Man is both a creation (of God) and a creative being. Because we were created in God's image, we too, are also always creating, whether actively (consciously) or passively (in an un-awakened state). Life is a journey, and much of how we get from here (our state of passive, unconscious creating) to there (manifesting and co-creating our lives) is experimentation. When you perform an experiment, the first thing you do upon its completion is observe your results. There is no other way to judge whether the experiment was successful or not, or in other words, whether it yielded a good (what you intended) or bad (something other than what you intended) result.
We see in the Bible that even God did this. The creation story in Genesis records that after each thing God created, He stood back, looked at it and said, "It is good." And there are even a few biblical instances where God decided he needed to make some adjustments to His creation..."It is not good for man to be alone" and thus, woman was created in one version of the story. Or, we can go to the story of Noah and the flood when God, as the story goes, decided to start completely over from scratch.
As creations of God, we have the same power, not only to create, but also to re-create when there are things present in our lives that we do not like or did not intend to be there. But in order to re-create our reality, we must follow God's pattern. First we must "look at it." If the results of our experiment are never observed and evaluated, we will never be able to see our mistakes, let alone learn from them. Not "seeing" what we have created in our lives is a conscious choice and it is also denial. Blaming others or "the devil" for what we have created in our lives is also a form of denial. Before we can re-create for ourselves the life we want, we must be aware of what we created and we must own that we created it. What is around us is just a reflection of what is within us.
Looking at your life and saying to yourself, "Wherever I am, I am the reason I am here" is the first step to rebirth. Once you have taken a step back and looked at your creation and have owned that you alone are responsible for it, how do you change or re-create it? Just as God saw that darkness covered the face of the deep on the earth...the earth that HE had created, we must look into the darkness of our lives and as He did, say, "Let there be light!" We must look into the chaos of our lives and say, "Let there be order " - into the conflict and say, "Let there be peace." This thought process will produce the kind of life you want to create for yourself.