Driscoll Enterprises Inc.
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Driscoll Enterprises Inc. Email Archives Homepage
Here at DEI we are dedicated to helping others.  It is in this spirit that we are sharing previous newsletters for you to enjoy and gain a deaper understanding of who we are and how our industry works. 
Please take note that industry news and some of our educational material may be time sensitive.  If you have questions if something is still relevant please contact us.  
If you'd like to know more about DEI, click the DEI Logo at the top of this page and it will take you to our website.
  • General Overview
  • We have provided the headlines here to facilitate your efforts to locate information you are interested in. Please keep in mind that some information is time sensitive as market conditions change.
  • April 2016
  • - Your Biggest Asset , Beliefs into destiny, carrying your goals
    - Top 10 Cities with Foreclosure Discounts
  • March 2016
  • - Brain Programming - phrases we shouldn't use
    - Top 5 Multifamily Markets for Exiting
  • February 2016
  • - DISC, is it for You? It better be.
    - 5 Top Multifamily Investment Cities
  • January 2016
  • - Declare it to The World
    - Staging Tips that Help Homes Sell Quickly
  • December 2015
  • - The Secret to Achieving Your Dreams
    - HARP now or Never
    - Emerging Trends
  • November 2015
  • - The Busiest Day of Your Week
    - Top 5 reasons Buyers Choose To Buy Homes
  • October 2015
  • - Publish Your Book Part 2
    -The Most Affordable Places to Buy a Home in America
  • September 2015
  • - Publish Your Book Part 1
    - 5 Best Investment Opportunities
  • August 2015
  • _ A Real Life Story - Legal Shield to the Rescue
    - Non Performing Loan Inventory done?
    - Multifamly demand on the rise.
  • July 2015
  • - The Power of Will
    - Why are buildings so cold inside?
    - Can you get a home loan with bad credit?
  • June 2015
  • - Rich habits versus poor habits
    - Housing best year since 2006
  • May 2015
  • - Just do it
    - Micro Apartments on the Rise
  • April 2015
  • - Your 3 most Important Choices
    - 10 Metros with Biggest Discounts on Residential Properties
  • March 2015
  • - What You Don't Know Can Hurt You
    - 8 Common Mistakes Real Estate Investors Make
  • February 2015
  • - What is the Best Kind of Income?
    - 10 Safe Havens for Single-Family Rentals
    - 5 Self-Storage Facility Predictions
  • January 2015
  • - Why do you need a coach?
    - Rents higher than mortgage payments?
    - Top 5 Multi-Family Predictions
  • December 2014
  • - Time Management Is a Lie
    - Can You Buy Back Your Foreclosed Home
    - REITs Struggle to Buy Apartments
    - Prepare to Refinance Your Home
  • November 2014
  • - Why invest in mobile homes
    - Single versus Multi-member LLCs
  • October 2014
  • - Do You Suffer From Stinkin Thinkin?
    - Who is funding $325B of CRE?
    - Is housing going to take another hit?
    - Consumer Confidence
    - Foreigners buying up USA
  • September 2014
  • - Wholesale Opportunity
    - Great Resources
    - Texas Is Hot
  • August 2014
  • - Anatomy of a Real Life Deal
    - Where to Invest Your Money Now
    - USA's 17 most Dynamic Cities
  • July 2014
  • • What is the real spread
    • What is your Maximum Allowable Offer
    • Determining the After Repair Value
    • Estimating Rehab Costs
    • Another Housing Bubble?
    • Institutional Investors – Single Family Landlords?
    • Is Your Environment Hurting You?
