PMI Educational Foundation Liaison Newsletter
7 October 2011
What if you could multiply the effect that your community's program has on youth, perhaps expanding it internationally? For example, what if, as a direct result of a PM training that you offered to forty local students, hundreds more were trained around the world?
As you reflect on what types of nonprofits you'd like to engage in your community, we encourage you to consider working with large international organizations. Often, the work that you do with these organizations can be replicated at branches of the same organization in other regions and countries, significantly increasing the benefits of your PMI community's work through the multiplier effect. Volunteering with nonprofits that have international branches such as Rotary International, the Red Cross, Junior Achievement, and Lions Clubs can give your PMI community the ability to extend its reach beyond your local community--to communities around the globe.
Please visit our Chapter Highlight section to learn more about how the PMI Buenos Aires Chapter is engaging with two international nonprofits. Perhaps your community will be interested in continuing these programs in your area. 
Diane Fromm
PMI Educational Foundation
Program Administrator
Chapter Highlight:
The Buenos Aires Chapter is Making a Difference with ORT and Junior Achievement Argentina
By partnering with ORT and Junior Achievement, the PMI Buenos Aires Chapter is helping to build project management workforce development programs for youth.
PMI Buenos Aires Volunteers at ORT |
PMI Buenos Aires has been working with ORT Argentina, one of the largest non-governmental education and training organizations in the world. As part of their programs, ORT Argentina offers project management training courses to students in their final year of high school, helping prepare youth for the 21st century workforce and for CAPM� certification.
PMI Buenos Aires members have offered their expertise to the program by reviewing and adapting the content of the project management course to more closely reflect the PMBoK� contents--aligning material to PMI standards and providing better preparation for the CAPM� exam. Additionally, PMI Buenos Aires volunteers are delivering a series of training for the ORT teachers to identify and close gaps in the curriculum, while enhancing the course content and quality of instruction.
PMI Buenos Aires Volunteers at JA |
PMI Buenos Aires volunteers also deliver a series of presentations to youth participating in the Junior Achievement's (JA) "JA Company Program." This program provides basic business education for youth and challenges them to create their own company while engaging in a series of seminars and trainings. The addition of project management training helps students complete their projects, and participation by chapter volunteers inspires and captivates this young audience.
Due to their success with JA, PMI Buenos Aires members are pursuing a new project to help increase JA Argentina's operational efficiency and effectiveness. Chapter volunteers are reviewing the organization's current project management practices in order to offer guidance and help streamline processes, thus assisting the organization in achieving better results.
Through their work with youth, both face-to-face and by improving the nonprofits' programs, PMI Buenos Aires Chapter volunteers are using project management to make a difference in their community.
The PMI Buenos Aires Chapter volunteer team is composed of Gustavo Flouret, Julio Rossini, Paula Terzi, Adrian Morando (PMIEF Argentina Program Manager) and Gerardo Blitzer (PMIEF Liaison). The team wishes to thank the entire chapter for their support, especially their president, Cecilia Boggi.
More about ORT:
ORT is an international education and training organization that works in more than 100 countries to help under-developed communities achieve economic stability and self-sufficiency. For more information regarding the PMI Buenos Aires' involvement with the ORT project, please visit the ORT website or contact the chapter representative, Gustavo Flouret (
More about Junior Achievement:
Junior Achievement is one of the world's largest organizations dedicated to giving young people the knowledge and skills they need for economic success, to plan for their future, and to make smart academic and economic choices. For further information regarding PMI Buenos Aires activities in Argentina, please contact Gerardo Blitzer, or visit the Junior Achievement website . |
Info for Your Chapter Members:
Working with International Nonprofits:
Working with international nonprofits is an excellent way for your PMI community to make a global impact. By integrating project management practices into these organizations or by working with their youth programs, your PMI community can help improve your local community while simultaneously creating replicable models. In many instances, these international organizations will be to transfer these models to their other branches, and open the potential for other PMI community volunteers to get involved in the project. Consider working with international nonprofits, and soon, you may watch your work spread worldwide.
