Visit Past Issues of Butterflies! |
Each newsletter introduces new webpages on our website. Old pages which have been featured in Butterflies! are rarely used as a topic in future issues once they have been featured in past issues.
If you may have missed a topic in the past or would like read newsletters issued from before you subscribed, simply visit our archives.
Older newsletters will have broken links. We reworked our website a little over a year ago and the links have changed. To see most of the pages on the website, visit our website directory. |
- June 2011 (6/26/2011)
- Monarch butterfly cremaster
Fewer butterflies? Why?
Phaon Crescent butterfly
Ladybug zombie
Blue Buckeyes
- February 2011 (2/17/2011)
- Basic Butterfly Gardening
Caterpillar - is it a male or female?
First in the spring - Zebra Swallowtail
Need Seed?
Butterfly Fun Facts
Disinfect your rearing containers
She moved on - Ester Appling - July 2010 (10/4/2010)
- They all settled down for a long winters nap.
Chalcid Wasp webpage
Out of milkweed?
Cloudless Sulphur butterflies
Butterfly plant seed free - 2010 March (3/22/2010)
- Where are the Monarchs?
Butterfly lifecycle pages
Butterfly hunt/walk April 11
How many milkweed leaves to feed one caterpillar?
Free milkweed seed!
Hover fly - good bugs!
Host plant availability - October 2009 (11/21/2009)
- Skiff moth caterpillar
Winter and butterflies
Caption contest
They eat our caterpillars
Wingless adult moth
Video Clips
Internship Program - August 2009 (8/2/2009)
- Butterfly and moth questions?
Butterfly video clips
Ladybug contest winner is ...
Norma Gibbs Butterfly Park
Neighbor spraying yard indiscriminately?
Brain Teasers
Protecting butterfly caterpillars
Growing Pawpaw
Coax a butterfly to lay eggs indoors - June 2009 (7/17/2009)
- May 2009 (5/15/2009)
- March/April 2009 (4/13/2009)
- March 2009 (3/8/2009)
- January 2009 (1/10/2009)
- December 1, 2008 (12/21/2008)
- November 17, 2008 (11/16/2008)
- November 3, 2008 (11/10/2008)
- October 26, 2008 (10/27/2008)
- October 2008 (10/13/2008)
- July 2008 (10/13/2008)
- August 2008 Farming (7/27/2008)
- June 2008 (6/13/2008)
- May 2008 (5/16/2008)
- March 17, 2008 (4/16/2008)
- February 10, 2008 (2/17/2008)
- January 14, 2008 (1/13/2008)
- January 1, 2008 (12/31/2007)
- December 16, 2007 (12/16/2007)
- December 4, 2007 (12/4/2007)
- Nov 14 07 (11/13/2007)
- October 24, 2007 (11/5/2007)
- October 5 07 (10/7/2007)
- September 18, 2007 (9/17/2007)
- September 11, 2007 (9/14/2007)
- September 4, 2007 (9/6/2007)
- August 26, 2007 (8/27/2007)
- August 25, 2007 (8/25/2007)
- Photo Caption Contest (7/29/2007)
- July 97 (7/14/2007)
- june 97 (6/2/2007)
- May 10 07 (5/10/2007)
- seminar (5/2/2007)
- May 01, 2007 (5/1/2007)
- March 2007 (3/6/2007)
- February 2007 (2/15/2007)
- Raising Butterflies and Moths; January 28, 2007 (1/28/2007)
- January 26, 2007 (1/26/2007)
- April Butterfly Festival (1/22/2007)
- Kids January (1/14/2007)
- January 1 2007 (1/4/2007)
- Merry Christmas '06 (12/22/2006)
- Dec 11 2006 (12/11/2006)
- Dec 02 2006 (12/2/2006)
- November 13, 2007 (11/13/2007)
- Butterflies have holes in their sides?
For butterflies and for humans; recipes using butterfly plants!
Caption Contest again!
Great Purple Hairstreak!
Website Directory!
Christmas Gift Cards!
Free Butterfly Stationary Download! - November 5, 2007 (11/5/2007)
- Can you tell a male from female caterpillar?
How to tell when your butterfly will emerge!
