
Tired of trying to fit into society's mold of religion? Following someone else's path to spiritual enlightenment? Efforts to do this have left most of us feeling like we are sitting alone in the dark. The Weekly Eureka invites you to flip on a light switch - ask the questions - question the answers and join others on the journey to the most important discovery of all - that of your true self.

Nepal Buddhist temples ancient Hindu shrines Bhaktapur Kathmandu Asia
The historic Buddhist and ancient Hindu shrines, towers, temples and stupas of Durbar Square, UNESCO World Heritage Site at Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, Nepal.

It is an oft forgotten fact that Jesus was not a "Westerner" but rather, had an Eastern mindset, which is why he most frequently spoke in the form of parables. Westernized Christians, however, tend to read these stories literally, when they were always meant to be taken metaphorically. When we try to read and understand the Bible literally, especially the parables Jesus taught, it kills us and our religion becomes rigid.


The Apostle Peter was a rigid thinker and was stuck in his religious, literal thinking. How God handled him shows us that He does not give up on such people, but that instead, he will keep bringing the truth around again and again in different ways, until we understand it. In Peter's case, he instructed him, a devout Jew, to go to the house of Cornelius and to that of Simon, both Gentiles, and one, even a tanner. Jews were not to have any contact with the skins of dead animals, which was Simon's profession.


Peter didn't expect for God to "show up" at either house, just like some people never expect to see God anywhere outside their own religion. But Peter could not deny God's presence in both cases and ended up having a powerful connection and ministry to the very people he was originally so prejudiced against.


God has done the same in modern times to show us His existence and presence is not limited to Christianity, but many still refuse to see. How many Dalai Lama's will it take for us to know that God can speak through a Buddhist? How many Gandhi's before we realize God works through Hindus? Let us always remember that our religion is not God, only a "piece" of God.  

Quote of the Week

"I have other sheep, which are not of this fold."
- Jesus, The Christ  
Pro-Love March 2011
Pro-Love March 2011 was a huge success!
Visit www.pro-love.org for more information.
Featured Product
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The Holy Bible of Inclusion - click image for details

The Holy Bible of Inclusion

by D.E. Paulk


If you are like me you have struggled to accept the modern Christian church's portrayal (or betrayal) of God, depiction of the devil and description of hell. Many god-fearing people and good-hearted preachers alike have long harbored unspoken thoughts of a more loving, merciful and masterful Creator. However, just about as many who subscribe to this grander vision and version of God also admittedly and even ashamedly lack the ability to reference the Bible and specific passages of scripture in order to publicly validate these privately held higher concepts of God.


If you are looking for chapter and verse that will both quickly and completely rescue a big God from the smallness of fundamentalism,THE HOLY BIBLE OF INCLUSION is precisely the tool you need!


THE HOLY BIBLE OF INCLUSION will scripturally, extensively and even exhaustively confront theological myths, misrepresentations and mistranslations of the Bible and its Origins - Universal Salvation - the devil - the Purpose of hell and the Fire of God - Sexual Orientation and many others. Join me on this worthwhile and rewarding spiritual journey as we research, rethink, recover and then re-present the awesome and awe-inspiring God of the universe.  $20 ($30 for two) 

Until next week, remember... Truth is a Journey - Not a Destination!




D.E. Paulk
Weekly Eureka

Weekly Eureka     © 2008-2011 D.E. Paulk


Site sponsored by The Cathedral of The Holy Spirit     www.mycathedral.org 


Please note: The Weekly Eureka is a ministry of and sponsored by The Cathedral of The Holy Spirit and D.E. Paulk. When you donate, you are contributing to Chapel Hill Harvester Church, Inc. and your donations are tax deductible.

In This Issue
Quote of the Week
Pro-Love March 2011
Featured Product - The Holy Bible of Inclusion
Communion of Christ-Consciousness 2011
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