PMIEF Resources for Nonprofits:
If your community is is planning on working with a nonprofit to help streamline and improve upon their operations, consider using some of the PMIEF's nonprofit resources, which are available for download on the pmief website at no cost for noncommercial use. The PMIEF currently offers the following resources for nonprofits:
Academic Scholarships Applications Opened 1 October
PMIEF academic scholarships are available for high school seniors and students at the bachelors, masters, and doctoral levels who are studying project management or a related field of study. The current round of applications opened 1 October. Please remind your members about the available scholarships and encourage them to share this information with any potential candidates they may know. A full list of available academic scholarships and their criteria can be found on our scholarship website under the student section.
Articles for Your Newsletter
If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter or CoP newsletter, we have articles that you are free to publish. The following articles are available for your use:
You should have received an invitation via email to register for this no-cost Liaison training session to occur in Texas before the PMI Global Congress North America begins. If you missed the invitation, please register here. Feel free to invite other chapter leaders to attend.
Date: Saturday 22 October 2011**
Time: 2:30PM EST to 4:00PM EST
Location: Gaylord Texan Resort, Grapevine, TX
Room: Texas Rooms 5 & 6
The meeting topics include:
- Liaisons sharing their experiences and success stories
- Examples on how to leverage project management for social good
- Strategies to engage chapter leaders, chapter members, and your community
- Brainstorming
If you did not receive an invitation, register here or contact
**PMIEF will not cover any travel expenses for LIM/Congress
You should have recently received an invitation to the PMIEF reception to be held during the PMI Global Congress, North America. If you will be in the Dallas, TX area on 23 October, please be our guest at this reception. If you are able to attend, please click here to register. For questions, please contact
**PMIEF will not cover any travel expenses for LIM/Congress
This session will be hosted by PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice. Although a specific date is not yet selected, the December session topic is noted below along with the date and topic of the January training.
December 2011 Year One - Lessons Learned (date TBD) 6 January 2012 Getting Started - New Liaison Training |
Resources and Quick Links
Today's Webinar PowerPoint Slides Available for Download
Please click here to access the presentation slides from today's Getting Started webinar. The slides contain background information about the PMIEF and the Liaison program. A voice-recording of the entire presentation will be available shortly.
September 2011 Liaison Webinar Now Available
You can now access the Liaison training webinar: PM for Social Good in your Chapter Strategic Plan online.
The first half hour of the webinar offers an introduction to the PMIEF, including descriptions of Liaison roles and responsibilities. The second hour and half focuses on PM for Social Good in your Chapter Strategic Plan and includes the following topics:
- Lessons Learned and Examples from PMI Communities that Incorporate Social Good into Strategic Planning
- Appropriate Places to Integrate PM for Social Good into the Strategic Plan
- Scalable Examples of Programs for Social Good
- How to Approach Chapter Leadership to Introduce These Ideas
Liaison FAQ
Have questions about being a PMIEF Liaison or about the PMIEF? Please see our PMIEF Liaison Frequently Asked Questions resource. The FAQ will also be posted on the Liaison page of the PMIEF website later this month.
The resources below are available on the PMIEF Website to download at no cost for noncommercial use.
New Arabic Translation!-PM Toolkit for Youth(TM) is now available on the PMIEF website in Arabic. Thank you THIQAH Management and Engineering Consultation for translating these materials! This resource is also available in other languages and can be downloaded at no cost for noncommercial use.
New Japanese Translation!-Project Management Methodology for Post Disaster Reconstruction is now available on the PMIEF website in Japanese. Thank you Hisashi Hirose, Masafumi Yoshizawa, Hideyo Midorikawa, Kenichi Sako, Hitoshi Yano, and Kazuko Ban of the PMI Japan Chapter for your translation of these materials! This resource is also available in other languages and can be downloaded at no cost for noncommercial use. Also, thank you PMI Sao Paulo Chapter for your recent translation of this important resource into Brazilian Portuguese.
PMIEF Liaison Resource Area containing links to resources, PMIEF articles and a 10-minute PMIEF Presentation. The site will be updated with new information and resources as they become available.
Other PMIEF Resources and Quick Links
PMIEF Website
Learning Zone contains educational resources, templates and samples for download at no cost
PM Toolkit for Youth
PM Skills for Life
PM Methodology for Post Disaster Reconstruction
PMIEF Liaison Volunteer Position Description |
For additional information, please email or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128 |