creation of the materials.


PMIEF Liaison Resource Area containing links to resources, PMIEF articles and a 10-minute PMIEF Presentation. The site will be updated with new information and resources as they become available.  


Other PMIEF Resources and Quick Links


PMIEF Website

Learning Zone contains educational resources, templates and samples for download at no cost 




For additional information,  please email or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128