Light and sound travel at different speeds; light being the faster of the two. We must always remember that while we live in time and space dimension, God does not. God lives in eternity and His time is not ours. Because of this, it is possible, and often is the case, that we feel the light of God before we hear the sound. This is why sometimes when we hear a clear word that we know we have never heard before we still have the feeling, "I already know this to be true." Hearing it is only a confirmation of what we have already felt in our hearts. Inclusion is not a new message. It has just taken a long time for the sound to get to our ears.
There are several examples of this in the Bible. The prophet, Joel, prophesied "I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh" hundreds of years before that became a reality on the day of Pentecost, when the sound of those words finally rang in Peter's ears. Revelation 13 speaks of the "Lamb of God, slain from the foundation of the world." "Christ" is said to have been present in the wilderness with Moses and the Hebrew people after their exodus from Egypt and also a fourth man in the fiery furnace -"one appearing as the Son of God" - both long before "Jesus" was born in Bethlehem. In Jesus, the word became flesh, but "Christ" had been present with God, and was, in fact, already slain in the heart of God, from the foundation of the world. In Jesus the sound finally caught up to the light and humanity finally got to see what it had always felt.
Jesus was such a powerful teacher because He harnessed the ability to have the light and sound of God move to Him and through Him at the same time. In Jesus there was no delay between the two. When we graduate from religion into Spirit we awaken to the idea that there is only one God and His light and sound begin to travel to and through us as the same speed. We will be able to move from the slow progression of truth to quantum leaps of revelation in our lives when we open ourselves to the point that we are able to feel and hear at the same time. It is, quite literally, only a matter of time.