We know from recorded history that it was a very long time from the time man discovered fire to the time he invented the candle. However it was a much shorter period of time between then and the invention of the light bulb. I believe there are times in history when God intervenes, largely because someone is open and listening to Him, and there is a giant leap in knowledge as opposed to the usual slow progression of "line upon line" style learning.
I refer to this as Quantum Revelation. Jesus, Himself, is an example of this. Jesus, the man, had been raised with much cultural and religious training. Because of this, He learned slowly and at times, even showed signs of immaturity, such as ignoring the woman asking Him to heal her daughter by dismissing her with the statement, "I did not come for you," because she was not a Jew. The process of His slow evolution moved to Quantum Revelation, resulting in a leap forward in His understanding, however, in a later encounter as He quickly graduated from His religious and cultural conditioning when He came across the woman at the well, who happened to be a member of a race Jews did not associate with.
Here are a few things to remember about Quantum Revelation:
- All of us will learn and progress at different speeds. Sometimes it will be slow, even painfully slow. But at other times, we will have moments of instant clarity and quantum leaps of understanding.
- When you learn to say, "I don't know" you increase the moments that you receive Quantum Revelation.
- Once you experience Quantum Revelation you may not want to return to a slower pace.
- You may have to go back a step or two at times for someone else's benefit.
- Quantum Revelation allows you to transcend normal boundaries.
- When you operate in Quantum Revelation, it allows you to skip painful progressions.
- Quantum Revelation brings a Quantum Promotion. Know that there will be initial rejection, but then promotion will come your way.