Dehydrated chrysalises?
Butterfly of the Month Club!
Website Directory!
Christmas Gift Cards! - October 7, 2007 (10/7/2007)
- Snake for breakfast?
A classic Halloween Candy ... for butterflies?
$15 buys you $20!
Edible for Butterflies?
Website Directory! - September 17, 2007 (9/17/2007)
- The non-Monarch?
Halloween colors?
MAN invented Velcro? Think again!
When will it pupate?
Make your own rearing container! - September 14, 2007 (9/14/2007)
- What color is the caterpillar of the Cloudless Sulphur?
Basic Butterfly Photography Class!
Photo Contest Winner is Cathy Hingos! - September 6, 2007 (9/6/2007)
- Black and yellow and striped all over?
That tiny flying jewel, the Phaon Crescent! - August 27, 2007 (8/27/2007)
- Is this a wasp? Yellow fruit that looks rotten - for butterflies?
- August 25, 2007 (8/25/2007)
- The truth about tattered butterflies!
Basic Butterfly
photography! - Photo Caption August - Time To VoteAugust 24, 2007 (8/24/2007)
- List of caption submissions for the Pipevine Swallowtail Photo Caption Contest!
- Photo Caption Contest - August 29, 2007 (7/29/2007)
- Photo Caption Contest!
Focusing on Pipevine Swallowtails! - July 14, 2007 (7/14/2007)
- What is wrong with this photo?
Flying Flowers!
Build your garden! - June 2, 2007 (6/2/2007)
- Pipevine Swallowtails!
Gold rim / Polydamas Swallowtails!
Calico Vine!
Virginia Snakeroot!
Pipevine / Gold Rim eggs and caterpillars! - Butterfly & Moth Availability May 12, 2007 (5/12/2007)
- May 10, 2007 (5/10/2007)
- About these nectar plants:
Mexican Sage!
Which plants are available? - Butterfly Farming Seminar - May 2, 2007 (5/2/2007)
- Topics:
Breeding Stock, diseases, egg production, larvae production, pupae care, packing and shipping, plant propagation and productin, marketing and advertising, and more! - May 01, 2007 (5/1/2007)
- Variegated Fritillary!
Creeping Indigo!
What is Jute? - Festival Schedule of Events - April 11, 2007 (4/11/2007)
- Speakers; April Butterfly Festival - April 9, 2007 (4/9/2007)
- April Butterfly Festival - March 26, 2007 (3/26/2007)
- March 6, 2007 (3/6/2007)
- A hairy caterpillar!
Zip them up!
More eggs ... - February 15, 2007 (2/15/2007)
- Turquoise chrysalises?
Did you plant it?
Organic can kill this caterpillar!
Are you Getting Lost? - Raising Butterflies and Moths; January 28, 2007 (1/28/2007)
- Raising Butterflies?
Learn about:
Monarch Butterfly,
Monarch Disease, and
Monarch Host Plant! - January 26, 2007 (1/26/2007)
- What do Buckeye Butterfly caterpillars eat?
What was THAT?
Which nectar plant should I add to my garden? - April Butterfly Festival - January 22, 2007 (1/22/2007)
- Children's Issue; January 14, 2007 (1/14/2007)
- For Young Butterfly Enthusiasts:
Butterflies pay hide-and-seek!
Some caterpillars eat their homes!
Some butterflies eat rotten fruit!
Some adult moths do not have a mouth!
Butterflies and Moths are interesting and fun!
What caterpillar am I? - January 1, 2007 (1/4/2007)
- Why should I plant host plants for butterflies?
Butterfly nectar plants; which to choose?
Don't plant it!
Seed and plant sources
Tall Porterweed - Merry Christmas - December 22, 06 (12/22/2006)
- December 11, 2006 (12/11/2006)
- American Painted Lady
More weeds; this time for Red Admiral Butterflies - December 2, 2006 (12/2/2006)
- What do butterflies eat in the winter?
Caterpillars sleep through the winter?
Eye see you?
What happens to all the fluid butterflies drink?
Shady Oak Butterfly Farm 12876 Southwest County Road 231 Brooker, Florida 32622