PMI Educational Foundation
PMI Educational Foundation Chapter Liaison Newsletter
3 June 2011



Part of your role as the PMIEF liaison is to communicate with your community about the resources and programs of the PMIEF. One way you can accomplish this is to place an article in your community newsletter.


Dr. Deas�n � Conch�ir from the PMI Switzerland Chapter wrote an article for his component newsletter which demonstrates good ways to share the programs of the PMIEF. We thought this was a good example and have posted the sample newsletter on the Liaison Page of the PMIEF website under Resources.


We would love to see examples of articles that you have created or hear how you are commumicating PMIEF news to your community.  


Diane Fromm

PMI Educational Foundation

Program Administrator



Chapter Highlight:
Puget Sound Cares
Puget Sound LogoProviding pro bono consulting services that help local community organizations increase their project capacity is one way that the PMI Puget Sound Chapter is giving back.

Through their Puget Sound Cares Program, the chapter provides no cost project management coaching services to nonprofit, government and educational organizations, matching the skill set of their members with the needs of the organization. 


The goal of the progam is to build self-sustaining programs that will help organizations meet their project management goals. This program is an excellent example of a chapter using the professional skills of their members to strengthen their community.  


Other News!       New Nonprofit Resource Posted

 Practicum Cover

You probably have a favorite charity that helps the homeless, raises money for cancer or rescues animals.  There are millions of nonprofits around the world, over 3.5 million in the US and India. These nonprofits initiate, plan, execute, and manage projects every day.  


Here is a new resource that you can use to help that favorite nonprofit run their projects more efficiently and effectively. The Project Management Nonprofit Practicum is a twelve hour workshop-training program for nonprofit organizations, which includes an instructor manual with notes and templates.


The workshop was developed by Millersville UniversityNonprofit Resource Network (NRN) with grant funding from the Project Management Institute Educational Foundation (PMIEF) and can be downloaded for no cost from the PMIEF website.  


Please share the availability of this new resource with your community!

 For Your Chapter


Info for Your Chapter Members: 

Doctoral Rearch Grant Deadline Approaching

Please help us get the word out that doctoral reseach grants are available in project, program and/or portfolio management.


Up to US$23,750 in doctoral research grants are available to doctoral students around the world. Research proposals are currently being accepted, and the submission deadline is 30 June 2011.



Articles for Your Chapter's Newsletter:


If you would like to feature PMIEF in your chapter newsletter, we have articles that you are free to publish in the newsletter. The following articles are available for your use:


 For Your Calendar

Save the Date! Friday, 1 July, 10:00 AM EST, Getting Started Webinar

This webinar will provide an overview of the PMIEF and information about the PMIEF Liaision Position. Topics include: 

No Cost PMIEF Resources
Liaison Roles and Responsibilities
Ideas and Examples for Programs


Feel free to attend if you're just getting started or if you would like a refresher course.  You may even wish to invite chapter leaders or other volunteers to the webinar; if so, please forward their email address(es) to

An invitation will be arriving via email shortly and will be in the form of a meeting notice.  We also posted the previous liaison training presentation on the PMIEF website for you to review beforehand.  


Other 2011 Webinars

Sessions will include PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice.  Although specific dates are not yet selected, the month and session topics are noted below:  



September         PM for Social Good in the Chapter Strategic Plan (date TBD)
October 7          Getting Started - For New Liaisons

December         Year One - Lessons Learned (date TBD)  



 Resources and Quick Links 

Coming Soon -
The link to the recording of the Working with Nonprofits and NGOs Webinar will be in the July PMIEF Liaison Newsletter.

Other PMIEF Resources and Quick Links

PMIEF Website
Learning Zone contains educational resources, templates and samples for download at no cost
PM Toolkit for Youth
PM Skills for Life

PM Methodology for Post-Disaster Reconstruction 

PMIEF Liaison Volunteer Position Description 
For additional information,  please email or call +1-610-356-4600 ext. 1128