  • June 2014
  • - The Power of A Master Lease Option
    - Foreclosures Down
    - 2M modified mortgages due to rate adjust this year
    - Jobs up, office rental and retail vacancies down
  • May 2014
  • - Lease and Sandwich Lease Options
    - 5 best and worst housing markets
  • April 2014
  • - Anatomy of a Deal
    - Experts in Your Corner
    - New Definition of Success
    - Approved SFH Mortgages Down 47%
    - Houston a Sizzling Hot Emerging Market
    - Investor Sentiment at 10 year high
  • March 2014
  • - Buy Your Next Apartment Complex From the Bank
    - REO Note Profits Up
    - Seller Finance Coallition
  • February 2014
  • - The Most Important Leadership Trait
    - Dodd-Frank, Freddie and Fannie, Apartments, True Investing in America
  • January 2014
  • - Are You Really a Failure? Really?
    - Beware, Dodd-Frank is in Effect
  • December 2013
  • - Building a Better 2014
    - 10 States with the Highest Foreclosure Rates
    - Fed Moves Lift DOW
  • November 2013
  • - Should You Be Committed?
    - Hiring Beats Expectations
    - Investors Broaden Demand for Property Types
  • October 2013
  • - Small Investors Can Be The Banker Too
    - National Manufactured Housing Report
    - Pent-up Demand Driving Housing Market
  • September 2013
  • - Six key things every successful person should know
    - Rising Interest Rates Heighten Investor Concerns
  • August 2013
  • - Internet Marketing Creates Dilemma
    - Which Gurus are Best?
  • July 2013
  • - How to Sell Your Home Now
    - Banks are Crazy
  • June 2013
  • - The Note Buying Process
    - Emerging Markets
    - What One Expert Is Investing In Today
  • May 2013
  • - Alternative Investments That Provide Good Returns
    - Stock Market Concerns
    - Warren Buffett
    - Housing News
  • April 2013
  • - Will your tomorrow be better than today?
    - What the heck is going on with the Stock Market?
  • March 2013
  • - What's Your Story?
    - Apartment Market Survey
    - CRE Investor Sentiment at an all time high
    - Large Investors Pushing Single Home Market
  • February 2013
  • - We're At War!
    - Is Wolf Blitzer Hurting America?
  • January 2012
  • - Investing In Notes - Why Seconds Make Sense
    - End of Year Observations
  • December 2012
  • - Take Action or Else, A True Story
    - Will 2013 be the Year of Recovery or Relapse?
  • November 2012
  • - The Election is Over, Now What Do We Do
    - FHA Running Out of Money
    - Will the Rise in Single Family Home Prices Hurt the Multi-Family Sector
  • October 2012
  • - The Smartest Kind of Income
    - Large Players Scooping up Single Family Homes
  • September 2012
  • - Are Short Sales Disappearing?
    - Weaker jobs creation
    - Another Bailout?
  • August 2012
  • - Are Tax Liens a Good Investment?
    - Attracting Better Renters
  • July 2012
  • - Being the Banker Part II
    - Second Liens are Powerful
  • June 2012
  • - Be the Banker!
    - Has Residential Housing Turned?
  • May 2012
  • - Why Invest in Self-Storage Facilities?
    - Short Sales Up
    - Investor Confidence Up
  • April 2012
  • - Renting or Selling to someone who can't read
    - Expedited Short Sale Processing Coming
  • March 2012
  • - Investment reality check
    - Single family homes, buy now?
  • February 2012
  • - Explanation of Market Cycles
    - Apartment Rents Rising in all Sectors
  • January 2012
  • - Effective Goal Setting
    - Job Growth
  • December 2011 - Letter indicates November
  • - A Lesson From Black Friday
    - Jobs: A Key Due Diligence Factor
  • November 2011
  • - Short Sales
    - U.S. Housing Markets
  • October 2011
  • - Are Your Investment Dollars Working Hard For You?
    - Staging Homes
    - Understanding Standards and Poor's Downgrade of U.S. Debt
  • September 2011
  • - Manufactured Housing Communities
    - Commercial Real Estate Emerges as a Compelling Alternative Investment
  • July 2011
  • - Key Reason to Invest In Multi-Family Properties
    - 2011 Tax Bonus for Landlords
  • June 2011
  • - 5 Top Reasons To Invest in Real Estate
    - Retail Sales Slow Amid Slowing Recovery