PMIEF LIAISON MEETING**SAVE THE DATE: Date: Saturday 22 October 2011 Time: 2:30PM EST to 4:00PM EST Location: PMI Global Congress-North America Gaylord Texan, Grapevine, TX Room: Texas Rooms 5 & 6 Feel free to bring along your chapter president or other board leaders. An event registration notice will be sent shortly; please sign up when you recieve it.
The meeting topics include:
- PMIEF Update
- Using PMIEF Resources
- Levering Project Management for Social Good
- Strategies to Engage Chapter Leaders, Members, and your community
- Discussion
**PMIEF will not cover any travel expenses of LIM/Congress costs
PMIEF RECEPTION**: Sunday, 23 October 2011
An invitation to the PMIEF reception to be held during the PMI Global Congress, North America will be sent to your email shortly. If you will be in the Dallas, TX area on 23 October, please be our guest at this reception. If you are able to attend, please register via the invitation you recieve in your email inbox. If you do not recieve an invitation, please contact for more information.
**PMIEF will not cover any travel expenses of LIM/Congress costs
PM for Social Good in your Chapter Strategic Plan
SAVE THE DATE: 14 September, 10:00AM EST
- Lessons Learned and Examples from PMI Communities that Incorporate Social Good into Strategic Planning
- Appropriate Places to Integrate PM for Social Good into the Strategic Plan
- Scalable Examples of Programs for Social Good
- How to Approach Chapter Leadership to Introduce These Ideas
This webinar is not designed to instruct you in the strategic planning process but to provide guidance on how your community could integrate project management for social good into your strategic planning process. Guest speakers will include Kris Reynolds-PMI Tulsa Chapter President, who will share his chapter's experience with building social good into their strategic plan. Guest speakers will also include PMIEF Board Directors who are former regional mentors and chapter presidents.
You will be receiving a webinar invitation via email and please feel free to invite other chapter leaders to attend.
Sessions will include PMIEF staff and others from within the PMI community who will share their experience and advice. Although specific dates are not yet selected for all sessions, the month and session topics are noted below.
7 October: Getting Started - For New Liaisons
December: Year One - Lessons Learned (date TBD)